Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Seahawks Wilson, Okung, Maragos, Gresham: "Jesus Bigger Than Super Bowl"

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When you're a professional football player, the Super Bowl is the prize.

It's a lot of fun for the fans too.

Initial rating numbers indicated Sunday's Super Bowl was the 5th most watched in the game's history, however, updated ratings last night confirmed that 111.5 million watched the game, making it the highest rated ever.

57% of all households in Seattle metro market watched it, making Seattle the #2 market in percentage. Denver was #10. Kansas City was #1 with 58.1% watching.

As much as the Seattle Seahawks wanted to win the Super Bowl, there are some on the team that say there is something even bigger than football in their lives.

One of the USA Today photo's captured the moment.

In a very candid conversation about their personal faith in Jesus Christ, Seahawks Russell Wilson, Russell Okung, Chris Maragos, Clint Gresham and staff coach Rocky Seto talk with Mark Driscol about football, life and their personal faith and how they came to that personal faith in Jesus Christ.

Their personal testimonies are inspiring and affirming. Although they are part of the best football team in the world after Sunday's Super Bowl win, they put it all in perspective in this conversation.

USA Today captured the moment in one of their many pictures from Sunday's Super Bowl game. The picture is captioned "Seattle Seahawks players kneel in prayer after their 43-8 Super Bowl win over the Denver Broncos."

Prayer is a very important part of their lives.

While the interview was taped just prior to the Super Bowl, the Seahawks knew they had a chance to go all the way.

Quarterback Russell Wilson says he knows God has put him on the football field for a purpose that's bigger than football.

I have linked two versions of the interview. I strongly recommend you have your kids or grandkids watch it with you.

The first version is the short version. It is 3:20 minutes.

The second version is the longer one of the same interview with additional personal comments from the players. It is 20:04 minutes.

Note that you can skip the 30-second YouTube commercial on each video.

Be Blessed.