Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Christians Now #1 Hate Crime Targets

The bombings in Sri Lanka have again put the spotlight on the rising tide of violence against Christians worldwide.

On average, 105 Christian Churches are burned or attacked every month---that's more than 3 per day.

In America, there is, in addition to physical property damage, the seductive assault on young minds every day in the government-run classrooms of public education.

Be informed. Be discerning.

The bombings in Sir Lanka on Easter Sunday were hideous and well planned.

In fact, NBC News reported yesterday that "Sri Lankan authorities were warned about a terrorist plot two weeks before a series of Easter Sunday blasts that killed at least 290 people government officials confirmed Monday."

CBS was reporting more than 300 killed.

Government officials are saying they were caught off guard---"We never expected it to be so big---We never thought it would happen so soon."

The attacks were directed at Christian churches and three hotels where tourists were staying.

At the time of this writing, there are at least 500 people injured, with at least 27 foreign nationals among the dead. The numbers of causalities are increasing.

The cause of the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris has not been established yet. However, a professor who has taught philosophy at several colleges in New York and New Jersey, was arrested in front of St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York this past Friday. He was carrying two gas cans and lighter devices. He said his car had run of gas and he was taking the gas to his car. However, authorities checked his car, it was not out of gas.

He's been arrested.

The scope of the hate attacks.

Open Doors USA keeps track of persecution against Christians worldwide. They are reporting that, on average 105 Christian churches and church buildings are burned or attacked every month. That's more than three per day.

In addition, on average, 345 Christians are killed every month because they are Christians.

There is documented growing hostility toward Christians worldwide.

It takes various forms but most often includes property damage and personal violence and sometimes murder.

In most cases, the persecution is carried out by Muslim extremists. And in most cases, the news media avoids reporting on it, except in cases like the magnitude of the Sri Lanka bombings, where it can not be ignored.

Open Doors reports that 17 Christians were killed on Sunday, April 14 in Nigeria as they celebrated a baby dedication following their Sunday worship service at the local Baptist Church. Herdsman stormed the gathering killing 17 and wounding 10 others all aged between 10 and 80 years old.

The mother of the baby that was dedicated was among those killed.

The killing was not directed at any one church, but specifically at "Christians" as there were family friends in attendance who were members of several different Christian churches in the area.

Muslim terrorists have found that churches are "soft" targets around the world, this linked to the hatred for Christianity is causing property damage and personal violence to increase substantially.

It's well known that China's government is willing to pay several thousands of dollars to anyone who reports "illegal" Christian house church groups in the country.

China is also involved in a program of rewriting the Bible to include Buddhist teachings. And they are editing Christian hymns to include some "Chinese elements."

Hate attacks in America.

Attacks, regardless of the motivation, cannot be tolerated in society. Lawlessness cannot be a part of a successful society or culture.

When hate attacks happen in America, it's quite obvious that the press has two levels of outrage depending on who the perpetrators are and who the victims are.

The press is extremely slow if at all, to identify radical Muslims if they perpetrate hate attacks. The same is true regarding homosexual activists, or if it's racial---particularly black toward white.

The press rarely comes clean even when it's pretty well determined that the "attack" was a hoax. Think actor Jussie Smollett, most recently.

For the press, it was the perfect narrative: Two white guys yelling, "Make America Great Again," etc. attacking a black homosexual. The police did their job and discovered it was just a big hoax, orchestrated and paid for by Jussie, but an activist judge and the press can't handle the truth, because it's not the "truth" they were looking for.

Press bias is a part, often a big part, of how every news story regarding hate attacks against Christians are reported. I'm not suggesting the press causes or even inspires such attacks---they merely report them differently, depending on the players. Or don't report them at all.

The following is a list of Christian church shootings with fatalities compiled by LifeWay Research. It does not include property damage from 1999 to 2017:

  • 1999: Wedgewood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas
  • 2001:  Greater Oak Missionary Baptist Church in Hopkinsville, Kentucky
  • 2002: Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church in Lynbrook, New York
  • 2003: Turner Monumental AME Church in Kirkwood, Georgia
  • 2005: Living Church of God in Brookfield, Wisconsin
  • 2005: World Changers Church in College Park, Georgia
  • 2006: Zion Hope Missionary Baptist in Detroit, Michigan
  • 2006: Ministry of Jesus Christ Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  • 2007: First Presbyterian Church in Moscow, Idaho
  • 2007: First Congregational Church in Neosho, Missouri
  • 2007: New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado
  • 2008: First Baptist Church in Maryville, Illinois
  • 2009: Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita, Kansas
  • 2012: World Changers Church in College Park, Georgia
  • 2015: Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina
  • 2017: Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Antioch, Tennessee
  • 2017: First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas
  • 2017: St. Alphonsus Church in Fresno, Texas
Note that World Changers Church in College Park, Georgia has been the site of two incidents.

In addition, during this period there were shootings at a Benedictine Monastery and an Amish school.

Christian Churches are now seriously looking at how they can better protect those who attend worship services.

LifeWay, a faith-based organization that's linked above, offers several suggestions as to Christian Churches can make themselves more secure during service times.

Standing strong in persecution.

Every day in public school classrooms, Christian kids are challenged, mocked, sent home, and denied certain religious freedoms because of their public Christian faith.

Every day these kids are aggressively exposed to indoctrination that conflicts with their Christian faith and biblical teaching.

Some thoughts on standing strong when persecuted for your faith.

While we Christians in America do not see the levels of hate and violence that many do in other parts of the world---it is intensifying here.

How God's people think about persecution, is very important, because how we think will necessarily affect how we face it.

I'll talk more about this on our live radio program today. Join me live from anywhere in the world at 9 AM PDT. Here's how.

In light of the horrific killing of Christians on Easter Sunday---and every other day throughout the year-- consider this:

  • We will face persecution (2 Tim. 3:12).
  • There is blessing in persecution (Matt. 5:10).
  • God gives His strength to those facing persecution (2 Corinthians 12:10).
  • God sees the purity of those who have given their lives for the sake of Christ (Rev. 3:4-5; 7:9-14).
  • God will vindicate those who are persecuted (Rev. 19:1-3).

Be Faithful. Be Steadfast. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.