Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Rev. Jim Wallis: "Evangelical Anger Is Real"

Far Left religious leader Rev. Jim Wallis says he believes the "threat of evangelical anger" over the attempt to impeach Trump is real.

Wallis says evangelical Pastor Robert Jeffress' comments about fracturing the nation like the civil war are "irresponsible" and he and Trump are giving Trump's followers "permission" to feel angry.

Be informed.

The Christian Post is reporting that Left-leaning evangelical leader and founder of the progressive Christian magazine, Sojourners, says he believes the "threat of evangelical anger" over the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump "is real" following comments made by Pastor Robert Jeffress.

I wrote in this Faith and Freedom Daily article yesterday that the Left---particularly the religious Left--- has seized the opportunity to turn Jeffress' words to appear to be advocating anger and threatening some kind of violence if Trump is impeached.

Once again this morning, the pastor is explaining that he was only saying that there is a lot of anger among evangelicals over the Left's attempt to overturn a national election. And if the Left successfully removes this president from office, it will fracture the nation much like the Civil War fractured the nation, and the nation may never recover from that fracture.

Pastor Jeffress says, "The only reason I invoked the Civil War is it represented the greatest fracture in the spirit of our nation that we've experienced before and those effects continue 160 years later."

President Trump re-tweeted the words of Pastor Jeffress. The President also tweeted a US map that shows the red, blue, conservative--progressive demographics with the words, "Try to Impeach This".

Wallis told the far-Left Huffington Post that he considers Jeffress' references to the Civil War to be "irresponsible" and that the President re-tweeting them to be giving his supporters "permission" to "feel upset."


Wallis says:
"Trump, since entering political life has evoked, capitalized on and fanned America's worst demons---demons like racism, xenophobia, and misogyny." He says "it's hard to tell how much anger was already out there in his white evangelical supporters, who have felt for decades like their pride of place in American society and culture is being eroded or actively under assault, and how much anger is new and the result of Trump's incitement."

I'm wondering how Wallis and his cohorts on the Left would explain NBC's season opener of Saturday Night Live parody in which Michael Che, a black man, noted that "the impeachment process was too slow for John Wilkes Booth," invoking the actor who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln in 1865.

He went on to say, "I bet somebody explained how long impeachment takes to John Wilkes Booth and he was like, 'Okay, well, where is he right now'?"

The Hill reported: "Violent Threats Against The President Are OK Now?" And that was back in 2017, a few months after President Trump's Inauguration.

The Hill said:

Social media shines almost every day with a new dimwitted threat against Trump and his presidency. “Comedienne” Sarah Silverman called for a military coup. Madonna told protesters she “thought” about blowing up the White House. Violence seems to break out every time a conservative comes to speak at a college campus. Rosie O’Donnell talks about “stopping” Trump on Twitter.
Snoop Dogg has done his best to get back on people’s radars since 1998 with his new music video in which he assassinates a clown dressed as Trump. Even if it was just a stunt by the 45-year-old rapper to stay relevant, it was still completely crass and unacceptable.
The media has largely glossed over these serious threats with a shrug. A simple Google search on Snoop Dogg’s assassination video, for example, yields virtually no mainstream editorials expressing disgust. It’s almost as if there’s an overarching belief among the media that Trump brought this upon himself.

During his first 12 days in office, over 12,000 tweets were posted that called for the new president's assassination.

Democrat Representative Maxine Waters was calling for Congress to impeach Trump before he was even sworn in as President.

Rev. Jim Wallis recently told his audience, "Trump is operating in the spirit of the anti-Christ. I wonder if Jesus is weeping now?"

Wallis has just released a new book. His publisher, HarperOne, has released a tip sheet of information about Wallis and his book to the media.

The publisher says the book is "a critical book"--"It would be wonderful if Wallis reaches people who seriously think [President Donald Trump] is God's answer for our times, but I think the primary audience is people who were taught the Christian faith and know intuitively, if not explicitly, that something is out of sync."

The religious Left prey on Christians who have a bad experience in church, or have never been taught the fundamentals of a biblical worldview.

Wallis says he is soon to release a study guide for his book---and a series of podcasts with political leaders talking about "their faith and values."

The political leaders who will be teaching the lessons about faith and values are, according to Wallis, Sen. Cory Booker; South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg; Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden.

Each of these, and others like Nancy Pelosi who has claimed that Scripture affirms abortion, environmental extremism, and homosexual behavior are misleading those who are not grounded in a biblical worldview.

The hallmark of these "leaders" is described by the prophet Isaiah (5:20), "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter."

Later, Jesus said in His Sermon on the Mount, "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves" (Matthew 7:15).

The New York Times says:

From abolition to woman suffrage to civil rights, the leaders of America's most successful liberal crusades have turned to the Bible to justify their causes. But the history of the religious left seems to stop in 1968, the endpoint of Martin Luther King's movement as well as the starting point of a decades-long trend by which Democrats have become the secular party and Republicans the religious party. After three bruising national elections that can at least partly be explained by the party's failure to connect with religious voters, Democrats are suddenly rediscovering their past.
Their prophet is Jim Wallis, an evangelical Christian who has become almost synonymous with the religious left, a sort of Pat Robertson for liberals.
Wallis has a simple message for Democrats: rather than challenging the right's piety, challenge the right's theology. "Conventional wisdom suggests that the antidote to religious fundamentalism is more secularism," he says. "But that is a very big mistake. The best response to bad religion is better religion, not secularism."

Paul the Apostle says:

"But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed." Galatians 1:8

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful.