Monday, July 01, 2024

What's Next For President Biden? NBC: "Jill will decide."

The latest memo released by the Biden campaign is unreal. Are these people detached from reality? Is it arrogance? Or both?

Even reporters from liberal outlets could not stomach its contents. Joe Biden got his clock cleaned by Donald Trump to the point where Democrats were talking about replacing Biden on the ticket when his people issued this statement following the debate:

"If we do see changes in polling in the coming weeks, it will not be the first time that overblown media narratives have driven temporary dips in the polls.” 

The media has assisted him in keeping his balance by holding his hand from day one of the presidential race. Now, his best friends in the media are the bad guys because they let the cameras roll?

Will President Biden withdraw from the presidential race?

NBC says his wife, Jill, will make the final decision.

The Biden family is gathered at Camp David.

Be informed, not misled.

Before leaving for Camp David on Sunday and today, President Biden joined Elton John at a LGBTQIA+ celebration of Stonewall.

Sarah Arnold, with Townhall, said yesterday, "President Joe Biden is back to lying to the American people."

During a fundraiser in New Jersey on Saturday, Biden claimed that he won over more undecided voters than former President Donald Trump post his disastrous debate performance.

Biden insisted that the malfunctions he suffered during the 90-minute gaffe-filled debate actually impressed undecided voters rather than deter them from voting for him. 

Matt Vespa said, "Is the Biden operation going to blame the media for reporting that Biden acted and sounded like we all knew he would during Thursday night’s debate after weeks and months of observation? Eighty-six percent of Americans in a Washington Post/ABC News poll said Biden was too old to run."

This staff was so worried about a major flub that they nixed a prime opportunity to defend the Biden agenda during the biggest television event of the year: the Super Bowl. They opted to wait until the first showdown with Trump, where millions saw what they already knew about Biden. How this is a shock to Biden staffers is beyond me. 

What now?

TIME Magazine's cover for their June issue features President Biden walking off the cover of their magazine with a single word on the cover "Panic."

But NBC News weighs in on the matter as the world watches. 

They admit, "It's a mess: Biden turns to the family on his path forward after his disastrous debate."

Democratic leaders have stood by the president as he faces questions about his ability to defeat Trump in November. But privately, many are expressing concern.

NBC News explains that Biden’s trip was planned before Thursday’s debate. He and First Lady Jill Biden are scheduled to join their children and grandchildren there late Saturday and stay through Monday (today). 

So far, the party’s top leaders have publicly supported Biden, including in tweets posted by former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. Senior congressional Democrats, including Reps. Hakeem Jeffries of New York, Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, and Nancy Pelosi of California have privately expressed concerns about his viability, said two sources apprised of those discussions, even as they all publicly back the president.

One Democratic House member who believes Biden should drop out of the race—but has yet to publicly call for that—told NBC News that three colleagues expressed the same sentiment to him during votes on the House floor Friday.

House leaders have not wavered publicly, and their aides denied that they are expressing doubts behind closed doors.

“Speaker Pelosi has full confidence in President Biden and looks forward to attending his inauguration on January 20, 2025,” said Ian Krager, a former House speaker spokesman, said. “Any suggestion that she has engaged in a different course of action is not true."

They can't be that delusional, can they?

NBC News reported, "Despite delivering a rousing speech at a rally in North Carolina on Friday that calmed some of his allies, Biden was described by one person familiar with his mood as humiliated, devoid of confidence, and painfully aware that the physical images of him at the debate — eyes staring into the distance, mouth agape — will live beyond his presidency, along with a performance that at times was meandering, incoherent and difficult to hear."

“It’s a mess,” this person said.

Another person familiar with the dynamics said Biden will ultimately listen to only one adviser. "The only person who has ultimate influence with him is the first lady,” this person said. “If she decides there should be a change of course, there will be a change of course.”

Biden’s top aides and advisers have told his staff to stay the course in meetings and discussions. According to one senior administration official, their message is: “We’ll weather the storm, just like we always have.”

Sources have described three buckets of Democrats: those who will defend Biden under any circumstances, those who are ready to dump him, and those who are waiting to see what he does — and what his poll numbers look like in the coming days and weeks — before passing judgment. It’s the third bucket that Democratic insiders are monitoring closely.

Biden addressed this whole issue at his LGBTQIA+ event Saturday: 

“I understand the concern about the debate — I get it,” he added. “I didn’t have a great night.”


NBC's Chuck Todd said following the debate, “At the end of the day, Joe Biden looks like the caricature that conservative media has been painting; there were no clips tonight. You saw it before your eyes.”

Todd’s reference to “clips” is likely referring to just one week ago, when the reaction to Biden’s frail, bizarre behavior was called “cheap fakes” by the White House. One clip showed Biden wandering away from world leaders in Normandy, France. A second clip showed Barack Obama gripping Biden on his forearm arm to move him off stage.  

Numerous media allies – MSNBC, CBS News, and The Washington Post – willingly ran with the “cheap fakes” talking point from the White House, even suggesting the clips had been dishonestly edited.

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace warned her audience last week about "a growing and insidious trend in right-wing media" to take "highly misleading and selectively edited video" of Biden, according to a related op-ed by media watchdog Tim Graham.

In a post-debate article, independent journalist Bari Weiss pointed out that The New York Times—her previous employer—had assigned three Times reporters to review those video clips. Their conclusion was that the public was being tricked by "distorted" and "manipulated" clips of the president. 

While Jill is deciding what Joe should do, it seems to me that the press should take a closer look at themselves and decide whether they should come clean and start reporting the news or continue carrying water for the latest greatest political wannabe.

A prayer for America: "God our Father, giver of life, we entrust the United States of America to your loving care. You are the rock on which this nation was founded. You alone are the true source of our cherished rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Reclaim this land for your glory and dwell among your people."

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.