Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Anti-Biden "Uncommitted" Movement Is Growing

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Breitbart News said yesterday, "Growing Anti-Biden ‘Uncommitted’ Movement Threatens President’s Reelection Chances, Reveals Democrats’ Rift with Young Voters."

Yesterday, I wrote here and talked about on the radio the threat being put forward by the large Islamic community in America that if President Biden doesn't do what the Muslims are demanding he do, they will vote "uncommitted' in the upcoming election---which many say could cost him the election.

Now, there's a similar movement among young people in the country.

Be informed, not misled.

Breitbart reported yesterday, "The growing 'uncommitted' vote movement, which has caught fire in Democratic presidential nominating contests and led to reportedly 500,000 votes being cast nationally against President Joe Biden, is becoming a significant liability threatening his reelection prospects."

They continued, "Frustration with the Biden administration’s handling of Israel’s response to Hamas’s October terrorist attacks is mainly driving the “uncommitted” movement, and polling data reveals that there are substantial generational differences among American voters regarding the Israel-Hamas war and attitudes towards Palestinians and Israelis. Biden’s “uncommitted” problem is not just with Arab-American and Muslim-American voters, but with younger voters in general who are a critical component of the Democrat Party’s coalition."

More on that in a minute.

RE Biden's problem with the Muslims.

Yesterday, we wrote extensively in this column about Biden's problem with the anti-Israel and anti-American Muslims in this country.

We also talked about it on the radio.

I suggest you read it, or listen to yesterday's podcast if you did not read the column or hear the program. We gave a detailed account of how the Muslims have demanded that President Biden force Israel to withdraw from Gaza---or else.

Biden has complied, however, thousands of Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan were in the streets rallying against Israel and America, demanding, in the strongest words, that both nations be removed from the face of the Earth.

These are a few excerpts from our column yesterday: 

  • “We have been asked in the past: ‘Why are our priests on the international al-Quds Day are [sic] so anti-America? Why don’t we just focus more on Israel and not talk so much about America?’ Gaza has shown the entire world why these protests are so anti-America because it’s the United States government that provides the funds for all of the atrocities,” as chants of “death to America” continued in the background. 
  • Speaking of Israel, Bazzi said the Jewish state “does not deserve to exist.”
  • He said (verbatim), “When these fools ask us if Israel has the right to exist, the chant ‘death to Israel’ has become the most logical chant across the world today.”

Speakers at the rally told the mostly Muslim crowd, "America is one of the 'Rottenest Countries' on Earth; Israel Is ISIS, Nazis, a Cancer..."

For the most part, the media in America didn't even cover these remarks or the fact that President Biden did what he was told to do by these Muslim activists: Force Israel to cease fire and not complete their mission of removing terrorist group Hamas from Gaza.

However, back in February, the New York Times published an op-ed titled "Arab American Fury Toward Biden."

RE Biden's problem with America's youth.

Breitbart notes that "The 'uncommitted' movement gained much more steam than expected at its inception with the Listen to Michigan campaign. The highly effective campaign, which the New York Times reported launched a mere three weeks before the February 27 primary and had a very modest $250,00 budget, led to more than 100,000 voters checking the “uncommitted” box in protest of Biden’s handling of the war. The vote total for “uncommitted” obliterated its initial goal by more than 90,000 votes in Michigan, and it has spread like wildfire to other states – especially in the Rust Belt, which had a major hand in deciding the last two elections."

Now, the Nation’s John Nichols reports that upwards of 500,000 Democratic primary voters have protested Biden with their ballots.  According to Nichols, the movement now has delegates, “at least 25” of them, “and continues to organize in late-primary and caucus states.”

“The campaign has won enough votes to secure Democratic National Convention delegates from Minnesota (14), Hawaii (7), Michigan (2), and, according to local news reports, Washington (2),” Nichols writes.

The label varies from state to state—” Uncommitted” in Michigan and Minnesota, “Uninstructed” in Wisconsin—but the sentiment remains the same.

The self-described “multiracial and multifaith, anti-war campaign” Listen to Michigan group asked Democrats in Michigan to vote “uncommitted” in the February 27 primary to send a message to Biden that they reject his policy positions regarding the war and to make clear their demands for a ceasefire. The group is led by Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI) younger sister, Layla Elabed, who is a community organizer, according to the Times.

Listen to Michigan, a campaign started and spearheaded by predominantly younger Arab and Muslim organizers, entered the primary aiming to secure more than 10,000 votes. As NPR noted, the uncommitted turnout was ten-fold compared to the goal, as 101,430 Michigan Democrats (13.2 percent of primary voters) cast ballots for “uncommitted,” showing the sentiment is widely held.

Breitbart says, "Biden won Michigan in 2020 by 154,188 votes. Losing more than 100,000 votes would put Biden in very dangerous territory, and that is before taking into consideration Michiganders who voted for him in 2020 but could be swayed to Trump on issues like the economy, the border, and the auto industry."

They continue, "Furthermore, the 101,430 “uncommitted” votes came in the primary, not the general election, where voters would likely be even more motivated to stick it to Biden and not show up for him if a deep-seated animosity persists.


These are perilous and confusing times. 

Before the Michigan primary, New York Times Columnist Charles Blow caught up with Arab-American and Muslim leaders in Michigan – a visit that gave eye-opening context to how deep feelings of betrayal run in voters who helped put the 81-year-old in the White House.

Both Muslim and radical young adults have turned away from Biden.

Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Michigan’s executive director Dawud Walid “said that for most Muslims, anything short of Biden ‘resurrecting 29,000 dead Palestinians like Jesus’ would mean that they will never vote for him again.” 

Young people on campuses across the country are joining the campaign "Listen to Michigan" against Biden.

They are not voting for Trump or any other Republican---they are voting "against" Joe Biden.

Come November, unless they change their minds, they will simply not vote.

Palestinian-American Nihad Awad, who co-founded the organization and made clear he dislikes Trump, emphasized that reminding Democrats of Muslim voters’ influence supersedes keeping Trump out of the White House.

The issue for Biden on this lingers beyond non-Arab-American and Muslim voters, too, especially with younger Americans and the populist and radical wings of the party as well.

After Biden’s Michigan and Minnesota embarrassments, he joined MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart for an exclusive interview and implied that frustrations only lie with Palestinian Americans who have relatives in Gaza.

But nobody believes him because we know the rest of the story. 

The Muslims and the radical left among our youth have turned against Biden---so strongly that some admit they will "stomach Trump before they will vote for Biden."

The Bible says a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.

Pray for our country, and remember God is in control.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful.