Thursday, September 26, 2024

George Soros' Shady Deal With The FCC To Purchase 200 Radio Stations

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The Federal Communication Commission quietly decided Friday to delay a buildout that would bring internet to rural communities. At the same time, the FCC expedited a deal approving George Soros's purchase of 200 radio stations that carry some of the most well-known and effective conservative voices on radio.

Soros continues his "war on words" in his march to control America.

Be informed, not misled.


Regarding the FCC's decision to delay bringing the Internet to rural communities, the New York Post reports, "That decision has been slammed by Commissioner Brendan Carr as “the worst abuse of agency process I have seen in my twelve years of working at the FCC.”

"Dish Chairperson and longtime democrat donor Charlie Ergen was given up to three more years to bring service to the most remote communities in the US by the FCC last week — without giving the public or internal FCC officials any input."

“I have never heard of the FCC granting relief like this with no process, no public input, and no heads up,” Carr told The Post.

At the same time, the FCC approved expediting a deal to give George Soros incredible access to millions of Americans via radio station ownership.

The New York Post said this about the deal:

The move [ regarding delaying the Internet in rural communities] comes just two days after the FCC approved a controversial deal that fast-tracked left-leaning billionaire George Soros’ acquisition of radio stations that reach more than 165 million Americans, The Post has learned — a move that insiders have also slammed as political.

On Wednesday, The FCC adopted an order to approve Soros’ purchase of more than 200 radio stations in 40 markets just weeks before the presidential election, sources told The Post. 

The FCC decision came after a partisan vote with the commission’s three democrats voting for the move while the two republicans voted against it, sources added.

Under existing FCC rules, foreign company ownership of US radio stations is not supposed to exceed 25%. Soros took foreign investment to make his bid and then made a filing asking the commission to make an exception to the usual review process, according to public documents.

The FCC's decision to fast-track his deal is the first time in modern history such a deal has been approved by the full Commission without first running the national security review process—a process that could take up to a year or more.

The Soros group says they will come back to the FCC at some point in the future to run that process.

Soros, 93, pumped $400 million into Audacity radio network in February to take control of the network, which includes a handful of conservative shows from hosts including Sean Hannity, Dana Loesch, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck and Erick Erickson.

But their influence could be muted as Soros takes over and imposes his agenda — as with other media acquisitions.  

A source with knowledge of the deal told The Post: “The idea that George Soros is buying hundreds of local radio stations right before a national election and will keep broadcasting Sean Hannity and other conservative talk radio hosts on Audacity is not credible.”

Carr told The Post: “The FCC should not create a special Soros shortcut… the FCC needs to run its full and normal review process.”

Meanwhile, Ergen’s review was expedited far faster than Soros's—he was given the green light just two days after making his request.

This is unprecedented in the history of the Federal Communications Commission.

Soros refused to comment to the press about the deal. 

However, Glenn Beck's "Blaze Media" responded immediately.

National syndicated radio host and Blaze Media co-founder Glenn Beck asked Trump-appointed FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr about the Democratic FCC commissioners' apparent willingness to cosign Soros' latest play for narrative dominance.

Carr made clear that "it's an unprecedented decision for the commission" that would not have alternatively been accepted were Soros a partisan of another stripe — a decision that comes amid a broader "weaponization of government power ... against free speech."

How did Soros do this?

Audacy filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in Texas on Jan. 7 to reduce its debt.

Months later, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas approved the company's reorganization plan, paving the way for the equitization of over 80% of its debt.

In February, Soros Fund Management acquired roughly $414 million of Audacy's debt — nearly 40% of the company's senior debt — emerging as the company's primary shareholder.

Media Research Center noted in its April petition to deny the "special Soros shortcut" that "the Soros group expressly states in their FCC filing that they have determined that the aggregate level of foreign ownership in the company when it emerges from bankruptcy will exceed the 25 percent limit specified in Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act due to the various entities that it expects to hold voting or equity interests."

Audacy requested that the five-member FCC, which has a Democratic majority, take the unprecedented step of not only waiving the foreign ownership restriction to allow the purchase to move forward but also postponing a national security review of the stations' foreign interest holders.

To show how brazen Soros' move is, The Blaze reports, "Not too long ago — a year ago — there was a group of conservative buyers that wanted to purchase some South Florida radio station," said Carr. "And a number of Democrats spoke up very loudly and said the FCC cannot allow these conservative outlets to buy these radio stations because, in the Democrats' view, it can cost them an election in South Florida."

Carr contextualized this hypocrisy in a broader trend of Democrats seeking to "weaponize the government to go against conservative speech."

"This is sort of the reverse side of a pattern that we've been living under the last couple of years — of weaponization of government power, in my view, frankly, against free speech."

When asked whether there has been any pushback from Democrats on the Soros takeover, Carr laughed, telling Blaze News that the only lawmakers who came to mind in terms of raising the alarm were Ted Cruz, Chip Roy, and Rep. Nick Langworthy (R-N.Y.).

Carr told Beck that after the FCC releases its final decision, Soros' control over hundreds of American radio stations will be "instantaneous."


Bottom line: We have just witnessed Soros' takeover of the 2nd largest chain of U.S. radio stations made possible by foreign investment and Democrat blessing.

Do you think Soros will allow Sean Hannity, Dana Loesch, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Erick Erickson, and others to continue on his network?

Neither do I.

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