Monday, June 11, 2018

19% Of Americans Now Believe Polygamy "Morally Acceptable"

When President Obama and his secular "progressive" cohorts began fiddling with the definition of marriage a few years ago---the oldest human model for successful society and human sustainability---many, myself included, said publicly there would be negative consequences to the institution of marriage.

There are, and the significantly increased acceptance of polygamy is only part of the consequences.

But First: President Trump schooled the G7 members on how globalism and those who embrace it will no longer lead America down that path. He reaffirmed that America is first for him and that we will no longer be a piggy bank other countries can continue to rob. He said, "Fair deals or no deals."
Trump is now in Singapore to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un.
I'll be talking more about this, marriage and family today on our radio program. Join me live from anywhere in the world at 9 AM PDT. Here's how
Traditional marriage and family is the bedrock of human society.

James Dobson has said, "If traditional marriage [the union between one man and one woman] is not the law of the land, the institution of marriage and family will cease to exist."

Pope Francis has said of traditional marriage and family, "It is the foundation of coexistence and a remedy against social fragmentation," "it is necessary for the survival of humanity," and "it remains the essential cell of society."

In more than 5,000 years of recorded history, every major religion and every successful society has affirmed marriage as a union between one man and one woman. And they have affirmed that the traditional family---male father, female mother, living together and having children, is the cornerstone of any civilization.

As the traditional family model goes, so goes the culture.

CNS News published an article on the subject that is very revealing. And disappointing.

Referring to a new Gallup poll, CNS reported that "19% of Americans now believe polygamy is morally acceptable." This is up from 17% in 2017 and 14% in 2016.

Most polls on moral issues reveal a fairly high number of people who are unsure what they believe about the issue, however in regard to polygamy, 78% still believe it's morally wrong, but only 3% don't know what they believe.

This same survey found that 76% of Americans now believe divorce is "morally acceptable."

Rick Santorum, former Pennsylvania senator and two-time presidential candidate, warned repeatedly that acceptance of same-sex marriage could logically lead to acceptance of polygamy.

Dr. Ben Carson, now director of Housing and Development (HUD), said during his presidential candidacy, "If you change the definition of marriage for one group, what defense do you have for the next group that comes along and wants it changed?"

He said, "Polygamy is the next natural question, and it goes on from there."

Gallup noted that "moral perceptions" have shifted leftward particularly since 2001, "especially on gay/lesbian relations, having a baby outside wedlock, sex between unmarried men and women and divorce."

A New York Times op-ed 3 years ago, noted that "Polygamy is bobbing forward in social liberalism's wake."

The Times op-ed noted that the exception was within the Mormon and Muslim immigrant communities.

And the columnist says that "polygamy has already become more mainstream than even a 'slippery sloper' like myself once expected."

In addressing this issue, Pastor Robert Jeffress has said, "To Barack Obama, if you believe in traditional marriage, you are a homophobe. If you believe men shouldn't go into women's bathrooms and showers, you are a bigot. If you believe the unborn have a right to life, you must hate women."

That's at the heart of the matter. Homosexuality, marriage, abortion and a number of other social, moral issues have been politicized---actually weaponized in the war within our culture.

For example, "tolerance" has been a weapon rather than a virtue. "Tolerance" is a weapon used to destroy those who disagree with a behavior---like homosexual behavior---they become "bigots." And now they can become not only intolerant bigots but criminals for failing to affirm.

Another example: "Inclusion" is extolled as a moral virtue. However, it has been inverted to become a tool to manipulate the transfer of cultural control from a vast majority to a finite minority.

The homosexual activists have successfully created a shadow culture that not only "normalizes" their behavior, but leads the public to an "everyone must doing it " mentality. Particularly among kids.

Pacific Standard is a pro-gay agenda, social justice organization. Yet even they admit that the number of gays in America has been greatly overstated to influence public perception.

They cite a Gallup poll back in 1977 that found the public believed gays comprised 10-19% of the population. Another Gallup poll in 2012 found Americans believed 23% of the population was LGBT.

Pacific Standard admits that these kinds of misrepresentations do influence what the public thinks and how it responds. And it manipulates politics and policies.

Most recent Gallup polls and data from the CDC indicate that about only 3% of Americans say they are LGBT.

To the degree that we allow the culture to be co-opted by secular progressive social activists, we will continue to see the most important, biblical moral values bobbing forward and downward in secular progressivism's wake.

The key to changing the tide is for biblical Christians to become the salt and light our leader Jesus Christ told us to be.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Faithful. Be Discerning. Be Bold. Be Prayerful.