Monday, July 08, 2019

Ungrateful Winners

The American women's soccer team has won it's 4th World Cup.

Star player Megan Rapinoe and the team is being celebrated across our country and around the world.

Why does Megan Rapinoe hate America so much?

Be informed.

Yesterday's headlines read, "Megan Rapinoe broke a scoreless tie on a penalty kick in the 61st minute...leading the US women's soccer team to its fourth World Cup with a 2-0 victory over the Netherlands in Lyon [France]."

President Trump, showing considerably more class than Rapinoe, has tweeted this:


"Congratulations to the US Women's Soccer Team on winning the World Cup! Great and exciting play. America is proud of you all!"

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio was also tweeting yesterday, promising to give the US soccer team a parade down Broadway to honor their success---like NY did for the American astronauts.

A parade down Broadway is so famous that the parade route is called, "The Canyon of Heroes."

A while back, given the possibility of the US winning the women's world championship, Rapinoe was asked if she would go to the White House to celebrate, which winning sports teams have traditionally done.

She responded, "I'm not going to the f ***ing White House. No, I'm not going to the White House."

Why are some Americans so ungrateful...and hateful toward a country that has given them such great opportunity?

Dr. Jerry Newcombe, with the D. James Kennedy Ministries, is asking himself the same question.

He responded to Rapinoe's comments:

"Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. I can't fathom the ingratitude of American soccer star Meghan Rapinoe's attitude toward America."

Rapinoe caught people's attention back in 2018 when she joined her brothers-in-hate in the NFL and took a knee during our National Anthem at a nationally televised pro-soccer game.

When asked about the new rules in 2019, which prohibits kneeling during the anthem, she said she will abide by them and not kneel during our Anthem, but she "will never, ever sing the 'Star Spangled Banner' again, nor would she place her hand over her heart because she hates America."

So, she not only hates Trump, but also hates America.

Sadly, she is not alone. There are millions of ungrateful Americans out there today. Most of them not as visible as these celebrated as millionaire athletes, but no less hateful.

Some are professional football players who earn as much as $150+ million dollars for playing their sport that Meghan joined in kneeling in protest during our National Anthem.

Recently Colin Kaepernick was back in the news, forcing Nike to pull what he called "offensive" sneakers from the world retail market.

We now know that when he told the world a couple of years ago he was not demonstrating against America, but merely the "injustices" in our country, was a lie. He was clearly taking a position on the very character and identity of America when he---one washed up former football player---influenced Nike, the world leader in sportswear, to nix a complete line of shoes because they carried the emblem of our first American flag.

Gold Star mom Amanda Jacobs unloaded on Kaepernick in a speech she gave this weekend. She said,
"When I look at this country today and I tell people...Colon Kaepernick was getting paid $14 million dollars to throw a ball...My son died for a $14 thousand a year and he's given more than any football player, any athlete has ever given."

Her son, a Marine, was killed in combat, "Fighting for our freedom."

Have these folks not heard the proverb, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you?"

Why are some migrants so hateful and ungrateful toward a country that has given them such opportunity?

Over the 4th of July, Democrat Minnesota Rep. IIhan Omar urged America to "celebrate the Fourth of July by reflecting on 'how much further we have to go,'" standing in contrast to her joyful celebration of Somali Independence Day 4 days before our "Fourth of July."

She was given the gift of America, yet she is one ungrateful and hateful woman.

It's so bad, Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the Democrat Party, was trying to tamp down and minimize Ilhan's comments.

The cause of ungratefulness.

It's not political. It's spiritual.

On March 30, 1863, President Lincoln wrote,
"We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven...but we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own."

He continued:
"Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God who made us.":

In contrast to Lincoln's day, or even within my lifetime, today's ungrateful attitude is worse by far. If that generation forgot God and His many blessings, this generation has wondered if He even exists, and if so, many of them want to usurp His role as God.

They want to be God.

Before his rebellion against God, Satan (first named Lucifer) was a perfectly created archangel. The prophet Isaiah records this:
"How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How are you cut to the ground, which did weaken the nations! For you have said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the North. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will b e like the most High" (Is. 14:12-14).

Lucifer was so obsessed with himself, he was neither grateful nor even aware of God's blessings to him.

He chose to rebel against God, choosing to believe he was better than his Creator.

As the "prince of the power of the air" (Eph. 2:2), he broadcasts this same attitude to all of us.

Too many are tuning in. Narcissism and self-absorption are controlling too many of us.

If you doubt this---spend 5 minutes on Facebook or Instagram today.

Be Informed. Be Grateful. Be Vigilant. Be Humble. Be Prayerful.