Tuesday, April 02, 2019

"Unplanned" Box Office Success---Despite Social Media Censorship

The pro-life film "Unplanned"---the story of a former Planned Parenthood director turned pro-life convert--- opened in theaters this past weekend, earning twice as much as industry "experts" had predicted.

This despite the active censorship of the film by social media---and push back from Hollywood in general.

The film powerfully affirms the pro-life message. But the resistance to the film itself tells the real story of the pro-abortion industry.

Be informed.

The film "Unplanned" is based on the life of Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic director turned anti-abortion activist.

It opened in theaters last weekend, taking in $6.1 million, twice the ticket sales the industry experts had predicted.

That makes it the 3rd biggest opening weekend for similar faith-based films behind "God's Not Dead" ($9.2 million) and "God's Not Dead 2" ($7.6 million).

Production company Pure Flix CEO Michael Scott said Sunday, "To bring the story of Abby Johnson to audiences and have them show up in such large numbers shows how the topic of abortion is so important..."

I haven't seen the film yet, but hope to see it soon. My friends who have seen it say it's very powerful.

Deadline Hollywood, a leading entertainment industry magazine, called it "remarkable."

Stories about the sanctity of Life are always remarkable. This is the trailer. Please watch it. I did. And I wept.

Abby Johnson's story.

Abby told Fox News,
"I worked at Planned Parenthood for eight years, rising through the ranks from volunteer escort, to clinic counselor, to clinic director. I was awarded the Employee of the Year prize in 2008 and was one of the youngest clinic directors in the country, setting an example of how to run a clinic to churn out as many abortions---the biggest money maker---as I could. Then it all changed when I was asked to assist in an ultrasound-guided abortion."

She says:
"Some images stick with you forever, images you can't unsee. The photo of the first responder carrying the limp child in his arms after the Oklahoma City bombing. The photos of the Twin Towers falling. These images burn into your mind, causing you to replay them over and over again. They are impactful."

She then describes what she saw on the screen---the abortion instrument---a suction tube---the baby jumping away to no avail---the abortionist turning on the suction---"I saw that baby get sucked apart right in front of me on the screen and inches from the probe I was holding."

That experience turned her world upside down. The lies were exposed. Her worldview was turned upside down. Everything flipped. She says she had been told it was just tissue, not a baby, but "I couldn't stop thinking about that baby---it wasn't just tissue," she said.

A week later she walked out of Planned Parenthood because "I couldn't justify what I had seen."

"In the age of #MeToo, where women are encouraged to tell their stories and be heard, where liberals are demanding the public trust women," she says, "I implore the nation to hear me out, to trust me."

"Because," she says, "there is such little tolerance for women on the national stage who don't agree with the hosts of The View or celebrities who march with Planned Parenthood....No one wants to be silenced."

How the Left has tried to silence the film.

As "Unplanned" was nearing its release date, Twitter suspended the film's account, thus blocking its social media promotion. There was an outcry from the public who support the film and the message---and the film's co-director and co-writer, Chuck Konzelman, contacted Twitter saying "the suspension was a sad state of affairs."

Twitter explained they had suspended the account because it was linked to a different account that had violated the website's rules. But that wasn't true.

Konzelman told the Hollywood Reporter, "Whether this was an executive decision by Twitter, or a reaction by Twitter to complaints from those opposed to the pro-life viewpoint, either reason is unacceptable."

Abby Bratcher, the "Unplanned" actress who plays Abby Johnson in the film, told Fox and Friends,
"I think it's outrageous! I've never experienced anything like this in my life. I think it's incredibly suspicious given that we were suspended, then reinstated, then we lost followers, then we have people saying they can't follow, then my own account was unfollowed from the movie. I couldn't even follow my own movie."

A Twitter spokeswoman told Fox News that it "enforces its rules impartially for all users, regardless of their background or political affiliation."

Fox says fans were already peeved after the industry gave the film an "R" rating which significantly reduced the audience---even though it is not a typical "R" film.

Very calculated.

Abby Johnson, who now heads up a ministry called "Then There Were None" that helps abortion workers get new jobs and helps shut down their former clinics also said she, too, can't follow the movie based on her personal story.

She said, "Ironically I can't even follow the Twitter account for my own film. It keeps kicking me off."

Johnson says,
"The movie came out this weekend, smack in the middle of a raging national debate over abortion, in the middle of a presidency that has tackled the issue head on, and following on the heels of the women's movement that has shunned this position and those of us who support it."

And she said this: "You won't be able to unsee what I saw if you go see the movie, which I implore you to do."

One thing seems certain, whether a person is pro-life or so-called "pro-choice," having seen this movie each will know exactly what they are supporting.

And that's exactly why the resistance has been over the top.

The Truth sets people free.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Faithful.