Friday, June 15, 2018

Jim Wallis Is Not "Reclaiming Jesus"

Jim Wallis, the founder of Sojourners, is the recognized leader of the so-called religious Left---the religious sounding, far Left-leaning, Scripture twisting social gospel movement.

His Trump hating, anti-patriotic mission has discovered a new name: "Reclaiming Jesus."

It will be coming to a church near you. Beware. Be Informed.

I will be talking about the "Reclaiming Jesus" movement and the Implications of the Justice Department Inspector General's report on corruption within our government on our live radio program this morning at 9 AM PDT. Join me live from anywhere in the world. Here's how

Two weeks ago, Jim Wallis and his Sojourners organization launched what he is calling, "Reclaiming Jesus," with this statement: "Reclaiming Jesus is not a statement to sign---it's a call to answer."

Wallis wrote, "This declaration, signed by 23 elders across our church families, was launched at what became am extraordinary service last Thursday, the first week of the Pentecost season. We gathered at the National City Christian Church in Washington D.C. before participating in a moving candlelight procession and vigil at the White House."

He says the church was packed with a thousand people, and about 700 unable to get in. He details how the service was punctuated with "miracles," including someone appearing with the needed sound equipment to serve the overflow crowd that assembled at the Lutheran Church next door.

He described the service as holding "candles to bring the light of Christ into our present political and religious darkness."

He said, "It felt like Pentecost."

Well, it wasn't.

"Reclaiming Jesus" is actually "redefining Him" and His Gospel.

Leonard Pitts Jr., a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist with the Miami Herald relates that after a speech he gave some years ago, he was asked if he was a Christian. He says, "I didn't know how to answer."

He says he knew John 3:16 and believed it ---"but given how conservatives have weaponized faith since the Reagan years, I worried what simply saying 'yes' might signal to the questioner. Would he read it as an open heart or a closed mind."

He says, "I ended up saying 'Yes,' but adding an explanation. I hated feeling the need to do so."

Pitts says, "Apparently, I'm not the only one. Last week, I told that story to Rev. Jim Wallis, founder and president of Sojourners, a progressive faith-based advocacy group. He smiled. 'Bono is a good friend', he said, 'and once he was asked, Bono, are you a practicing Christian?' he said, 'I keep practicing and practicing and I hope to get there someday'."

Pitts says, "I spoke with Wallis at a press conference." Included in the press conference, Pitts says "was Bishop Michael Curry, last seen speaking at a fancy wedding in London."

Bishop Curry has joined Wallis' crusade to redefine Jesus and His gospel.

I wrote about the beliefs of Bishop Curry at the time he was receiving praise from evangelical people and their pastors on Facebook following the recent royal wedding.

Curry told the press, "Maybe the spirit is helping us to reclaim Christianity..."

Wallis has now launched a series of online "Core Conversations" and is encouraging pastors and people across the nation to join in, as Wallis and his cohorts explain how they are "recapturing Christianity."

Wallis and Curry's gospel is a "whitewashed tomb full of dead men's bones."

Rev. Mark Creech, writing for the Christian Post, says, "After carefully reading the 'Reclaiming Jesus' statement, I am struck with how seemingly sweet it sounds, but it's only saccharine sweet. It's appealing to the undiscerning, but it's really just a white-washed tomb full of dead men's bones. It's merely socialism, with a religious veneer. Though it claims to be non-political, non-partisan, its actually an effort to start a movement away from President Trump, away from public policies, and away from theologically conservatism evangelicalism. It is, in fact, the same liberal theological mush that has been stunting the growth of, splitting, and destroying mainline churches for several decades."

Dr. Robert Jeffrees, pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, says the signers of the "Reclaiming Jesus" movement make Karl Marx look like a conservative. "I think when you lift the veil, what this really is, is one more attempt by the never-Trump Christians to try to diminish or take away the very positive things that are going on."

Christian apologist Alex McFarland says, "I pray that people will not be misled by the religious lingo sprinkled throughout this document" and its logical fallacies.

He says it is a "misstatement of the Gospel."

He says, "I especially take umbrage with Statement Six of the document where signers contend that the 'America First' philosophy is a 'theological heresy for followers of Christ." He calls the statement "an assault on patriotism---something that belittles and disparages it as a religious duty."

Reclaiming Jesus is the antithesis of reclaiming America for Christ.

Many of the clergy who signed and will be advocating this revised gospel to church congregations across America may be sincere, but they are sincerely wrong.

Jude (v.12) wrote about such leaders, referring to them as "clouds without water, carried along by the wind; fruitless trees in autumn, twice dead after being uprooted."

The late Dr. Lorraine Boettner, well known conservative Presbyterian theologian and teacher, has written: "True religion and true patriotism have always gone hand in hand, while unbelief, doubt, and liberalism have invariably been accompanied by socialism, Communism, radicalism and other enemies of free government."

He wrote of these kinds of preachers of having "abandoned the Gospel of salvation for the Social Gospel and the writings of Saint Karl Marx."

He says they are religious leaders who "wave the red flag in times of peace and the white flag in times of war."

Wallis and Bishop Curry's gospel is "gospel lite."

Gavin Ashenden, former chaplain to the Queen says there are two different kinds of Christianity, and the difference offers us all insight into the dramatic difference.

He calls them "Christianity-max" and "Christianity-lite."

The Rev. says, "Christianity lite can be very appealing. It reaches out to where people are hurting and it encourages them. It reaches out to where they are longing for good change, and it promises them change can come."

He says, "It speaks continuously of love and hope. Everyone likes to hear of love and hope."

"But," he says, "it has three flaws. It doesn't define love, and it never delivers on the hope. And it isn't what Jesus preached."

Speaking in reference to his and Bishop Curry's church, Ashenden says, "There are two kinds of Anglicanism practised in the world today. One that contains the cross and repentance and touches and transforms...and one that doesn't. People who don't intend to change their ways prefer the one that doesn't."

"That's what Bishop Curry offered them," he says "and it went down like a storm because Curry is a good preacher. And it will change nothing; because it wasn't Christianity. It was Christianity lite."

While Wallis and Bishop Curry are on a deceptive crusade to supposedly "reclaim Jesus"---their objective is really to redefine Him and make Him into their own image---an image that advances socialism and their own hatred toward the president but does not reflect the reason Christ died for us all. Nor does it endorse His Great Commission.

It is written, "From such turn away."

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Aware. Be Faithful. Be Prayerful.