Thursday, December 20, 2018

Coming Soon--Barbie Same-Sex "Wedding" Set

Homosexual "wedding" celebrations may be coming soon to toy aisles nationwide.

Mattel, a leading toy manufacturer, plans to accept a proposal to produce sets of same-sex "wedding" Barbie dolls.

Here's how it happened.

Be informed.

The back story.

Lifesite is reporting that homosexuals Matt Jacobi and Nick Caprio plan to get "married" this coming May. In comments on Instagram and to the local ABC station, they explained that they wanted to get a special birthday present for Jacobi's 8-year-old niece, who will be a flower girl at their "wedding."

Jacobi is an E! reality TV personality and contributor to "Instinct Magazine."

"We thought it would be special to give her something with a little meaning behind it," Jacobi explained in a post to Mattel. He told the toy company, "What a bummer you don't make one with two grooms."

So they bought a Barbie wedding set and an extra Ken doll to make a package with two grooms and two flower girls.

The post got the attention of a Mattel employee. Mattel has now confirmed to ABC 's Good Morning America that the two men will be meeting with them either tomorrow, Friday, or the first week of January.

The men say, "Mattel has been wonderful and we are meeting with the head of Barbie design, their design team, and marketing. "

I'm certain they will move forward with this "exciting" project.

The assault on marriage and the assault on our kids is relentless.


It isn't only Barbie.

This past September, Cartoon Network's Adventure Time became the latest example of mainstream American animation presenting homosexual attraction to young audiences. This is a trend that is accelerating.

In this episode the two main female characters are featured in a scene where they "confirm years of hints and fan speculation that they were lesbian by kissing each other on the lips."

The industry raved, applauding the producers for their courage.

Television is often a mirror of what is already in play in the culture. Sometimes television and entertainment lead the culture.

In this case, I think it's a bit of both.

In October, parents at several elementary schools in Colorado were stunned when they learned what their local school was up to.

The Phoenix, Colorado Trans-Community Choir was performing a play titled, "Raven's True Self," for children between first and fifth grade at elementary schools.

The story concerns a transgender raven in a community of animals, teaching kids the importance of being seen for who you are on the inside, rather than how you are perceived outside.

CBS 4 reported that before the play, 3 videos were shown from the YouTube channel "Queer Kid Stuff," which bills itself as dedicated to "teaching you what gay means, what LGBT stands for, what's up with marriage equality and so much more."

Fourth and fifth graders were given the opportunity to have a conversation with the choir members and ask questions.

"Queer Stuff" creator Lindsay Amer says of kids who are questioning their sexuality, "Maybe you don't know yet, or maybe it changes you, or maybe you're in multiple places. The sky's the limit."

Last summer we learned that drag queens were reading kids stories about homosexuality and transgenderism in public libraries across our country. And in Canada.

The program was not only approved by the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), it was promoted with ALSC 's parent American Library Association (ALA) stating their mission is to "build healthy, successful futures for children."

Their Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is said to have been created to "capture the imagination and play of gender fluidity of childhood" while giving children "unabashedly queer role models" so kids can "imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real."

ALSC was in the news this summer after it decided to drop "Little House on the Prairie" author Laura Ingalls Wilder's name from its annual award for children's book authors.

These hyper-politicized, predatory programs are the "thing" among elites. They call it "progress." And "freedom."

Commonsense calls it a predatory attack on our children.

ALSC explained their dropping Wilder's name with this:
Wilder's literary legacy "includes expressions of stereotypical attitudes inconsistent with ALSC's core values of inclusiveness, integrity and respect and responsiveness."

Look me in the eye and tell me Christians should not be involved in politics and cultural matters.

Straight talk to parents and grandparents:

They want your kids and they will stop at nothing to get them. They are predatory, and those who accommodate their quest are accomplices.


While we must be involved in "politics" to be the salt and light Christ said we are to be, we must also be informed and aware---that's why we do what we do in this Faith and Freedom Daily column.

And finally, we must understand that the struggle for the culture and our kids is ultimately a struggle against evil and spiritual powers.

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds" (II Corinthians 10:4).

The most powerful weapon of all is prayer. Every Christian parent should pray a daily hedge of protection around each of his or her children.

You will recall that Job experienced this kind of protection and Satan complained to God about its effectiveness, "Hast not thou made a hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side?" ( Job 1:10).

Prayer is powerful.

Be Prayerful. Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Blessed.