Thursday, July 17, 2014

On The Ballot: California To Become 6 States?

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Could it be?

Of course not. Right?

KABC 7 in Los Angeles asks, "Is California simply to big to govern itself effectively?"

Tim Draper, a billionaire tech entrepreneur, wants to see California split into 6 separate states, 1.3 million citizens have signed on with his proposal.

It appears it will be on the ballot.

He says he will have at least 1.3 million signatures from registered voters delivered to the State Elections Office in Sacramento by tomorrow---well over the amount required to place his idea on the 2016 ballot.

A strong push back from the left has already begun, and the press has already begun reporting the push back. And they will continue to do so.

This is not a liberal progressive's idea of a good idea.

Why are progressive liberals taking Draper so seriously?

Draper, a fiscal conservative and resident of Silicon Valley, is a financial heavy weight and is quite well known among the 38 million people who now live in California.

KABC 7 says "Draper has spent millions of his own money trying to persuade voters about the idea."

It appears phase 1 has succeeded.

Draper says, "I just feel like getting something like this into the hands of Californians, we're all going to be much better off."

He even has a plan as to how California should be divided:

"Jefferson" would include the Northern most counties in California including Humboldt, Mendocino and Shasta. For years, activists in this area have worked to separate from the rest of California.

"North California" would include California's wine country and California's current capital. Napa, Sacramento, and Marin counties are among those listed.

"Silicon Valley" would include Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and Monterey counties.

"Central California" would include Alpine, Calaveras, Fresno, Inyo, Kern, Mariposa, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tulare and Tuolumne counties.

"West California" would include Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Los Angeles and Ventura counties.
"South California" would include Imperial, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego counties.

His critics are quick to point out that Central California would be the poorest state, but Draper says they are poorest under the current regime. They don't have to be poor. They can become a wealthy state once out from under the dysfunction of the current state government, he says.

One of the reasons Tim Draper is being taken seriously by the liberal left and by the left wing press is because of his track record of getting things done.

Tim Draper is a graduate of Stanford and Harvard. He is a Republican billionaire and a Silicon Valley venture capital investor.

His father, William Henry Draper III, founded Draper & Johnson Investment Co. and was chairman and president of the Export-Import Bank of the United States.

His grandfather, William Henry Draper Jr., founded Draper, Gaither and Anderson investment firm.

Tim Draper drew worldwide attention when he purchased 30,000 Bitcoins from the US Marshals Service auction. The Bitcoins had been seized from the Silk Road Marketplace website. The bit coins are said to be worth about $19 million.

He is also founder of Draper, Fisher, Jurvetson investment firm.

My point in writing about this is that Draper is fed up with the way things are going in his state and has decided to do something about it.

There is a high level of frustration in our country today. And it is growing.

Draper says his plan is an opportunity for Californians to get a refresh.

He says the California government is 50th out of 50 states--it's the worst state government to do business with. He says it's 47th out of 50 in K-12 and the SAT scores are terrible.

In the linked article above, he details the flow of jobs and opportunities out of California. It's a very interesting article based on an interview with him. I suggest you read it if you have time.

So why am I writing about this?

Are we advocating that, say, Washington State be divided into 2 states, with the central and eastern part being called Lincoln and the western part called Washington?

I'm not... necessarily.

But having grown up in Central Washington with my family moving to the state 6 generations ago, counting my own grandchildren who presently live in the state, I've heard a lot of conversation about forming 2 separate states.

My point is to highlight the level of frustration in America today. People are resorting to different tactics to address the fact that things are not right in the land of the free.

The Tea Party was birthed out of this frustration, along with other organizations.

Certain politicians are even seeking to exploit that honest frustration by misrepresentation and outright lying.

People are fed up, feeling their lives are being pressed and reshaped by a vocal minority that shares little to none of their values.

They are also fed up with a "ruling class" of politicians, from both parties, who will say and do most anything to protect their careers and fortunes.

In Washington State, as in California, Seattle and King County decide nearly every statewide election. It becomes discouraging and wearisome because a majority in Seattle do not share the beliefs of the rest of the state.

Marriage was redefined in Washington State because of this dynamic.

Two of the most important elections in our lifetime are just in front of us---November 2014 and November 2016.

These 2 elections will be the scales that will weigh in the balances the fiscal and moral weight of our states and our countries---and of you and I as Christians and citizens.

We must not be found wanting.

People of faith and conservatives have lost a great deal over the past 5 years. An all out attempt is underway to "remake America," redefine marriage and family, expand abortion and the homosexual agenda around the world as our government's two most important action items, all while our religious freedom is under growing attack.

The next 28 months will likely be some of the greatest months in recent history. I believe there is a moral and political awakening beginning in this country.

Light and darkness, good and evil will collide in the months leading up to these elections. Stand firm.

To all who read this daily column, both here in America and in other countries, thank you for standing with us in any way you can.

Let's stand together in our common belief in conservative biblical principles and values in the coming 28 months.

If we can stand with a united voice on the most important moral issues, I believe we will see moral and political victory.

I truly believe this is our time.

Today on the radio I'm talking about how Christians should respond in extreme times of stress and loss.

Please join me live at 9 AM PDT or rebroadcast at 7:30 PM PDT from anywhere in the world. Here's how

Be Prayerful. Be Courageous. Be Pro Active. Be Blessed.