Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Iran: "Trump Is Feeble-Minded"

Tehran is calling for Palestinians and the world community to resist and boycott the United States ---calling President Trump "feeble-minded"---predicting a failed presidency.

It's interesting to witness the alignment of the American leaders of our political and religious Left and the press with the leadership of Iran.

Let's count the ways our feeble-minded president is writing history.

Yesterday, Iran said, "America has entered a crisis of strategic decision-making that looks at the international arena immaturely and adventurously," denouncing President Trump as "feeble-minded," they continued, "I believe the current US president is not capable of identifying and judging the long-term consequences of his actions."

This echoes Mitt Romney's criticism of Trump during the 2016 presidential primary election.

In 2016 Mitt said of Trump, "His domestic policies will lead to recession, and his foreign policies will make America and the world less safe. And his personal qualities will make America cease to be a shining city on a hill."

And it parallels the daily grind of the press in their attempts to disrupt and destroy this presidency. This is the same press that was warning that Trump was pushing the US toward nuclear war with North Korea.

Tehran agrees. So does Hillary, but she prefers the descriptive term "deplorables" over merely "feeble-minded."

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, of course, sees it quite differently.

Israel doesn't think Trump is "feeble-minded".

Netanyahu said yesterday, as America officially opened our Embassy in Jerusalem, "Thank you, President Trump, for making the bond between us stronger than ever."

"In Jerusalem," Netanyahu said, "King David established Jerusalem as a capital 3000 years ago. King Solomon later built the Temple, and over 2000 years later, we got to hear the sentence, 'The Temple Mount is in our hands'. We are here in Jerusalem and we are here to stay."

Israeli President Rivlin quoted Psalm 122--"Our feet were standing, within your gates within the gates of Jerusalem."

He said, "For three thousand years, the Jewish people kept their faith in Jerusalem...The State of Israel's commitment to Jerusalem is not only a commitment to the history of the Jewish people, but it is a commitment to all residents of Jerusalem."

Prime Minister Netanyahu said at the opening ceremony, "You can only build peace upon truth," thanking President Trump, he continued... "Remember this moment, this is history. President Trump, by recognizing history, you have made history."

That begs the question, where is the feeble-mindedness in recognizing history?

Of course... but Israel and Netanyahu have a lot to gain from this, the skeptic would say.

"Feeble-minded" Christian leaders are weighing in on the matter.

A number of faith leaders agree that the move is long overdue and are praising Trump for being the first in a long line of US presidents in several decades to stand by Israel in such a major way.

Pastor Jim Garlow, senior pastor at Skyline Church in Southern California, said, "It is quite possible that President Trump's statement on Israel today is the single most important announcement regarding Israel by a US President since President Harry Truman recognized Israel as a state 70 years ago on May 14, 1948."

Former Governor Mike Huckabee said, "For over two decades American presidents have talked the good talk on Israel, but when it came to taking action, they've hesitated and kicked the can down the road...Today President Trump did what predecessors didn't have the courage to do."

And in doing so, Huckabee says, he set two examples for us---"how to make good on promises and how to treat your friends."

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, said: "The historical record, empirical fact and our faith all confirm that Jerusalem is, in fact, the capital of the Jewish people."

Rev. Jentezen Franklin, pastor of Free Chapel in Gainesville Georgia said, "Christianity began in Jerusalem, which served as the context for Jesus' ministry. The significance of Jerusalem to Christians, however, cannot be separated from the significance of the Jewish people. Their history is our history. Their national history has become our spiritual history."

Bishop Harry Jackson, pastor of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville Maryland, said: "President Trump's support of Israel is encouraging. It marks the beginning of a new season in US Middle East Policy. The previous administration allowed persecution, terrorism and stereotyping of the Israeli people."

Dr. David Jeremiah, pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church, warned that while the decision by the Trump administration was likely to face opposition, believers should not lose heart."

He said, "There will be many who oppose this decision, just as so many have opposed Israel and her people throughout the centuries. We should not be surprised by this, but rather more convinced than ever that, despite great opposition, God's hand will forever be on the people of the promise."

Dr. Richard Land, president of Southern Evangelical Seminary (Matthews, NC), points out that Prime Minister Netanyahu's connection to the nation of Israel is "a very personal one":

"In speaking to Israelis, Prime Minister Netanyahu explained how his grandfather was beaten unconscious by an anti-Semitic mob in a train station in the heart of Europe at the end of the 19th century, pledging that if he survived the night, he would bring his family to the land of Israel and help build a new future for the Jewish people."
"Mr. Netanyahu went on to say, 'I am standing here today as the Prime Minister of Israel because my grandfather kept his promise.' God keeps His promises too, and He promised the land of Israel to the Jews forever. Their return is part of biblical prophecy. God gave that land to them by covenant."

God keeps His Promises.

Be Informed. Be Encouraged. Be Bold. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.