Monday, May 20, 2024

Court Says "No" To Parental Authority

A federal court last week upheld a Maryland school district policy that does not allow parents to opt their young K-5 children out of curriculum about gender identity and sexuality.

The LGBTQQIAAP2S+ warriors have scored another win against parents' ability to choose what and when their K-5 kids can be exposed to regarding sex and human sexuality in public schools.

Be informed, not misled.

In a 2-1 panel decision released by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, federal judges affirmed a lower court decision denying the request of religious parents to block the policy issued by the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) board in March of 2023. Judge G. Steven Agee, a President George W. Bush appointee, wrote the majority opinion stating that parents did not present enough evidence to show that the policy violates the free exercise of their religion and their due process right to direct their children’s education.

Judge Agee said the court would take "no view on whether the parents will be able to present evidence sufficient to support any of their various theories" once they have the opportunity to develop the record as to the circumstances surrounding the Board's decision and "how the challenged textbooks are actually being used in schools."

It's pretty clear how they are being used. These people are cramming sexualization down the throats of little kids who are not even asking the questions yet. And they're doing so in direct conflict with the kid's parents.

The Muslim, Jewish, and Christian parents, represented by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, argued that the district’s refusal to allow their young children to opt out of reading LGBTQQIAAP2S+-themed books or participation in the curriculum violated their right to raise their children in accordance with their faith and how their faith defines identity and sexuality. Parents also argued the material is not age-appropriate for such young students.

But the Judge says that's not convincing enough.

RE the materials.

Book titles integrated into the K-5 curriculum include: The Pride Puppy, Uncle Bobby’s Wedding, and Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope. The book The Pride Puppy — which is “the sole test expressly approved for use in pre-Kindergarten and Head Start classrooms” — invited “the three and four-year-old audience … to look for items such as “[drag] king,” “leather,” “lip ring,” “[drag] queen,” and “underwear,”---this from the judge’s opinion notes.

This is child abuse.

RE handling kids who have concerns and questions about the material. 

Parents also pointed out that the district had guided teachers and staff on redirecting concerns about the pro-LGBTQ+ content and questions from students.

The order details:

The guidance also counsels that if a student says that “a girl . . . can only like boys because she’s a girl,” the teacher can “[d]isrupt the either/or thinking by saying something like: actually, people of any gender can like whoever they like. . . . How do you think it would make __(character’s name)__ to hear you say that? Do you think it’s fair for people to decide for us who we can and can’t like?”

Even so, the panel ultimately ruled that “simply hearing about other views does not necessarily exert pressure to believe or act differently than one’s religious faith requires,” the opinion reads.

When those in authority in the public classroom—teachers and guest advocates—are giving this kind of material to children 2-5 years old, does anyone believe that these advocates think their presentation is of no influence?

If it has no effect on what kids will believe to be true, why are they doing it?

Judge A. Marvin Quattlebaum, Jr., appointed by former President Donald Trump, wrote a dissenting opinion saying he would have overturned the district court ruling and blocked the school district’s policy.

Any clear-thinking adult would agree.

Quattlebaum wrote, “The parents have shown the board’s decision to deny religious opt-outs burdened these parents’ right to exercise their religion and direct the religious upbringing of their children by putting them to the choice of either compromising their religious beliefs or foregoing a public education for their children.”

Thank you, President Trump.

He's right. That's exactly what they are doing---"our way or no way for your children."

This raises the question, "To whom does the child belong? The parent? Or the state?"

And why do they so easily cast aside religious freedom?

Fox 5 reported regarding this decision, "It is an issue that FOX 5 has covered extensively for the last year - thousands of parents gathering at rallies, protests, and school board meetings."


After The Ball was a book published in 1989, with the paperback published on September 1, 1990.  It's the handbook written by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen on how to normalize homosexuality by indoctrinating every child and changing the minds of adults about the behavior.

The book is summarized with this list of 8 action items: 

The Principles

1.  Don’t Just Express Yourself— Communicate. Focus on the message you’re sending, not just on your expression.

2.  Seek Ye Not the Saved nor the Dammed -- Appeal to the Skeptics – The greatest opportunity for any movement is to appeal to those interested in learning more and who have not yet developed any prejudices.

3.  Keep Talking – The goal is simply to work on desensitization, and that requires a lot of low-grade discomfort. It’s the kind of discomfort that is acceptably generated through talking.

4.  Keep the Message Focused - You’re a Homosexual, not a Whale – Don’t pick up every other cause like lost puppies and bring them into the fold. Stay focused on what is important.

5.  Portray Gays as Victims of Circumstance and Oppression, not Aggressive Challengers – Look for support and sympathy rather than invite conflict, resistance, and battles.

6.  Give Potential Protectors a Just Cause – Make it easy for others to join the cause by focusing on the fact that gays are being discriminated against rather than trying to convert others’ sexual practices.

7.  Make Gays Look Good – Appearing as model citizens and pillars of society makes it easier for others to support you.

8. Make Victimizers Look Bad—Where possible and appropriate, make victimizers’ actions well-known so that others are repulsed by them.

A dark spiritual obsession now grips the culture. It must be addressed by Bible Truth, not human reason.

All parents and grandparents should be aware of the LGBTQ agenda. And public education's willingness to surrender your child to their movement. 

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.