Friday, August 09, 2019

El Paso Shooter Gives Clear Motives--Why Won't The Press Report Them?

Instead of reporting the El Paso shooter's actual motives for doing what he did, the press continues to breathlessly claim "authorities are still searching for a motive," while they report in a thousand ways "Trump's speechwriter could have written the shooter's manifesto."

Leo Tolstoy said, "Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold."

Let's do a little panning for gold.

Be informed.

The stuff that needs to be washed away.

The New York Times published this headline:
"El Paso Shooting Suspect's Manifesto Echoes Trump's Language."

The NYT story dug so deep they even quoted George P. Bush, the Texas Land Commissioner and son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush:
"There have now been multiple attacks from self-declared white terrorists here in the US, in the last several months. This is a real and present threat that we must all denounce and defeat."

In the context of the Times story, it appears young Bush is in total agreement with them. Maybe he is.

On Wednesday morning Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) appeared on MSNBC to explain why he had maliciously tweeted the names and addresses of 200,000 of Trump's large donors.

Joaquin is a brother to presidential candidate Julia Castro, and is his campaign manager.

In the interview, he was asked about El Paso. He said, "The manifesto that guy wrote could have been written by the people who write Trump's speeches."

The real gold (truth) that the mainstream press just can't bring themselves to publish.

Aaron Klein actually took the time to read and evaluate the "manifesto." Klein says,
"The manifesto is clearly the work of a demented mind expressing views that are all over the map, yet it has been cited numerous times to divine the El Paso shooter's alleged motives and link the mass murder to Trump."

This is an example of "what is not gold."

Now, let's wash it away by looking at the actual manifesto.

Klein identifies 9 key sections that the media is purposefully ignoring.

1. The shooter stressed the environmental aspects of his motivations by naming the manifesto "The Inconvenient Truth," clearly utilizing the namesake of Al Gore's climate alarmist documentary.

2. His rant was directed against both Democrats and Republicans and specifically blamed corporations for allegedly fueling economic woes.

3. One of the main themes in the manifesto was anti-corporatist ideology. It repeatedly claimed that corporations were engaged in a conspiracy to replace human workers with "automation". At one point, the shooter even writes that his life was ruined because of the purported move toward automation: "My whole life I have been preparing for a future that currently doesn't exist"---"The job of my dreams will likely be automated."

4. He repeatedly blames corporations for "the destruction of our environment." He praised the Dr. Seuss book "The Lorax," which has more recently been made into a movie that focuses on the plight of the environment.

5. His document claimed "many" Republican Party factions have sold out to corporations. He noted the Republicans prioritize corporations over "our future." While Democrats are nearly unanimous with their support of immigration, while the Republicans are divided over it.

6. He promoted far-left policies such as "universal healthcare" and a "universal income."

7. The manifesto blames the Trump administration for recently doubling the number of guest worker visas this summer. He also complained that the Trump administration is allowing fresh water to be "polluted from farming and oil drilling operations."

8. The manifesto blamed the "American lifestyle" for "destroying the environment of our country," and claimed this so-called "decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations."

9. Far from singularly expressing ultranationalist ideology, the manifesto actually slams Americans and calls for the general population to be forcibly decreased.


Education has failed this generation.

Clearly, this kid is a very troubled young man. I don't see Trump speaking in his comments, but I do see some of his generation's anxieties reflected in many of his words.

Millennials are the most educated generation to date, but study after study shows they feel betrayed by education because they believed getting a degree was a sure path to a good job, finding meaning in life, etc. That has not been their experience.

Add to that, a near unbearable burden of student debt and a mediocre standard of living for many. This is a formula for depression, hopelessness, and anxieties. And too often, self-destruction.

Higher education has also framed millennials' moral beliefs. Classrooms are no longer a place for open discussion or a place to test ideas. It has become a Petrie dish for social experimentation.

Political correctness, rather than academic pursuits, dominates the classroom---learning the proper pronouns to use in identifying people with gender dysphoria, identifying and labeling bigots and racists dominates the classroom.

Higher education has become the champion of moral relativism.

Moral relativism has created even more anxieties. In fact, it "is" the root of anxieties for this generation.

These young adults have a well-meaning desire to better America but jump from issue to issue because they are not grounded in a worldview based on absolutes.

They have been misled to build their life on sand, rather than a rock.

They march in the women's parade, ban plastic straws, and fundraise on Facebook. Because they are relativists, there is no unifying principle or belief that motivates their activism. The issues almost become incidental to the activism. In the end, they find some pleasure in feeling good about themselves after a hard day of activism.

This generation is searching for something to believe in, something that will offer them a foundation for life, a promise they can claim, a "truth" that is not elusive, fleeting and in the end, bogus.

Moral relativism offers no support, so millennials put their trust in issues, and their identities in causes, accumulating them without even looking into their substance, often being misled by the advocates.

And some of them end up in a public place taking other people's lives, moments before they lose their own.

But for the most part, they live on, struggling to make sense out of life, nursing their disappointments, fighting cynicism and hoping, maybe, hope against hope--- for something better.

Christianity and a biblical worldview based in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the only answer to this problem. In fact, the life found it that Truth is beyond abundant.

That's why we write and publish this Faith and Freedom Daily article every weekday.

Have a great weekend.

Be Informed. Be Blessed.