Monday, July 16, 2018

Struck By Strzok's Arrogance And Session's Somnolence

I took off last week---we didn't publish the Faith and Freedom Daily article and aired reruns on our daily live radio program. I spent some time at one of my favorite places on earth.

However, I was not unaware of all that was happening nationally and internationally.

I was struck by the importance and impact of a number of things that happened last week, but none more than the arrogance of top FBI official Peter Strzok toward members of Congress---and the implication of how that arrogance impacts every citizen in America.

And by the consequences of the somnolent AG Sessions.

Top FBI official Peter Strzok hates President Trump.

His back and forth emails with girlfriend and also top FBI lawyer Lisa Paige are clear. Both hate Trump--- candidate Trump, and President Trump.

And both were obsessed with destroying his candidacy, and ultimately his presidency. A 5th grader could figure out that they really, really dislike Donald Trump.

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Michael Goodwin wrote in the New York Post that his initial reaction to watching Strzok's appearance before the Congressional committee was pure anger, "His repeated, arrogant insistence that he had done nothing wrong despite the tons of evidence to the contrary convinced me he deserved immediate firing---if not the firing squad."

Goodwin says his anger then gave way to amazement as Strzok grew increasingly combative and condescending---"Given his predicament, the sneering and smirking were stupid, and yet he persisted."

"Who is this jerk?" Goodwin asks himself, "and how the **** did he get to be a big shot at the FBI? And why are taxpayers still paying for the privilege of his malignant presence on the FBI payroll?"

While watching the same performance, I wondered the same thing.

Rudy Giuliani had the same thoughts. He told the press, "Peter Strzok's testimony was a disgrace....It taints the entire Mueller witchhunt. President Trump is being investigated by people who possess pathological hatred for him. All results of the investigation are 'fruit of the poison tree'..."

How do guys like Strzok become a top guy in the FBI?

Goodwin says it "can be summarized in four names: James Comey, Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray. They are chief culprits in the death of public trust in the Department of Justice."

Goodwin says, "The cause of death was murder, and it was an inside job."

He explains:

Strzok, whose voluminous texts with his office lover show him to be a king of partisan bias, rose to leadership positions under former FBI director Comey — and it shows. Comey’s self-righteousness was his ultimate undoing, but not before he led the agency into a double death grip of corruption and rank partisanship.
Blinded by his own ambition, Comey brushed aside superiors, rules and maybe laws while giving Hillary Clinton a free pass and turning the screws on Donald Trump. Comey defends himself by saying he sought to protect the FBI’s independence, as if it — and he — are a fourth branch of government that is beyond accountability from the other three.
In the end, he disgraced the agency and himself, though gained consolation in the millions he made by selling his book to Trump haters.
But the FBI didn’t stink only from the head — Comey’s deputy, Andrew McCabe, also was fired, and could be prosecuted for allegedly being dishonest with investigators about a media leak.
Strzok appears to be a chip off the Comey/McCabe block. Like them, he insists he is committed to the FBI’s high standards, but his reprehensible conduct makes a mockery of his claims.
His stated contempt for Trump and his promise to stop him from becoming president render Strzok unfit to be a dogcatcher.
But, aping his mentors, he nonetheless demands his denials of wrongdoing be accepted as if his integrity is self-evident. All three believe they are entitled to trust and respect, without having to earn or return either.

About Sessions, Rosenstein and Wray.

Unfortunately, A/G Jeff Sessions recused himself from anything having to do with the 2016 Trump campaign---abdicating the most important part of his job.

Goodwin and others feel that the appointment of Sessions, a man whom I have personally greatly admired in the past, was one of President Trump's biggest mistakes. I have reluctantly come to agree.

By virtue of Sessions recusing himself, he opened the door for the ongoing, unchecked, unaccountable Mueller investigation, denying the president and the nation a functioning attorney general.

Comey, McCabe, and Strzok have been removed from their jobs or reassigned, but are either directly or indirectly still living off taxpayers.

Goodwin notes that Wray, Comey's successor, looks as if he wandered into the wrong movie theater and can't find the exit.

Meanwhile, Rod Rosenstein, who has essentially assumed Session's role due to his recusing himself, carries on.

Friday, he made a big deal---press conference and all---out of the fact that he is indicting 12 Russian intelligent officers suspected of trying to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

Rosenstein then covered himself by saying, "There is no allegation that the conspiracy altered the vote count or changed any election result." And he said, "There is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime, and there is no allegations of knowing involvement of anyone on the campaign..."

Although Rosenstein said he gave President Trump a heads up about his press conference, does anyone believe that his timing of this nearly meaningless exercise was anything less than an attempt to further undermine the president while traveling abroad on a diplomatic mission?

And does anyone really believe that these 12 Russians will ever enter a US court room? Of course not.

Goodwin concludes, "And so the corruption of the Justice Department proceeds, unmolested by actual justice. The voter revolution of 2016 has more work to do."

Indeed it does.

Which brings me to this:

A true voter revolution will be preceded by a true spiritual restoration and renewal.

And true spiritual renewal begins on our knees with an open Bible, in humility before God--- because "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes" (Ps.118:9).

Be Informed. Be Prayerful. Be Encouraged. Be Vigilant.