Monday, March 25, 2024

Christian Group "Luring Students" With Pizza

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California parents say a Christian group is trying to indoctrinate their children during lunchtime, lured to pray and talk about Jesus Christ by being offered free pizza.

Three parents have complained about the attempt to "lure" and "indoctrinate" their children with Jesus by using pizza during the lunch hour.

Be informed, not misled.

The Fresno Bee says, "Three parents with children attending Reyburn Intermediate and Clovis East High schools said their children were offered free pizza to go to the lecture hall in groups of three to five during their lunch period." Upon arrival, parents said a representative from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes meets with students. After praying and hearing about Christianity, parents said students then receive their free pizza in yellow boxes. "I feel that they’re doing wrong," one parent with a student at Clovis East told The Fresno Bee. “They’re basically luring in kids that are under 18, that are still trying to find themselves and are still trying to explore.”

While the local newspaper casts Fellowship of Christian Athletes as nearly "cult-like," they are not. I have had a long relationship with the organization. They have and are making a profound impact for Christ on the culture through the Christian testimonies of athletes.

FCA publicly makes these statements: 

  • The organization asks students to conform to, affirm, and embrace its Sexual Purity Statement. According to federal court files, it states:
  • The appropriate place for sexual expression is in the context of a marriage relationship, according to the Bible.
  • The biblical description of marriage is one man and one woman in a lifelong commitment.
  • The FCA’s desire is to encourage individuals to trust in Jesus and turn away from any impure lifestyle.

Let's talk about "luring" kids under 18 who are "trying to find themselves."

Millions of children across the United States are being systematically indoctrinated by their public schools into the regressive ideology that everyone has a “gender identity.”  The indoctrination starts in the earliest school years---like kindergarten.  It’s happening in red and blue states, big city and small town schools.  Children are inundated by gender identity ideology from all sides, over and over again, as though “gender identity” were real and as though it is more important than the material reality of biological sex.

Women’s Declaration International USA’s FOIA Team has acquired this archive of materials from an array of American schools that provide a chilling glimpse into what is being taught to young, impressionable minds. It includes materials collected through the efforts of numerous individuals, including WDI USA volunteers who filed Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests with local school districts, as well as materials obtained through other research.

Note: I do not agree with most positions this organization takes. They are globalist and secular. They are not a Christian organization. They do not hold a biblical worldview. However, they, as secularists,  have done a lot of research on this subject that supports what I and most Christians believe is happening in our public school systems. 

As alarming as this already is, things are rapidly getting worse. 

Women's Declaration International says, "The Biden Administration has issued Executive Orders and memos that punish schools if they resist pushing gender identity ideology on children, teachers, and other staff. For example, the Department of Education threatens to withdraw funding from schools if they refuse to interpret sex to include “gender identity.” The Department of Agriculture threatens to withdraw funding for school lunch programs.  Some states have also enacted legislation that enshrines “gender identity” in law at the state level."

Parents should be deeply concerned about this —not Jesus Christ and pizza during lunch break at school.

Founding Father Noah Webster, also the father of what we know as "public education," repeatedly said and wrote that biblical principles and truth must be the foundation of real education.

These are quotes from Noah Webster:

"The Bible was America's basic textbook in all fields."

"God's Word, contained in the Bible, has furnished all necessary rules to direct our conduct."

"In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people."

America has thrived to become the most blessed, prosperous, free, generous, exceptional nation in the world's history.

Now, the Left is trying to "remake America" into the image of a third-world country without a vision.

I'm not overstating the Marxist efforts to dismantle our culture and country.

If someone wants to worry about what kids are being "lured into" in public schools today look at the materials in this link. Scroll down to "summary" for the pictures and descriptions of some of the materials being used in public school classrooms. 

 It's hard to look at, but it's a must-see for parents and grandparents with kids in state-run, so-called "public" schools.

This is the harsh reality of where we are in our "One Nation Under God."

