Thursday, August 01, 2019

WA State Officially Adds "Third" Gender

So much for the notion held by two billion Christians worldwide and at least 55% of Washingtonians, that "God created male and female"---Gov. Jay Inslee and his cohorts claim to be taking "another step in the state's efforts for inclusion rights" by acknowledging more than two genders on state driver's license.

Washington will be the 16th state to do so.

KING 5 TV says the change will also affect instruction permits and state ID cards.

A closer look.

Be informed.

KING-TV 5 and other state and national media are reporting that "Governor Inslee's office announced Tuesday, a push for inclusion by offering residents three gender options when getting a driver's license: male, female and X."

Inslee's office explains: "The X gender designation option means a gender that is not exclusively male or female...which makes it more consistent with Washington birth certificates that now list X.

I just checked my own Washington State birth certificate and was relieved to see it is marked "M." I'm grateful my parents were not confused back in the day.

Why are Washington and 15 other states obsessed with doing this?

Apparently, Elayne Wylie, co-executive director of Gender Justice League, speaks for Inslee because he included her in his release.

She says, "It's imperative of our government to include as many people as possible so that people actually feel like they're part of society, and that they're seen and heard."

It's true that the far-Left is trying to include as many people as possible--- certainly illegal immigration through open borders, etc., ---but is that really what our Founders envisioned as a role of government?

Apparently it is, because when Teresa Berntsen was named director of the Washington State Department of Licensing a year ago, she said,
"Identity is a fundamental human right... by acknowledging there are more than two forms of gender, we are apparently acknowledging basic human rights."

So "basic human rights" become rights because we are acknowledging something--anything, as a basic human right.


Berntsen also says that her staff looked into it and found that DOL has the authority to propose a rule change.

She notes that back in 2017, when the state began allowing people to change the gender designation on their birth certificate, the department received a lot of constructive feedback and suggestions from "various state and federal agencies, tribes, nonprofits, LGBTQ and other civil rights groups, and even state choirs like the Seattle Gay Men's Chorus and Seattle Women's Chorus..."

Governor Inslee says:
"We take these steps to show our crucial support that we stand with our LGBTQ friends and families. As long as I'm governor, Washington will remain a place where no one can be discriminated against because of who they love, the color of their skin, their country of origin or how they worship."

What does "how they worship" mean?

Both Obama and Hillary popularized the term "worship" as a replacement for the phrase "religious freedom or expression." Their intention was to tell the citizens to do what they want in their church buildings whenever they meet, but not to take their religious beliefs into the public marketplace or the political arena.

Does Governor Inslee's commitment of support extend to Richland florist Barronnel Stutzman? Can she love whomever she wants? Can she "worship" differently than the Seattle Gay Men's Chorus and be covered by the Governor's commitment?

Is it really true that in Inslee's Washington, "No one can be discriminated against?"

She is an evangelical, who loves Jesus with all her heart and seeks to live according to His teachings. Why, then, has she been dragged through court for the past 5 or 6 years because she cannot in good conscience celebrate a same-sex "marriage?"

Why did they choose to use the letter "X"--- doesn't that have negative connotations?

Wylie, head of Gender Justice League who apparently speaks for the Governor, says "The X terminology came from multiple conversations with different groups around Washington as a usable nonbinary."

She says:
"Tribal nations in North America often use the term 'two-spirit' to refer to a feminine and masculine side in people, and many tribes hold two-spirited spiritual people in honor and sacredness. This gender fluidity is still reflected in cultures and tribes today."

I grew up in central Washington's Yakima Valley---home of the Yakima Tribe---a lot of them were my friends. I've never heard of this. But then, in those days, I don't recall ever having a discussion with any of my friends as to whether we were boys or girls either.

Wylie says, "We didn't just invent them, we're more in the process of restoring them."

"This," she says "is an era of authenticity" and "With deep respect, I think the folks in Washington came together around the birth certificate ruling and said, 'Out of all the different identities, since we're being asked to come up with a terminology, here's what we're selecting'. It's not perfect, but it's good for now."

Of course it's "good" with the people to whom she and the state are talking to.

The State is holding hearings this month:

  • Monday, August 12, 5 PM at Seattle Public Library at 1000 Fourth Ave, Seattle.
  • Tuesday, August 13, 5 PM, State Capital, Columbia Room, 416 Sid Snyder Ave. Southwest Olympia.
  • Thursday, August 15, 4 PM Spokane Public Library, South Hill, 3324 South Perry Street, Spokane.

I personally think the State's mind is made up. But the conservative, Christian voice should be heard anyway.

The hypocrisy of state-sponsored gender fluidity.

The State has made the case that they are protecting a "basic human right" by allowing people to change their gender by simply "identifying" as male, female, neither or both.

They are going to great length and expense to give those folks a choice.

Why, then, in 2018, did Washington State make it illegal for therapists to help kids with unwanted gay attractions?

Do they not have a choice? Are they too, considered expendable like the baby in the womb?

In March of last year, Gov. Jay Inslee signed SB 5722 into law---a law that will cause a therapist in the state to lose their medical license if they try to help minors get rid of unwanted gender confusion or homosexual attraction.

As he signed the bill, Inslee said: "We are today prohibiting the abuse of our children."

Gov. Inslee said at the time, "The state has a 'compelling interest' in 'protecting' the physical and mental health of anyone under 18 from serious harms caused by 'conversion therapy'."

Under the law, "Conversion therapy" is defined as any counseling or treatment by a licensed medical professional intended to "change an individual's sexual attractions or feelings toward individuals of the same sex."

While the law does include language stating the ban does not apply to speech from non-licensed private citizens, or non-licensed religious practices or counseling performed "under the auspices of a religious denomination, church or organization," it is clearly an attempt to stigmatize biblical teaching on human sexuality.

These elected officials know full well that science has repeatedly shown that 80-90% of kids with gender dysphoria outgrow it on their own by late adolescence.

Inslee's "compelling interest" results in pushing kids into the destructive process of trying to medically change their biological sex to conform with their ever-changing "identified" gender, while the government sits in the stands cheering them on, when they should be embracing a Truth that transcends the lore of Indian tribes, the lies of activists and the uninformed votes of lawmakers.

Instead of actually getting out of the way and allowing parents to lead in the restoration of their own children, the state is now giving the kids a card that validates their problem.

Governor Inslee declared at his signing of the therapy bill: "We have always believed in civil rights in our state."

The "civil rights" our Founding Fathers envisioned were based on biblical Truth, not .001% of people struggling with their sexuality. And those rights were based on the biblical truth that God created male and female.

To pursue this slippery slope is unconscionable---but they will continue until a change can be made through the ballot box.

What will be the next must-have "civil right?"

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Faithful. Be Active. Be Prayerful.