Friday, October 24, 2014

Atheist Pamphlet To High School: "Bible Sexually Assaults Women"

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The Freedom From Religion Foundation is ready to begin distributing a pamphlet that claims the Bible assaults women, among other offenses.

The pamphlet titled, "An X-Rated Book: Sex and Obscenity in the Bible" features an illustration on the cover of a carton type humanized Bible sexually assaulting a women.

The distribution of these materials will begin on January 16---"National Religious Freedom Day."

An attempt to distribute these materials was made earlier. I wrote about it at the time. At that time, the school district and a number of parents strongly resisted, which ultimately led to a law suit.

Now things have changed.

Each year on Religious Freedom Day, the Orange County, Florida School District allows outside groups to set up display tables with various items related to religious freedom. Students can take the various materials, including Bibles from a Bible display. All the materials are provided by outside organizations with school approval.

In fairness, it appears the Orange County School District made a legitimate effort to keep this material off campus initially, but in the end caved to the pressure and cost of litigation.

Some of my readers are in Florida, many are not, however, this effort in Florida is the maiden voyage for what the atheist Freedom From Religion Foundation promise will be an ongoing expanding effort across the country. Planning for nationwide distribution of this material and the fund raising to support the campaign is already under way.

My sense is that they will begin in school districts that appear to be most vulnerable or have leadership that may be more sympathetic to their cause.

CNS News describes the cover picture on their pamphlet as "illustrated with a cartoon Bible---which has arms, legs, face and a drooling mouth...sexually assaulting a screaming woman while she tries to escape its grasp."

Legal counsel Andrew Seidel, for Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) told CNS, "I think if you look at the content of the brochure and what is actually in the Bible, and some of the things that are in the Bible in terms of sex and compare that to the cover [of the pamphlet], the cover is pretty tame compared to anything that is in the Bible."

A closer look at the FFRF press release is revealing.

Seidel said, "I think the bottom line is you can't consider any of our materials obscene when compared to the Bible."

Here's what has happened since their first attempt last year.

On June 13, 2013, the FFRF filed a law suit against the Orange County School District, claiming the school district had unlawfully discriminated against it and violated its First and Fourteenth Amendment Rights.

Then the school district and the atheist organization came to an agreement. The district called it a compromise. I would call it an abandonment of virtue.

A "Motion to Dismiss" was handed down in Orlando District Court on June 3, 2014 in which "Defendant unconditionally agreed to allow Plaintiffs to distribute the materials that the Defendant had previously prohibited."

The Motion to Dismiss also says, "Moreover, Defendant represented that it has 'no intention in the future to prohibit these materials'."

However, the litigation is not yet closed as of this week.

A spokesperson told CNS she still can't talk about the case because of "continuing litigation."

I'm told the litigation that's continuing has to do with whether the school district will be forced to pay the legal expenses of the FFRF.

A recent Pew Poll found that atheism ranks at the bottom of a list of 16 character traits that Americans look for in a presidential candidate.

Pew found people are more likely to vote for someone who uses pot, has an extramarital affair, never held an elected office or is a homosexual, than to vote for an atheist.

However, the atheist organizations are not running for president. The prize they seek is bigger than that.

It's the heart and mind of this generation. They are presently working to expand what is looking more and more like an "anti-God church movement."

Atheist "churches" have been formed within the past 2 years in a number of cities across the nation, with the "Sunday Assembly," as they call it, in Los Angeles now having nearly 1,000 members.

Seattle's own Ron Reagan, son of former President Ronald Reagan, is featured in a television ad that is playing on national television.

The TV ad shows Reagan talking to the camera..."Hi I'm Ron Reagan, an unabashed atheist. And I'm alarmed by the intrusions of religion into our secular government. That's why I am asking you to support the Freedom From Religion Foundation, the nation's largest and most effective association of atheists and agnostics working to keep state and church separate, just like our founding fathers intended."

His sign off: "Lifelong atheist, not afraid of burning in hell."

Atheism's attempt to discredit God is not new to this generation. In the first recorded events of human history we find Lucifer attempting to discredit God while calling the authenticity of His Word into question.

And Eve bought the lie...and convinced Adam to buy in as well.

I expect to see this energized atheist outreach here in the Northwest---sooner than later.

And they will be making their hard sell to our kids.

We will keep you informed.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.