Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The President Breaks Another Promise

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President Obama's "new" health care plan includes federal funding of abortions.

He has broken another promise.

In his address to a joint session of Congress in September, President Obama told Congress that the country and the world:

"One more misunderstanding I want to clear up---under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions."

That was not true then and in his "new" plan he has revealed this week, it still isn't true.

The day after the September promise, Douglas Johnson, legislative director for National Right To Life, pointed out that the President's bill will indeed pay for abortions with federal dollars.

He explained how it will work and how the President and his administration is attempting to mislead the public.

Johnson said, "The reality is that the Obama-backed House bill would explicitly authorize the federal government insurance plan to pay for elective abortions and would explicitly authorize subsidies for private abortion insurance----and all with federal dollars."

Marjorie Dannenfelser of the Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life organization, said while the President and others are trumpeting an amendment they made as eliminating government funded abortions, it "actually allows it."

Johnson said it's "absurd on it's face, a political hoax."

Mitch Stewart and Addisu Demissie of Organizing for America, sent out an email yesterday on behalf of the President saying, "It's a plan that puts Americans in charge of their own health care, bridges the gap between the Senate and House bills, and adds additional ideas from both parties to fight waste and abuse."

One way to "fight waste and abuse" would be to dismantle the present administration at the upcoming elections before they completely dismantle America.

I have linked an analysis of the "new" health care bill as it relates to federally funded abortions. If you have time, check it out, it is informative.

Johnson told LIFENEWS in September, "Barack Obama needs to learn that the mere repetition of a verbal formula does not change reality."

Apparently neither he nor his leadership in Congress have learned that.

As the President was unveiling his "new" "new" plan this week, none of which stops massive federal funding of abortions, the White House announced the President's support to use the controversial "reconciliation" tactic to ram the bill through Congress. This action would eliminate the ability of pro-life lawmakers to filibuster and delay passage.

I doubt seriously that tomorrow's meeting will have any significant bipartisan aspect other than to be reported by the media as an honest attempt on the part of the President to create a bipartisan effort to help save the people and the country. An effort that was rejected by Republicans and pro-life advocates.

I hope for more, but am convinced that these are defining times for our country and communities. The decisions we, as citizens, make in the upcoming 2010 elections and those of 2012, will determine what America will be for coming decades.

Be prayerful. Be active. Do not be silent.

God bless you.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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