Monday, January 27, 2025

NYT Slips and Tells the Truth

The New York Times published an article on Tuesday titled “Undocumented women ask, will my unborn child be a citizen?” that aimed to cast a dark cloud over President Donald Trump’s order to end birthright citizenship, one of ten executive orders he signed January 20. 

Unborn baby?

Be informed, not misled.

In the article, the NYT tells the stories of several women who are in the U.S. illegally and are currently pregnant.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was one of the several speakers at the March for Life rally in DC last Friday.

He later posted on X: "It was an honor to address the many thousands gathered in Washington, D.C. today at the March for Life. As pro-life Americans, it is incumbent on us to be the voice of the voiceless."

In his comments to the rallygoers, he said, “And here was [the NYT’s] headline": ‘Undocumented women ask, will my unborn child be a citizen?’ So, the New York Times is admitting it’s not just a clump of cells. Let’s welcome the New York Times to the pro-life movement. Wow.”

The NYT has a long history of refusing to say “unborn child,” instead preferring the term “fetus,” and has referred to a baby’s heartbeat as “embryonic pulsing.”

The Times says, "Andrea Chavez, who arrived in the United States illegally almost two decades ago, gave birth to a baby girl last year in Maryland. Within days, the child had a Social Security number."

Ms. Chavez’s cousin Maria Calderas, who is undocumented [illegal] and just a few months into her own pregnancy, faces the prospect that her child will not be able to secure the same citizenship rights that her niece now has.

On his first day in office, President Trump issued an order that seeks to end birthright citizenship for children born in the United States to undocumented immigrants. That right has been enshrined in the Constitution for more than 160 years, and experts say that stripping it away would require a constitutional amendment.

The incoming administration had made no secret of its intention to attack birthright citizenship, and hours after the order was issued lawsuits were filed by two coalitions of states and the American Civil Liberties Union, saying the directive violated the 14th Amendment’s citizenship provisions. Many lawyers have said the same thing.

The Times continued:

Ms. Calderas, who is from Guatemala, said Mr. Trump’s move stirred anxiety and uncertainty about the future of her family and especially her son. “It worries me that the new president doesn’t want to give citizenship to our baby,” she said. “This is where he will go to school and grow up. He will speak English like an American.”

In interviews, many of the women said that citizenship would guarantee their children access to health care and other vital benefits during their childhood, and provide a foundation for them to build successful lives as fully integrated Americans.

The executive order directs federal agencies not to issue documents recognizing U.S. citizenship of children born to mothers unlawfully in the United States or on a temporary legal status, such as work or student visas, unless the father is a green-card holder or citizen.


The Times continues, "If they remain undocumented, the children could be denied driver’s licenses and in-state tuition rates at colleges later in life. They would be barred from holding elected office. They could not join the military."

“These children would be part of a permanent new underclass,” said Kathy Mautino, an immigration lawyer specializing in citizenship.

What does Kathy call the group of legal immigrants who waited in line, studied, took and passed their test, and became actual citizens of the United States?

On Friday's radio program, I touched on the enormity of the birthright fraud in our country.

I'll be talking more about the massive international "rent-a-womb" business that is taking place in our country this morning on our radio program. Here's how to join me

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.