Friday, February 08, 2019

Far Left Celebrity: "God is Crying" Over Global Warming

One of the many far Left celebrities, actress Debra Messing, said yesterday, "God is crying over global warming."

Newly minted Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she can fix it for God, with her newly released "Green New Deal."

Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the pack, is not crying, but she may be fuming.

Take a look at the crazy world of secular progressivism.

Be informed.

Debra Messing says as she watched a cartoon of a smiling man walking jauntily in the sunshine and an animated clip about human waste and global warming, "It all came into focus."

She says, "It took my breath away."

And she said, "God is crying." We must do better.

How progressives plan to "do better."

Newly minted US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is promising she is going to see that the Democratic Party does do better.

She presented her "Green New Deal" this week.

It's basically a new covenant with Mother Earth.

It begins by confirming that "human activity is the dominant cause of observed climate change over the past century."

Much of science does not confirm this, but that doesn't matter, she has some scientists who do.

The Green New Deal explains that:
"A changing climate is causing sea levels to rise and an increase in wildfires, severe storms, droughts, and other extreme weather events that threaten human life"---all speculative claims that even scientists who endorse anthropogenic global warming (AGW) are hesitant to endorse.

The "Deal" predicts loss of annual output in the US and claims that the US is experiencing "a four-decade trend of economic stagnation, deindustrialization, and anti-labor policies."

This defies actual statements on economic growth, but again, it doesn't matter, because she and her colleagues "feel" that this is true.

Global warming, she says, is also creating "erosion of the...bargaining power of workers in the US" ---as if picket lines had something to do with the environment. She somehow connects this to "exacerbated systemic racial...injustices, among other inequalities."

Climate change, she asserts, "is a direct threat" to national security, and she goes on to claim that her "Green New Deal" will create the biggest, strongest middle class the United States has ever seen."

The "Green New Deal" will also create a living wage for everyone, "restore historic oppression," and secure "community resiliency."

There's much more, but you get the tone and temper of the "Deal."

At its core, the "Green New Deal" is urgent. If you don't buy today, the opportunity will be gone.

And we have 10 years within which to accomplish this deal.

Not even far Left California believes that's possible.

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and her partner in the "Green New Deal," Senator Ed Markey, D-MA, say they will proceed "through transparent and inclusive consultation, collaboration, and partnership with frontline and vulnerable communities, labor unions, worker cooperatives, civil society groups, academia, and businesses."

That sounds like something from the Soviet Union---remember the Soviet Union? The one that President Reagan dismantled without firing a shot?

Actually, the entire so-called "Green New Deal" sounds just like old, failed Marxism, with threads from the newer version---Cultural Marxism--- woven into its fabric. It's topped off with Al Gore-style enthusiasm.

Joel Pollak says,
"'The Green New Deal' in short, is a document worthy of a 19th century communist manifesto---or a 21st-century undergraduate student council resolution. It presents claims unsupported by scientific evidence; makes demands for every benefit imaginable; and has no idea how to build or pay for any of it.":

He says, "It reads like a Republican parody of the Democratic platform."

Ocasio-Cortez is only 29. But what is Markey thinking? He's a 72 year old political veteran, he should know better, shouldn't he?

What does Pelosi think of the "Deal?"

Ocasio-Cortez and Markey publicly launched the "Deal" yesterday.

Nancy Pelosi also let the press know what she is thinking about the "Deal."

In an exclusive interview with Politico yesterday, Pelosi seemed to mock the whole idea. She told Politico, that "while she is moving forward with plans to create a climate change panel," a suggestion to use it to write legislation for the "Green New Deal" is not in the cards.

Pelosi told Politico, "It will be one of several or maybe many suggestions we receive. The green dream or what ever they call it, nobody knows what it is, but they're for it, right?"

Clearly, Nancy P. isn't all in yet. She didn't even include Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on her new Select Committee on Climate Crises.

The New covenant with Mother Earth.

Gaia worship is a very old, a New Age ritual of worshiping the earth. While there are many forms of earth worship, the various forms are usually included in the term "Gaia."

Gaia materials describe it like this:
"The Great Mother Earth, She who gives birth to all life. She was known as the limitless power and source of fertility in the Universe. We know her as Mother Earth. She provides us with every thing: food, shelter clothing, the beauty of Nature and the unceasing cycles of life. Gaia's love for Her children is unconditional."

Goddess worship is a manifestation of one of the most fundamental components of New Age ideology, which is to celebrate the feminine while moving away from the male "dominated" society.

It's easy to see the parallel replacement of God, with the feminist goddess Mother Earth.

Paul spoke of this in Romans chapter one, when he noted that some worship the creation, rather than the Creator.

While this is a very old practice, it has received renewed attention in recent years.

The United Nations draft global warming treaty calls for countries to protect "the integrity of ecosystems and of Mother Earth."

The Daily Caller says, "Environmentalists and scientists have increasingly turned to religion to gain support for regulations aimed at cutting carbon dioxide emissions.

Anglican and some Islamic religious leaders have called for countries to fight global warming. A group of influential Islamic leaders have called for a "jihad against global warming."

When President Obama was in office, Pope Francis praised his domestic agenda to limit CO2 emissions.

Pope Francis said we are living at a critical time in history, and in his June encyclical of that year he wrote this:

"Everything is related, and we human beings are united as brothers and sisters on a wonderful pilgrimage, woven together by the love God has for each of His creatures and which unites us in fond affection with brother sun, sister moon, brother river and mother earth."

Secular Progressivism is even now trying to lead us into the temptation of worshiping the creation rather than the Creator. And they are conforming God's creation into a Golden Calf of New Age mysticism.

The likes of Ociaso-Cortez and a thousand other misled souls are trying to mislead uninformed people.

The American Policy Center says:
"'Gaia worship is at the very heart of today's environmental policies'---prior to President Trump. The Endangered Species Act, the United Nations's Biodiversity Treaty and the President's [Obama] Council on Sustainable Development are all offspring of the Gaia hypothesis of saving Mother Earth."

They are trying to make a New Covenant with a very old false god.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful. Be Faithful.