Thursday, April 04, 2024

Nearly 30% Of Young Adults In US Now Identify As LGBTQ

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We have become a grooming culture.

NBC News reports, "Nearly 30% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ, a national survey has found."

About half of the Gen Z adults who identify as LGBTQ identify as bisexual, according to the Public Religion Research Institute report.

That is eight times the percentage of homosexuals in other countries.

We have become a "grooming" culture. 

It is written, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

We have sowed to the wind and are now reaping a whirlwind.

Be informed, not misled.

NBC News reports: 

More than 1 in 4 Gen Z adults in the U.S. identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer, dwarfing the percentages of LGBTQ Americans in older age groups, a new survey has found.

Twenty-eight percent of Gen Z adults — which the survey’s researchers specify as those ages 18 to 25 — identify as LGBTQ, according to a report released this week by the Public Religion Research Institute, or PRRI. That compares with 10% of all adults, 16% of millennials, 7% of Generation X, 4% of baby boomers and 4% of the Silent Generation, the institute found. 

“With respect to LGBTQ identity, it’s very clear that Gen Z adults look different than older Americans,” said Melissa Deckman, PRRI’s chief executive.


The report summarizes:

"Members of Generation Z are coming into their own politically, socially, and culturally, bringing their values and viewpoints to their communities and workplaces, and to our nation’s political system. In addition to being the most racially and ethnically diverse generation in our nation’s history, Gen Z adults also identify as LGBTQ at much higher rates than older Americans. Like millennials, Gen Zers are also less likely than older generations to affiliate with an established religion. This report considers what sets members of Generation Z apart from older generations in terms of their political and cultural values, their faith in communities and political institutions, and their views on religion and the importance of diversity and inclusion in the nation’s democracy."

NBC notes, "The findings align with those of other major surveys, including Gallup’s, that show Gen Z is the queerest adult generation to date. In its most recent poll, released in February of last year, Gallup found 7.2% of adults in the U.S. identify as LGBTQ, including nearly 20% of those in Gen Z, which that survey defined as those ages 19 to 26."

Then, NBC pivots and discloses why it actually published this article. It's not to be informative---it's to rally the troops.

"PRRI’s findings, which were published Monday, come as LGBTQ rights face increasing challenges in the U.S."

"Last year," they report, "more than 500 anti-LGBTQ bills were introduced in state legislatures around the country, a record, including 75 that were signed into law, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU projects that more than 320 bills were prefiled for or introduced during this year’s state legislative sessions."

NBC concludes, "Whether it’s at the polls, in marches and rallies, or online, LGBTQ+ visibility matters and Gen Z is a force for change," Kelley Robinson, the president of the Human Rights Campaign, the country’s largest LGBTQ advocacy group, said in a statement. "Thousands of LGBTQ+ young people turn 18 each day — and lawmakers should understand there will be repercussions in November for anti-LGBTQ+ political attacks."

America has become an LGBTQAI+ "grooming" culture. 

David Kubal wrote in the Christian Post, "The total number of Gen Zers now living is nearly 70 million, which means that some 17 million of those young men and women have chosen a lifestyle that is contrary to God’s heart."

Indeed, they have.

David Kubal is the CEO and President of Intercessors for America, the country's oldest and largest national prayer organization.

He says, "Take a moment to let that sink in. The next generation of Americans is living in these immoral lifestyles at a rate of eight times the average of other countries."

"The progressive agenda," he says, "would attempt to convince you that people do not choose to be LGBTQ. The progressive trope is that they were born that way and it is who they are. And yet, our nation has somehow gone from a boomer generation with some 4% identifying as LGBTQ (close to the global average) to Gen Z being at eight times the global average. Such a shift over a span of 50 years creates a statistical aberration that is impossible."

Kubal asks, "If sexuality were somehow genetic, how could there be such a shift in one generation?"

The answer is simple: It could not.

Groomed for destruction?

He says, "The evidence all points in one direction: America has become a grooming culture."

A closer look:

It all started with the right to choose abortion. Then we were told that we must accept people’s lifestyles. Their “rights” and “freedoms” became culturally sacrosanct. The Supreme Court reinforced this when it mandated that states legalize same-sex marriage. Now it is not enough to merely accept or tolerate LGBTQ lifestyles — society must in fact become an “ally,” joining the fight for acceptance and even celebration of these lifestyles.

Who knows what this overt oversexualization of our culture will produce? We know that immorality typically leads to even more extremes of immorality. Romans 2 clearly warns us that God gives people over to their depraved minds. Recent trends to legalize pedophilia have surfaced. California’s governor signed a bill in May 2023 to protect homosexuals who have sex with minors. Confusion about laws in Connecticut and Minnesota on this issue has become apparent.

Many of us feel we've been caught off guard by this wave of debauchery but some people have seen this coming and are fighting it. Utah, Virginia, and four other states have essentially shut down pornographic websites by requiring age verification of users. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton recently sued a porn company over the same issue. Parents across the country have demanded that their schools stop sexualizing their children.

So, again, the demonic agenda launched against our country decades ago has produced a nation with eight times more homosexuals than the global average.

People are not born this way. In reality, people are being groomed this way.


A survey of parents by the "Every Library Institute" regarding what their children have access to in school libraries found the following:


1.  Over 80% of parents trust school librarians to select appropriate books and materials for their libraries, but they do not know how these librarians made their decisions about placing books in their collections.

2. 60.32% agreed that school libraries should restrict access to certain books based on different age groups or content.

3. Some sort of content rating system received support from 80.23% of the respondents.

4. A majority of respondents endorsed both a means of a notification system for parents about the books their children attempted to check out as well as parents having the option to prevent access to the school library by their children.

5. A plurality of parents (37.24%) classified themselves as “not comfortable” with “LGBTQ+ characters and themes in children’s books,” while 34.52% insisted they were “very comfortable” with such content in books geared toward younger readers and 28.24% were “somewhat comfortable.”

The institute concluded their findings were "a mixed message" from parents.

Parents and grandparents: Wake up. 

The school libraries from which you checked out books to read are gone. 

They are no longer safe for your children and grandchildren.

The public libraries and the classrooms are no longer learning centers---they are now grooming centers.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Bold. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.