Here's some of what WDI found in their research:

Below are some examples of how children are being indoctrinated in the classroom, which have been drawn directly from the materials we obtained through our FOIA efforts:

Books Read to Children:  “Gender identity” picture books are being read to children from kindergarten onward.  (They’re also read before kindergarten, a topic which needs to be investigated.)  I Am Jazz tells children that some people are born in the wrong bodies.  Introducing Teddy tells five-year-olds that it’s up to them to figure out what sex they are.  It Feels Good to Be Yourself informs elementary-aged students that “being yourself” often entails rejecting the sexed reality of your body.  It encourages them to spend time pondering what their true “gender identities” are.  They She He Me. Free to Be Me! encourages children to try out different pronouns, and states that one must call a man “she” if he requests that.

Official “Gender Identity” Lessons: “Gender identity” materials are being included in Sex Ed. Children are presented with lies as if they were facts.  They’re told that everyone has a “gender identity,” and that people know this identity early in life.  Children are compelled to accept circular definitions (for example, a woman is anyone who claims to be a woman).  These units generally combine “gender identity” with sexual orientation, even though “gender identity” directly undermines gay and lesbian rights. Homosexuality is interpreted as same-gender attraction, rather than same-sex attraction.  The kids are taught about scores of supposed “gender identities” and the names for each of them.

Warped Lessons on Reproduction and Sexual Anatomy.  In many districts, the schools are intentionally avoiding words like “male” and “female,” or “man” and “woman,” even in the context of lessons on anatomy and sexual reproduction.  Children are shown diagrams of male or female anatomy that are not identified as male or female.  The lessons use terms like “a person with a uterus” or “a person with testicles.”  If pregnancy is discussed, it’s in terms of “a person finding out they’re pregnant” or “someone” wondering if they might be.  Many schools tell children that having male anatomy doesn’t mean a person is male.

“Gender Identity” Injected into Every Subject, including Science, Arts, and more.  Many schools are striving to inject “gender identity” into as many subjects as possible. In Princeton, New Jersey public schools, science teachers teach children about gene expression and karyotypes.  Then they veer into gender identity ideology, using the image of the Genderbread person.  There are homework assignments sending children to “gender identity” organizations’ websites.  There are after-school clubs they are encouraged to join. Children are persuaded to hyperfocus on their “gender identities,” and countless children are being led to medical harm.

Gender and Sexuality Clubs. GSA used to stand for Gay Straight Alliance.  These clubs fought discrimination against gays and lesbians.  GSA now is said to stand for Gender Sexuality Alliance, and the primary focus is now on “gender identity.”  Another common acronym for these clubs is SAGA, which stands for Sexuality and Gender Alliance.  These trainings and materials promote GSAs/SAGAs, which push gender identity ideology at schools with events, training for teachers, posters, flags, and more.

Teacher Training and Activist Teachers. Teachers are taking training offered by organizations and so-called experts that promote gender identity ideology.  “Activist teachers” are becoming more common.  Fresh from academia, and/or “gender identity” teacher training, they talk with their students about pronouns and share their own “identities,” often requiring students to use the wrong-sex title (Mr., Ms.) and pronouns.

Mailings, Events, Flags, Posters, and More: Promoting “Gender Identity” Ideology.  The archive includes examples of mailings sent to families and teachers in an elementary school in Seattle.  Already inundated with “gender identity” indoctrination, families and teachers are sent big piles of additional materials further imprinting that ideology in the homes of students.  There are free lesson plans, links to articles, cover letters that drive home the idea that men who “identify as women” are women and much more.  At the same time, activist teachers, gender identity ideology-infused administrators, and GSA/SAGA clubs all work hard to put up flags, posters, and other constant promotions of gender identity ideology in schools.  This reaches fever pitch during Pride month, days of remembrance, and the like. 

School District Policies Mandating Affirmation and Keeping Secrets from Parents.  Many school districts have adopted policies that require “affirmation” of trans and nonbinary identities.  Teachers and other school staff are required to go along with a child’s stated identity, using the child’s preferred pronouns, and allowing boys in girls’ locker rooms/bathrooms, and vice versa.   They are required to let boys play on girl’s sports teams.  Making matters even worse, many schools explicitly state that parents who are “not supportive” of their children’s new identities can and should be kept in the dark about what’s happening at school.

About Jesus and pizza, God help us.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.