Friday, March 14, 2025

Seattle Children's Hospital Practicing Trickery

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On Day One of his presidency, Trump signed an executive order to terminate “diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) discrimination in the federal workforce and in federal contracting and spending.”

Seattle Children’s Hospital was required to end its DEI-focused programs to continue receiving hundreds of millions in federal funding for research, grants, and other purposes.

So, Seattle Children’s Hospital renamed its diversity, equity, and inclusion programs to circumvent President Donald Trump’s directives.


Be informed, not misled.

A whistleblower contacted The Daily Signal, an arm of the Heritage Foundation, to explain what was going on at Seattle Children's Hospital.

The Signal has also learned that six of America’s largest companies have executives on the boards of hospitals that perform child sex-change procedures.

Executives of Costco, General Motors, T-Mobile, Procter and Gamble, Wells Fargo, and Kroger are board members at the 12 leading hospitals on medical watchdog Do No Harm’s list of healthcare facilities that offer irreversible transgender medical interventions to children.

Will Held, with Consumer Research, wrote a letter to T Mobile corporation's board in Bellevue last November that says this in part:

"Regardless of this obnoxious trend, as a publicly traded company, T-Mobile directors have a fiduciary responsibility to shareholders to avoid associating the company with plainly vile activities that can destroy the business’s goodwill and market share. 

With this in mind, we write to highlight that your Technology Director Lauri Bingham currently serves as a member of the Board of Advisors for Seattle Children’s Hospital. Under her supervision, Seattle Children’s Hospital conducted 285 so called “sex reassignment procedures” on minors, according to a public database released by medical nonprofit watchdog Do No Harm.

As there is no known procedure to change one’s sex, these procedures amount to little more than the bodily and chemical mutilation of children. This is an abhorrent act widely reviled by the public and supported only by a small group of radicals who put ideology before basic science and the welfare of children.

According to the database, Seattle Children’s Hospital is one of the 12 leading hospitals in gender reassignments for minors. In addition, both hospitals engage in “sex change” interventions, have dedicated gender clinics that advertise “sex change” treatments and offer “sex changes,” promote “sex change” treatments in the local community, and are heavily involved in activism and public support for radical gender ideology....."

Ron Vachris, CEO of Costco, is also a board member at Seattle Children’s Hospital. 

The trickery begins.

The CEO of the children’s hospital, Dr. Jeff Sperring, said at a town hall meeting on Feb. 26 that Seattle Children’s will revamp its naming conventions to comply with the executive orders and avoid being targeted, according to the employee.

However, according to a current employee who asked to remain anonymous for job security, some of the slashes to DEI were in name only. The hospital scrubbed some mentions of DEI from its website and changed the titles of DEI personnel, but many of the programs remain.

Employees live in fear of being accused of racism, sexism, or the like if they fail to adhere to the hospital’s strict standards of political correctness, the employee said.

“The DEI culture at Seattle Children’s Hospital is a culture of fear,” the employee said. “Employees are terrified of being accused of racism and religious discrimination, so there’s a toxic culture of fear, which really stifles free speech.”

The employee said that the nursing staff has been given a survey over the past few years that focuses entirely on race-based aggression and the resulting harm to patients and families. New staff are required to undergo diversity and so-called microaggression training.

The hospital’s “Inclusion Groups” for minorities on staff have been removed from the website but have not dispersed, the employee said.

If you go to the hospital's Center for Diversity and Health Equity website, you now get a “Page not Found” error. According to a WayBack Machine search, the page previously said the center was “dedicated to reducing health disparities and improving the lives of all patients, families, research participants, and the community. "




Dr. Kurt Miceli, medical director at health care nonprofit watchdog Do No Harm, bemoaned Seattle Children’s Hospital’s focus on critical race theory.

“It’s unfortunate to see Seattle Children’s Hospital, an institution noted for holding racially segregated diversity trainings, decide to secretly push its DEI agenda,” Miceli told The Daily Signal. “As with all hospitals, Seattle Children’s should focus on providing the best care to patients instead of wasting resources on radical political priorities.”

Seattle Children’s former chief diversity officer, Alicia Tieder, is now vice president and chief health equity officer.

The hospital has ceased transgender surgeries for minors in compliance with the Trump administration, but children are still being prescribed irreversible and sterilizing cross-sex hormones.

The LinkedIn profile of Dr. Hannibal Person, former medical director for the Center for Diversity and Health Equity, now says he is a doctor at the Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 

His profile does not mention his previous DEI-related work.

Several years ago, one of our children had a medical need, so we took her to Seattle Children's.

It was an excellent experience. Unfortunately, Leftist views have apparently destroyed another institution.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.