Monday, December 21, 2015

President Obama's Christmas Miracles

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Saturday, President Obama explained to the nation why he is so optimistic going into 2016.

In listing what he believes are his top 10 achievements this year, he categorized a couple of them as "Christmas Miracles."

Very near the top of the list was the "miracle" budget that the Republicans passed Friday before leaving town. I have the complete roll call on how each Republican Representative voted.

What he believes tops the "Christmas Miracle" spending bill the Republicans passed is revealing regarding our president's priorities.

More important than the nation's budget and our homeland security was his so-called homosexual "marriage".

More on that in a moment.

Just below the marriage Christmas miracle was the budget Christmas Miracle.

By all true conservative accounts, the budget bill the Republicans passed was a sell out. It particularly stings knowing that our representatives fully funded Planned Parenthood for another year of destroying unwanted babies. And as we learned last week---disposing of the bodies in the local landfill.

While a few Republicans voted "No" on the bill, a majority of Republicans voted for what the president is now calling his "Christmas Miracle."

All Washington state Representatives voted for the bill---Republicans and Democrats.

The Republicans are Jamie Herrera Beutler (Dist. 3), Dave Reichart (Dist. 8), Doc Hastings (Dist. 4) and Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Dist. 5)---all supported the bill.

The New York Times has provided an excellent national roll call map and breakdown of the votes on the $1.1 trillion sell out.

Certainly Christmas is associated with Miracles, but it's troubling to learn what the president considers miraculous.

In his address Saturday, the president gave a list of his "top ten things that happened in 2015, that should make every American optimistic about 2016."

Although he says they are not numbered in any particular order, he gave them an order, and put the "Christmas Miracles" near the top of the list, exceeded only by so called homosexual "marriage."

Here's his list and a text of his comments:

As a nation, we face big challenges. But in the spirit of 2015 retiree David Letterman, here – in no particular order – are my top 10 things that happened in 2015 that should make every American optimistic about 2016.
Number ten: The economy. Over the past 12 months, our businesses have created 2.5 million new jobs. In all, they’ve added 13.7 million new jobs over a 69-month streak of job growth. And the unemployment rate has fallen to 5 percent – the lowest it’s been in almost eight years.
Number nine: More Americans are getting health coverage. The rate of the uninsured in America dropped below 10 percent for the first time ever. In all, 17.6 million people and climbing have gained coverage as the Affordable Care Act has taken effect. And don’t forget, you can still sign up through January 31st at HealthCare.gov.
Number eight: America’s global leadership on climate change. Last week, in Paris, nearly 200 countries came together to set the course for a low-carbon future. And it was only possible because America led with clean energy here at home and strong diplomacy around the world.
Number seven: Progress in the Americas. We turned the page on an outdated, half-century old policy by re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba and reopening embassies in both our countries, allowing us to build greater ties between Americans and Cubans.
Number six: Preventing the spread of nuclear weapons. We succeeded in forging a strong deal to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. In fact, Iran has already dismantled thousands of centrifuges that enrich uranium.
Number five: Standing strong against terrorism. Even as we continue to grieve over the attack in San Bernardino, we’re leading a global coalition and hitting ISIL harder than ever. In Syria and Iraq, ISIL is losing territory, and we’re not going to stop until we destroy this terrorist organization.
Number four: A 21st century trade deal that makes sure our businesses can sell goods “Made in America” across the Asia-Pacific. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is the strongest, most pro-worker, pro-environment trade agreement in our history. And it means that America – not China, not anyone else – will write the rules of the global economy for the century ahead.
Number three: A pair of Christmas miracles in Washington! This week, Congress passed a bipartisan budget that invests in middle-class priorities, keeps our military the strongest in the world, and takes the threat of shutdowns and manufactured crises off the table for 2016. Plus, I signed a bipartisan education bill into law to help our students graduate prepared for college and their future careers.
Number two: Love won. No matter who you are, here in America, you’re free to marry the person you love, because the freedom to marry is now the law in all fifty states.
And the number one reason I’m optimistic going into 2016: It's you—the American people. All of this progress is because of you—because of workers rolling up their sleeves and getting the job done, and entrepreneurs starting new businesses. Because of teachers and health workers and parents—all of us taking care of each other. Because of our incredible men and women in uniform, serving to protect us all. Because, when we’re united as Americans, there’s nothing that we cannot do.
That’s why it’s has been a good year. And it’s why I’m confident we’ll keep achieving big things in the New Year. So happy holidays, everybody.

Many of us are optimistic about 2016, but our optimism rises, not because of his "accomplishments," but because we know we will vote in 11 months.

Our optimism rises because we trust the Lord, and believe that as we humble ourselves, pray and ask His forgiveness, we will hear from heaven and he will heal our land.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.