Friday, February 15, 2019

Christian Colleges and the LGBTQ Compromise

Another Christian College has withdrawn from the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities

The reason? Because of the Council's new "Fairness for All" policy, which at its heart is a compromise of the very purpose most Christian schools were founded in the first place.

Biblical truth.

This is a growing issue. Christian colleges are either withdrawing from the Council, or explaining their compromise by misrepresenting Scripture, or misrepresenting their relationship with CCCU.

"Fairness for All" is deceptive, because "fairness" is always subjective.

The CCCU compromise is called "Fairness for All".

The Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) explains on their web site why they have created this initiative in the first place.

The CCCU has been exploring a legislative initiative sometimes called Fairness for All. This initiative seeks to find a way to simultaneously combine federal protections for religious freedom and for LGBTQ persons, two “sides” that have often viewed their protections as being violated by the existence of protections for the other. Specifically, Fairness for All would create legal protections for LGBTQ persons in the basic areas of public space (employment, housing, stores, and restaurants), financial services, and jury duty service, while at the same time explicitly adding to the law the full scope of religious rights ensured by the Constitution.

I understand this initiative is probably an attempt to speak to the issue of Christian schools dealing with religious freedom concerns when it comes to enforcement of state discrimination laws.

And it's an attempt to fit in---be accepted in order to influence the culture, etc.

Christian Post says, while some Christian educators are hailing this as "progress" and a marker "in the public conversation surrounding the intersection of LGBT rights and religious freedom, others have objected to the idea and fear that such legislation will only coerce Christians to embrace LGBT rights."

Some Christians are already "embracing LGBT rights"---while ignoring what the Bible clearly teaches on the matter.

This is why yet another Christian college has announced they are withdrawing from the CCCU.

Louisiana College, a Christian school of about 1000 undergraduate students, has announced it's pulling out.

The school is saying they are withdrawing because of the association's support for "Fairness for All."

School President Rick Brewer sent a letter to CCCU that said in part, Louisiana College could no longer be "willfully associated" with any entity that endorses "Fairness for All " legislation even though its long relationship with CCCU has been "beneficial."

He also said, "Sometimes the answer to such matters is to agree to disagree. But the import and impact of the Fairness for All legislation calls for Louisiana College to respectfully disagree with CCCU's stance."

CCCU is no stranger to having schools drop out over LGBTQ issues, because they refuse to conform to positions that redefine marriage as anything other than between one man and one woman.

A spokesman for CCCU is explaining that schools "come and go for a variety of reasons."

"Fairness for All" is compromise.

Last month I wrote in this Faith and Freedom Daily column about the impact the "Fairness for All" issues were having on Christian colleges and universities. In the article, I mentioned several Christian schools and a university that I have personally been involved with in the past who were members of the CCCU.

One of my readers contacted one of the Christian institutions I mentioned and asked about it. They received this response:

"Thank you for your note, (name of person). The policy position you mention is one that CCCU Board has developed and we were not involved in its creation. We were actually in a CCCU membership category that allows us greater institutional flexibility and ownership as it relates to policy development and advocacy. I appreciate you having your antennae up about (name of school)."

Yes, we're a member, but we didn't help create the initiative, so we will stay in the relationship because it is beneficial.

Some thoughts on compromise.

There are a number of instances in the Bible where believers compromised.

Jehoshaphat comes to mind. A good part of his story is found in II Chronicles 17-20. It's classic. He was a good man doing good things. In the process of "being good" and "doing good," he compromised.

Compromise with the world is an ever-present danger to believers.

Jehoshaphat really was a godly man. He prayed and walked in the Lord's commandments. In fact, he had removed idols from the land, had sent out teachers (or professors) to instruct the people in God's laws.

When a prophet called him out regarding his relationship with Ahab, unlike his father, Jehoshaphat accepted the message and even ramped up his ministry of religious reforms, even calling the nation to prayer and fasting.

His prayer before the assembly reflects his humble trust in the Lord.

Compromise is subtle.

While Jehoshaphat maintained his relationship with wicked Ahab, he continued strengthening his position---building a valiant army, fortified cities...then things turned. Ahab finagled his daughter into a relationship with Jehoshaphat's son---they got married, then Jehoshaphat makes a public statement regarding Ahab.

He says, "I am as you are, and my people as your people, and we will be with you in battle."

Satan is tricky.

Jehoshaphat was one of the godliest kings ever to reign in Judah and Ahab was one of the most ungodly kings to rule in Israel. How did they get together?

Jehoshaphat saw benefit. Ahab saw opportunity. Motivational speakers what call it a "win-win." Mutual benefit.

It wasn't a "win-win." Spiritual compromise never is.

You likely know the story. Ahab drew Jehoshaphat into a war in which he pledged his allegiance to Ahab that almost got him killed.

Although Jehoshaphat began to feel uneasy in his conscience---even asking for a prophet to give him guidance, he ignored the prophet and moved forward.

His saga is one of a godly man embracing a wrong marriage (his son's) wrong social relationships, wrong political relationships, and wrong business relationships.

Disastrous results.

Jehoshaphat's failure affected God's people. When he went into war along side Ahab, proclaiming "I am as you are" and "my people are your people," he defined a spiritual identity crisis that has infected the Church and Christian community in 2019.

What's the difference between Christians and non-Christians in our times?

The church's message of our times is "my people are your people"---or "Love Wins." It doesn't matter what Scripture teaches, we "affirm your sin" and "so does God because God is love."

Often the consequences of bad decisions are not seen immediately. In the case of Jehoshaphat, the consequences of his compromise played out over several generations. And the consequences impacted his children and grandchildren causing them to turn away from God, and turn a nation away from God, practicing idol worship denying the God their father and grandfather had served.

All because a godly man compromised.

Whether a school, a church or an individual---compromise never ends well.

Be informed. Be Uncompromising. Be Prayerful. Be Faithful.