Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Free Methodist Pastor Applauded by Planned Parenthood For Her Courage...and Beliefs

Abortion rights groups are applauding the testimony of Free Methodist Pastor Alicia Baker, for her testimony against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Quoting Scriptures, she warned if Kavanaugh is confirmed she "fears" that women who can least afford birth control won't "get access to affordable birth control because of their employers 'religious beliefs'."

Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and other pro-abortion groups are standing on their pews applauding.

Be informed.

Pastor Baker told the Senate Committee, "Birth control allows women and people to control their lives. And without it, women's health and their futures are at risk."

She noted that she and her husband were so pleased that Obamacare provided birth control "at no cost to us."

In her testimony, she cited several Scriptures to support her position, among them were Proverbs 31:8-9, Micah 6:8, Matthew 22:37-40, and John 10:10.

This is a link to the full text of her testimony.

She said,
"Jesus directs us to advocate for a just society that allows people to live their lives to the fullest. In John 10:10, Jesus says 'I have come that you might have life, and have it to the full'...And this means supporting access to affordable birth control, because permitting individuals to plan if, whether, and when to become pregnant, birth control allows us to live our fullest lives."

She also told the story of how she and her husband had abstained from sex before marriage, had planned to use birth control, but found that her Christian employer informed her that their insurance provider has a religious exemption to opt-out of covering surgical abortions, abortion-inducing drugs and certain types of birth control.

She said, "I was shocked when, a few weeks before my wedding...", I found that my $1200 IUD was "not covered by my insurance and that I would have to pay $1200 out of pocket."

You will recall Hobby Lobby, Little Sisters of the Poor and a number of Christian colleges and organizations opted out of the Obamacare demands.

"But," she said, "for those who already face increased obstacles to health care, including people of color, LGBT people, young people, and people with lower incomes, a $1200 bill would only exacerbate existing disparities."

She also shared how that during the first few months of her marriage, that should have been happy months, she felt stressed and suffered anxiety, which she described as a "nightmare" experience because of her birth control issues.

Eventually, she said, she used money that had been set aside to pay student loans to pay for the $1200 IUD.

She believes Kavanaugh will, if confirmed to the Supreme Court, agree that the federal government cannot compel Christian organizations to provide coverage for birth control.

For that reason she is advocating he not be confirmed.

She says, "As a Christian, I am against such broad interpretations of religious freedom. It's not right that employers may be able to use religion to avoid following the laws of the land."

She later added, "My religious beliefs are separate from the law, and that's how it should be."

This is a typical response from the religious Left. Personally, I was a bit shocked, because some of the "Free Methodist" pastors I have known in the past would not hold her beliefs or positions.

She's misled on several fronts.

First, I don't believe for a moment that either the Green family who own Hobby Lobby, or the Little Sisters of the Poor, or the numbers of Christian colleges and organizations are "using religion to avoid following the laws of the land." They are expressing the deepest, heartfelt beliefs, and are unwilling to violate their biblically informed conscience.

Is she not aware of how our laws are established in the first place?

This is a classic position of the religious Left, who often hold positions that are embraced by the homosexual community, the abortion community and the anti-marriage community, but do not align with America's founding principles and our Constitution.

Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and other pro-abortion organizations are giving Pastor Baker a standing ovation.

Planned Parenthood re-tweeted her statement,
"My religious beliefs are separate from the law, and that's how it should be."

These are the folks who have "discovered" in the Constitution, the right to abort unwanted unborn children---which they call "settled" law--- redefine biblical marriage and a host of other "rights" that contradict biblical teaching and fly in the face of common sense and decency.

The notion that "my religious beliefs are separate from the law"---and---"that's the way it should be," is contrary to the whole reason America was founded in the first place.

Laws rooted in Judeo-Christian principles---as America's was---provide the basis for ultimate religious freedom for all people, including those who profess no religion. And for the "religious Left" who profess to believe in some hybrid of socialism and Christianity.

However, socialism---"Christian" or otherwise, has only ended in disaster. Read about the results in Acts chapter 5.

That's why John Adams, our second president, said,
"Statesman [politicians], my dear sir, may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand."

And John Jay, our first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court said,
"The Americans are the first people whom Heaven has favored with an opportunity of deliberating upon and choosing the forms of government which they should live."

In America, the idea was, and is, that laws should be shaped by people's beliefs, hopefully, Christian beliefs, not the other way around.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.