Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Killing the Goose

Last Friday, the county of San Francisco, California, led a coalition against the Trump administration’s crackdown against sanctuary jurisdictions for illegal aliens.

San Francisco and Santa Clara counties in California, King County, Washington, and the cities of Portland, Oregon, and New Haven, Connecticut, sued the Trump administration over its sanctuary crackdown.

Oddly, the Leftists in these cities are fed up with the condition of their cities, towns, and counties, yet still unwilling to elect the kinds of people who could solve their problems.

Even to the extent of suing those who are fixing the problems.

Be informed, not misled.

Killing the goose

CNN is reporting

The counties of San Francisco and Santa Clara in California in addition to King County, Washington, and the cities of Portland, Oregon, and New Haven, Connecticut, have sued the Trump administration alleging it has threatened and unlawfully targeted sanctuary jurisdictions, according to a lawsuit filed in the Northern District of California.

The suit, filed Friday, cited President Donald Trump’s executive order directing federal funds be withheld “from jurisdictions that refuse to use their local resources to carry out his immigration agenda,” and a February 5 Department of Justice memo the suit alleges “threatens not only termination of funding but also civil and criminal prosecution of any jurisdiction that refuses to comply.”

The plaintiffs say their lawsuit seeks to “check this abuse of power,” and asks the court to declare the Trump administration’s actions unlawful and prevent their enforcement.

This is while the tax-paying residents of these cities walk through the encampments and filth, littering their once-beautiful cities, and illegal aliens rob, steal, and sometimes kill for their own purposes.

Yet a majority of citizens in these cities and counties continue to elect politicians whose beliefs and principles are the very ideas that are creating the crime and squalor.  

“This is the federal government illegally asserting a right it does not have, telling cities how to use their resources, and commandeering local law enforcement,” San Francisco City Attorney David Chiu said in a Friday news release announcing the suit. “This is the federal government coercing local officials to bend to their will or face defunding or prosecution. That is illegal and authoritarian.”

In its lawsuit, the coalition claims the Trump administration’s actions have violated the 10th Amendment, the separation of powers, the spending clause, the due process clause, and the Administrative Procedures Act, which sets certain guidelines for how agencies can roll out policies.

“In flagrant disregard of the law, President Trump seeks once again to punish those who disagree with him, coerce local authorities, and commandeer them into carrying out his agenda,” the lawsuit reads.

“From our perspective, we think any and all sanctuary jurisdictions are going to be targeted,” Chiu said, adding he expects more jurisdictions to join the lawsuit against the administration.

A majority of Americans believe Trump is on the right track and the Biden-Obama leftists were on the wrong track.

And they're trying to kill the goose that a majority believe can lay the proverbial golden egg and fix the problems.

What is a "sanctuary city?"

The Seattle Times says this:

King County on Friday joined other so-called “sanctuary” jurisdictions in a lawsuit to be filed against the Trump administration, alleging the federal government is illegally commandeering local law enforcement and violating states’ rights.

King County joined the lawsuit alongside Portland, Ore.; San Francisco, Calif.; and New Haven, Conn. The lawsuit relates to President Donald Trump’s executive order signed on Inauguration Day, which claimed the U.S. is being “invaded” and instructed immigration authorities and the Department of Justice to hasten the deportation of undocumented people. 

The oft-used “sanctuary” term has no set or agreed-upon definition" the Times admits.

So people who can't even define what a "sanctuary city" [ or county] is, are suing Trump because they are one and he holds a different view. 

The Left has become the Party of "No".

Yesterday, Elle Purnell wrote an excellent article published in The Federalist titled, "Democrats Have Become The ‘No You Can’t’ Party."

These are a few thoughts from the article:

  • Americans rejected Kamala Harris because she reminded them of a condescending administrator who cloaks her incompetence by scolding everyone smarter than her. In response to her crushing defeat, Democrats made that persona their entire personality.
  • When the Trump administration arrived in Washington with an air of “we can just do things,” the media and other Democrats stepped into the unflattering role of sore losers screeching, “You can’t do that.” (Where, oh where, was this principled originalist restraint when the last administration tried to jail a political opponent while propping up a Potemkin president?)
  • Trump’s approach has conservatives wondering: What were Republicans doing for our entire lives? All these years of talk about bloated government, and this whole time, we could just stop sending tens of thousands of dollars to fund transgender comic books in Peru? All those strongly worded statements about men in girls’ locker rooms, and all it took was the guts to say, enough?
  • Meanwhile, his approach has perennial critics tripping over themselves to scold and condescend about every victory voters are cheering. How dare you complain about your tax dollars funding condoms for terrorists? The feds weren’t really paying off Politico for its positive coverage; they were just buying an absurd number of five-figure subscriptions. You’re so un-Christian for caring more about the safety of your family than those poor criminals ICE is sending back across the border!
  • Take the panic over Elon Musk bringing in a few twenty-something brainiacs to help cut government waste. They are “lacking in government experience,” the media warn. After all, government experience has made our bloated federal bureaucracy so efficient and productive in serving taxpayers! I bet the customer service reps at the IRS have lots of government experience.
  • The problem is that government experience has never been responsible for American greatness. We would never have made it to the moon if the space program had been run by a Dr. Fauci type. We never would have made it to Berlin with Mark Milley.
  • As often as not, American greatness has happened in an attempt to prove the “you can’t do thats” wrong. Rebellion is our founding myth, after all! We carved a nation out of a continent because we believed we could and were bold and young and inventive enough to try, not because we trusted the experts.
  • Chuck Yeager was 24 years old when he broke the sound barrier. He did so with two broken ribs and closed his aircraft’s hatch with a broom handle because his injury wouldn’t let him reach the hatch. It’s a good thing OSHA wasn’t there to tell him that wasn’t safe!
  • The youngest man who explored the Louisiana Territory in the Corps of Discovery was 17; at 33, William Clark was one of the older men in the group. The Wright brothers were in their 30s when their flyer lifted off at Kill Devil Hills. So save me the hand-wringing if some young men are here to help drain the swamp — the rest of America is happy to see them.


  • The former kind of people built America — the people who were young and reckless enough not to realize they were doing things once deemed impossible. The latter category would have grounded Yeager’s plane for not being up to code and told Lewis and Clark their band of explorers didn’t have enough biracial lesbians in it.
  • It’s not like statue-toppling, self-flagellating Democrats have made a secret of hating America. But their derision for American history has given way to derision for the American spirit, and it’s playing out with a candor that’s kind of amazing. The party that catapulted Barack Obama on the slogan “Yes We Can” has become the party of “No You Can’t.” They stand athwart history, yelling, you’re not authorized to do that without permission!
  • In the battle between the “just do things” and the “you can’t do that,” whose side do you want to be on?

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Hopeful. Be Prayerful.