Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Baltimore Story

The "Rocket's red glare and the bombs bursting in air" are revealing that President Trump's back and forth with Democrats---especially Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD)--- is putting "dawn's early light" on Baltimore.

The light reveals that Baltimore is worse on many fronts than the Central American countries from which migrants are fleeing.

HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, who lived and practiced in the city, tells his Baltimore story.

Be informed.

For the past couple of weeks, President Trump has been calling out Democrats regarding the results of their far-Left, socialist policies in Baltimore, MD.

Rep. Elijah Cummings, whose district represents a large swath of Baltimore, has been calling out what he thinks of the President. Which doesn't amount to much.

What does dawn's early light reveal in the city that gave birth to our National Anthem?

It is rat invested.

The Baltimore rat problem that President Trump tweeted about last Saturday is apparently so extensive that it was the subject of a documentary.

The Baltimore Sun's editorial board published a scathing op-ed later that day that minimized the city's rat problem while calling Trump himself, a rat.

However, a number of stories in the Sun reveal that the rat problem is actually quite a bit more extensive then the editorial implied.

As the President pointed out the problem, Baltimore residents took to social media with their own videos of rats running rampant in the streets, affirming what Trump had said.

Dawn's early light reveals there is a rat infestation in Baltimore.

Baltimore's murder rates are worse than those in Central American countries.

Research by Princeton Policy Advisers reveals that the murder rate in Baltimore is higher than Central America's most dangerous countries, where migrants are fleeing north to America.

Based on the current rate of murders in Baltimore (there were 5 this past weekend), Baltimore's murder rate for 2019 will come in at about 56 murders per 100,000 people---making it more than twice as dangerous as the country of Guatemala, and more than Honduras at 38 per 100 K, and El Salvador at 50 murders per 100 K.

Obama noted the high crime rates when he was President.

After the Baltimore riots in 2015, President Obama spoke of the "abject poverty," "no investment," and drugs. He blamed the riots on the poverty, saying impoverished communities have been stripped of opportunities, lamented that there were "no fathers" in the families, and "drugs are flooding the community."

Sounds a lot like President Trump.

What has not been widely reported is that President Trump met with a group of mostly black pastors at the White House this past Monday. Along with VP Pence and HUD Secretary Ben Carson, he met with about 20 black clergy, including Alveda King, to discuss the progress the administration is making on a number of issues impacting inner cities.

The President had met with the group a year ago, as well.

Dr. Ben Carson gave his Baltimore story from a doctor's perspective.

The Washington Examiner published this:

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson, a longtime Baltimore resident and a former pediatric neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins University, claimed during a Monday appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight that he often regretted having to send his young patients back to their dilapidated Baltimore homes after his life-saving surgeries.
Carson said, "As a pediatric neurosurgeon, I spent many hours, sometimes operating all night long, trying to give the children of Baltimore and other places around the world a second chance at life, and usually we were successful. But a few days later, I was in a horrible dilemma, because some of those kids had to go back into homes in East Baltimore that were infested with rats, and roaches, and ticks, and mold, and lead, and violence. And I didn't want to send them back. Sometimes I would even consider extra tests so they could stay in the hospital an extra day or two."
Carson further described his past work with Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings as a prominent Baltimore surgeon to better the lives of the city's children. He also praised President Trump's administration for boosting the job market and economy and his willingness to work across the political aisle to create policies that would help the poverty-stricken Maryland city.
Carson's comments come in the wake of backlash to Trump's tweet admonishing Cummings for not doing more to help his Baltimore district, which he described as a "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess."


It's like the emperor has no clothes.

Hardly anyone dares to criticize these deeply Democratic cities for fear of being called a "racist," because the leadership is most always black and far-Left progressive.

Sadly, these conditions are allowed to continue with no real end in sight. And blacks disproportionately suffer. You tell me---who are the real racists? Is it not those who try to silence any criticism of the leadership in this and other similar cities?

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Diligent. Be Prayerful.