Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Seattle Times: "It is Time to Legalize Gay Marriage"

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The Seattle Times and homosexual activists are moving forward in lock step suggesting now is the time for Washington State to redefine marriage and in doing so re-engineer the family.

All under the guise of fairness and equality.

The Times editorial board said this weekend, "Washington should move into the modern era of equality and fairness for gay and lesbian couples in committed relationships."

"It is time to legalize gay marriage," the board wrote.

They said, "In fact, polls now show a majority of Americans support gay marriage."

This is very misleading because, while some polls have indicated majority support, many more polls show that a majority of Americans do not support gay marriage.

This is an all out group effort with the editorial board calling for homosexual marriage, Times journalist Andrew Garber supporting the notion from the "un-biased" news side of the enterprise and homosexual activist legislators pondering out loud if they should go for the gold in the January legislative session.

KOMO's Ken Schram also jumped on the wagon last night saying, "Next year we elect the full State Senate and half the State House. We will choose a new governor, in addition to filling every major elective office in the state. What better way to gauge the character of candidates than to have them stand in favor or opposition to making gay marriage legal here in Washington...Make it an election year issue."

I agree. Let's test their character. But that's where I part with Schram. He says let's go for gay marriage..."It's time."

Garber quotes Senator Ed Murray, saying the recent New York decision doesn't factor into his decision other than, "Every time a state passes marriage and the world doesn't fall apart...it helps."

Senator, the world is falling apart and many believe it is primarily a moral, not fiscal or political issue.

While homosexual "marriage" involves many cultural and fiscal issues, it is primarily a moral one.

Murray says the state is now ready for homosexual "marriage". He says he, Representative Jamie Pedersen and other homosexual activists in the legislature will decide whether or not to go for it in this session,within the next few weeks.

Senator Dan Swecker says Murray should expect strong opposition to gay marriage in his caucus. Swecker is a strong supporter of marriage,and does not support redefining it.

Murray says, "The Senate has always been a problem," although Democrats control the House 56 to 42 and the Senate 27 to 22.

Murray and Pedersen are urging homosexuals to directly lobby "Democrats and Republicans who might be persuaded to vote for marriage fairness."

"Marriage fairness" is of course code for redefining marriage and opening the door for polygamy and a number of other deviant definitions of "marriage."

This issue is extremely divisive.

The R-71 effort divided churches, communities and caused at least one pastor to publicly criticize Larry Stickney, myself and others who led in the effort---all facilitated by a pro-homosexual press. The press always exploits any disagreement within the faith community, particularly if it relates to marriage or abortion.

However, the effort also identified a large number of people across the state who believe natural marriage is worth fighting for and defending.

Will you stand and defend marriage?

We are talking with elected leaders in an effort to stop the run for homosexual marriage in this session.

If they should try, and I tend to believe they will because of pressure from within the homosexual community, and should it pass, we are prepared to immediately take the necessary steps to refer it to the voters. This is an issue that should be decided by the voters anyway.

We have authorized a poll asking Washington citizens if they approve of legalizing homosexual marriage in the state.

We have been called a leaderless army and an army-less leader. We have been mocked publicly.

But I believe there are many who will heed the call to defend biblical and historically accepted marriage as between one man and one woman.

The question is, "Will you be one of them?"

We need your financial help today. We have our modest regular monthly expenses plus additional costs we are committing to for the statewide poll and activities related to defending natural marriage.

One of the criticisms leveled at us in the R-71 campaign was that we were under funded, but as the wife of an attorney wrote in our defense, "Do we base our stand for righteous principles on whether or not the money is in the bank?"

I see the pending storm with all its consequences. I do not relish it. But I cannot walk away from it. I'm praying you can't either.

This donation will be used for educational purposes. It is tax deductible. Thank you for standing with us.

If you have ever had an inclination to stand in defense of marriage, this is the time.

Click here to donate online or mail a check to Box 399, Bellevue, WA. 98009. Whatever you can do at this time will be very, very helpful.

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