Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Soros / Ocasio-Cortez: A Party Within A Party

Earlier this month newly minted Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez presented her "Green New Deal."

The far Left seized the opportunity hailing it as "progress"---"Progressivism at its finest."

When asked about it Speaker Nancy Pelosi feigned not knowing exactly what it was, and referred to it as-- "or whatever they call it."

A quick look at who is really behind AOC's "Deal" is sobering. It is a party within Nancy's Party.

Be informed.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (AOC) Green New Deal is being pushed and funded by a coalition of well-funded far-Left progressive groups and well-known leftist agitators.
While many are adopting the "Deal," AOC published the original "Green New Deal" on the Internet for all to see.

Some of conservatism's finest commentators laughed and essentially dismissed it, saying:
"America will never buy into this, it isn't possible---especially in the prescribed '10 years' and it would destroy the infrastructure of our nation...And even Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders don't want to go that far toward socialism."

Think again.

Sen Ed Markey (D-MA) is over 70, a veteran politician and he's all in. In fact, he helped Ocaiso-Cortez introduce the "Deal." It has already been endorsed by more than 45 Democratic representatives, including high profile presidential candidates Senators Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, and Bernie Sanders.

The far Left New Yorker magazine says the "Deal" is "nothing less than a total overhaul of our national infrastructure." And they like the idea.

You've likely already heard some of the content---it's linked above---but here's a quick glance:

  • 100% of all buildings in the US must convert to clean energy.
  • All greenhouse gasses must be removed from the entire atmosphere.
  • It includes a non-"green" clause as a federal jobs guarantee.
  • It protects the right of all workers to organize and unionize.
  • It pledges affordable, safe and adequate housing for all people of the United States.
  • Free education.
  • It outlines a wealth spreading---socialistic---economic plan that will "virtually eliminate poverty in the US, and will make prosperity, wealth and economic security available to everyone participating in the transformation."

While that may sound like something from Castro, Mudero or Marx himself to you---it's new, exciting and "progressive" to young indoctrinated minds.

Who among the last couple of generations that have been spoon fed anti-American socialism from K through college, would not vote for that?

The movement behind AOC'S New Green Deal is bigger than you think. It isn't just a 20 something-year-old former waitress/bartender's wish list.

The New Yorker says this:

"The document was written over a single December weekend by the staff of the freshman representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and three like minded progressive groups, none of which existed two years ago: The Sun Rise Movement, a grassroots climate organization; the Justice Democrats, which recruits and supports progressive candidates; and the upstart policy shop called the New Consensus."

Sunrise co-founder Varshini Prakash says his organization is an "army of young people seeking to make climate change an urgent priority across America this year."

He says: "We, along with our partners, are going to be attempting to build the largest youth political force this country has ever seen."

Prakash was Sen. Markey's invited guest at the recent State of the Union Address.

Sunrise was inspired, in part, by the activism of "Occupy Wall Street," "Black Lives Matter," and the radical immigration group, "United We Dream."

Remember when Ocasio-Cortez held a protest outside Nancy Pelosi's office promoting her "Green New Deal?" Well the other protesters with her were from Sunrise and Justice Democrats.

Inside Philanthropy reports that Sunrise is partially funded by the Rockefeller Family Fund.

Breitbart News has written an in-depth article detailing the vast interconnection between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her "Deal", and nearly every far-Left organization currently active.

Follow the money.

While The Sunrise Movement, New Consensus and Justice Democrats provide the activism for the political agenda, the financial backbone of the Green New Deal and its cooperative web is the Sierra Club and Greenpeace.

The Sierra Club and Greenpeace are strongly funded by "Tides Foundation" which is near fully funded by George Soros' Open Society Foundations.

It was Justice Democrats that originally recruited Ocasio-Cortez to run for office. Waleed Shahid, Justice Democrats' communications director, worked on Ocasio-Cortez's campaign. Justice Democrats were co-founded by Saikart Chakrabarti, who now serves as Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff.

Justice Democrats are not shy about what they aim to accomplish. They want to push the Democratic Party further toward socialism.

Shahid told VOX that "the vicissitudes of the US party system force people like him to share a party with people like Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer who in a European-style proportional system, would simply inhabit different political blocs."

He explains the goal is not to replace or displace the Democratic Party, "but to change them."

And, of course, to change America---or as Barack Obama liked to say---"Remake America."

Personal to my friends on the religious Left,

Many of you voted for Hillary Clinton last election. Some because you could never vote for Trump. Many evangelical leaders say he has done more for the Christian community than any president in history.

In 2020, you will be faced with the decision to either vote for a candidate that has been, to some degree, vetted by these groups, or to vote for President Trump. Or sit out another election.

Do you really believe in the kind of America they are trying to create?

Do you really believe children should be aborted even moments before they are born---or euthanized shortly after?

Do you believe in aborting babies created in the womb in the image and likeness of God? If not how can you vote for people whose mission is to advance abortion, not merely accept it?

Do you believe in the sanctity of life?

Do you really believe we should set aside God's fundamental model for human sustainability---marriage between a man and a woman?

Will the far Left candidates, and ultimately the nominee from this group, take a stand as president for the values and principles you believe in because the Bible teaches?

Be Prayerful. Be Thoughtful. Be Responsible. Be Discerning. Be Faithful.