Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wheaton College Disappoints Again

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Wheaton College has come under fire for bowing down to the Left when it deleted a social media post congratulating Russ Vought, who was recently confirmed as Director of the Office of Budget Management (OMB) in President Trump's  Administration.

The controversy came when the college deleted the post and posted another, apologizing for having congratulated Vought, an alumnus of the school, in the first place.

Here we go again. 

Another Christian college built from the sweat and charity of God-fearing Christian people to give students an education rooted in Judeo-Christian values and a biblical worldview has caved to the hard left.

Be informed, not misled.

The post explained that “the political situation surrounding [Vought’s] appointment led to a significant concern expressed online” and affirmed that “It was not our intention to embroil the College in a political discussion or dispute.”

The so-called "political situation" that Wheaton is talking about is the fact that Russ Vought is a deeply committed Christian who happens to be a Republican rather than a Democrat.

And he was appointed by President Trump, not devout Catholic President Biden.

Wheaton has miserably failed on so many fronts on this issue.

This is their explanation:

On Friday, Wheaton College posted a congratulations and a call to prayer for an alumnus who received confirmation to a White House post. The recognition and prayer is something we would typically do for any graduate who reached that level of government. However, the political situation surrounding the appointment led to a significant concern expressed online. It was not our intention to embroil the College in a political discussion or dispute. Our institutional and theological commitments are clear that the College, as a non-profit institution, does not make political endorsements. Wheaton College’s focus is on Christ and His Kingdom.

If it really was their intention to "not embroil the College in a political discussion," why did they politicize the issue in the first place?

Why couldn't they simply say, "We do this for all alumni who reach this level of government" and end the discussion?

Why did they feel the need to cave in to either political party while claiming to be non-political and then apologize for acting on "what they typically do for any graduate?"


The letter

Over 1,000 former Wheaton College students signed a letter slamming the school for praising Vought after he was confirmed. The letter argued that “Vought’s vision for government, as outlined in Project 2025, is antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the mission of Wheaton College—and moreover, we are concerned by the college’s quick and public proclamation of support in social media posts on February 7th, 2025.”

Hillsdale College, a school that I personally support and which also shared a message congratulating Vought on being confirmed, tweeted in an apparent response to Wheaton, "Trigger warning: We will not be deleting our earlier post congratulating @RussVought."

Wheaton changes their message to Fox News.

When Fox asked Vought how he felt about how Wheaton handled the issue, he responded, "Sad."

Sen. Eric Schmitt, R-Mo., slammed Wheaton's move.

"This is ridiculous - @WheatonCollege had it right the first time. @russvought is a highly accomplished alumnus who should be celebrated. It’s absurd that the smallest minority of detractors come away victorious yet again."

Fox News Digital reached out to request comment from Wheaton College on Monday, and the school indicated that the removal of the message was not an apology for the sentiments it had conveyed.

They said this:

"The social media post led to more than 1,000 hostile comments, primarily incendiary, unchristian comments about Mr. Vought, in just a few hours. It was not our intention to embroil the College or Mr. Vought in a political discussion or dispute. Thus, we removed the post, rather than allow it to become an ongoing online distraction. This was in no way an apology for having expressed congratulations or for suggesting prayers for our alumnus."

Sad, indeed.


"God be praised. Grateful to the President and the US Senate. Incredibly thankful for all the many who prayed me through. Now. Let's. Go," Vought tweeted after being confirmed.

James writes in Scripture (1:6), "For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed...(8) A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways."

This would be true for "Christian" colleges as well.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Faithful. Be Prayerful.