Friday, April 05, 2019

Second Grader's Christian Faith Challenged in Class

A second grader came home last week and asked her Christian mom, "Why would God hate someone He created?"

The question was the result of a book her teacher read to the class.

Be informed.

Public education.

The mom of a second grader at a Virginia elementary school is speaking up after her daughter's teacher read the class a gay rights book that made the young girl question her faith.

The book was, "Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and The Rainbow Flag," which tells the story of the first openly gay person elected to office in California.

Milk, as you probably know, was elected in 1977 to a position on the San Francisco board of supervisors.

A quick glance at the book shows two newly wed men riding a two-seat bicycle. And it shows Milk speaking through a megaphone to a crowd about gay rights.

The mom, Culley Burleson, told TV 8 News, "I think the topic was very heavy. I think it was inappropriate. It caused her to question her faith, it caused her to know what homosexuality is."

One of the illustrations in the book shows Milk, using the bull horn, speaking to a crowd of people that is divided on LGBTQ issues. The signs held by the people illustrate the cultural divide.

Some signs read, "I Love My Gay Son," "Gay Pride," while other signs read, "Gays must go" and "God says No."

The mother of the second-grader says:
"That image was enough for my daughter to come home and question why God would hate anyone He created. She has been told her entire life that God doesn't hate anyone, love everyone if you don't understand something about someone . Pray for them, ask them questions."

Predictably, there is now a local controversy. The teacher says the book is an approved part of a civil rights lesson. The principal says, "It is not an approved part of our curriculum."

Parents are now calling for the school to allow parents to know what is going to be read to their children in advance.

This contest for our children will continue across this nation, using public education as the vehicle for indoctrination. Be Informed. Be Vigilant.

But it's not just in the classroom. This classroom incident is a microcosm of a much wider campaign.

The homosexual agenda is so passionate, and so well funded, it has become an integral part of the 2020 presidential election.


Yesterday, I wrote in this column, about the presidential candidacy of South Bend, Ind. "Married," Christian homosexual Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

While millions of dollars are flowing to his candidacy, those close to him say he may not win the presidency, but his message is making a powerful impact across the country.

His message, in part, says that Trump can not be a Christian because of his actions, evangelical Christians who elected him are misled and unbiblical, and are "saying so much about what Christ said so little about, and so little about what He said so much about,"

He is specifically criticizing biblical Christians for taking a stand on abortion "when Jesus didn't even mention it," and homosexuality and same-sex "marriage," which he advocates changing minds of evangelicals by "preaching grace."

Senator Cory Booker, who is also running for the presidency, was advocating this week that Americans elect more LGBTQ people to public office. Noting it was "National Out To Win Day" earlier this week. He said, "LGBTQ people are 4.5% of the US population but only 0.1% of all office holders identify as LGBTQ."

He is encouraging homosexuals everywhere to run for office and urging people everywhere to support and vote for them.

And speaking of preaching grace.

The church.

The Episcopal Church, parts of the Presbyterian churches, parts of the Lutheran churches and many more Christian Churches have caved to the same message that confused the second grade girl in Virginia.

A war rages within the United Methodist Church over this very issue. The Methodists are anything but "United."

The United Methodist Church is constantly in the news because the leaders of the denomination have been unwilling to change the beliefs and doctrine of the church regarding human sexuality and marriage.

The denomination's leaders have---so far--stood strong for biblical teaching on the matter.

But pressure is mounting within from a group of Methodists who are blindly committed to revising Scripture and church doctrine under the guise of "grace."

Last week, 300 United Methodists gathered outside the denomination's regional headquarters in North Carolina protesting a recent vote by the denomination to continue to abide by biblical teaching and not allow gay clergy and same-sex weddings.

Methodist activists are signing petitions, taking out newspaper ads and, in some cases, withholding their dues or "apportionments" that are paid to the denomination---which are down 15.6% so far this year compared to 2018.

The irony is found within the church itself.

The Methodist Church is a global church with about 45% of the denomination's 12.6 million members in Africa and Asia.

African and Asian Methodists are strongly holding to biblical teaching, including that which has to do with homosexual behavior and same-sex "marriage."

The sons and daughters of those who were led to Christ a generation or more ago by missionaries from America (and Great Britain) are now morally and biblically leading the American Methodists who have tragically lost their way.

Example: Out of the 54 states recognized by the United Nations or African Union or both, 34 of them have outlawed homosexual behavior.

In fact, according to Nigerian law, a heterosexual ally "who administers, witnesses, abets or aids" any form of gender non-conforming and homosexual activity could receive a 10-year jail sentence.

You will recall that when Kenya's favorite son, President Obama, was planning his trip to his father's homeland, the Kenyan government told Obama he was welcome, but please do not bring your message about abortion and same-sex marriage--they said: "We are a Christian nation."

When the Methodists met in a general conference a few months ago to discuss this matter, the New York Times covered the meeting extensively, because 6 in 10 Methodists in the US believe that homosexual behavior is acceptable for Christians.

The Times, I'm sure, expected the church to cave along with all the other denominations who have done so.

The Times noted that:
"While membership has steadily declined in the United States over the past 25 years---a trend that is true in most mainline Protestant denominations---it has been growing in Africa. The Methodist churches in Africa preach the Gospel. The Methodist Churches are trying with all their enlightened minds to break away from biblical teaching, conform to the ways of the world, and wonder why people continue to leave their church."

I'll tell you why.

Jesus Christ did not allow Himself to be mocked, beaten, and dragged through the streets of Jerusalem, ultimately crucified dead on a cross so His church could fit into an ever-changing, always decaying culture.

He did so to deliver, forgive, and restore sinners, not affirm their sins.

John Wesley would weep.

I'm sure Paul would shout: "Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

Be Informed. Be Convicted. Be Steadfast. Be Faithful.