Monday, February 16, 2015

Oregon: First Bi-Sexual Governor in US History

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Oregon Governor John Kitzhaper (D) has continued to assure the press and his peers he would "not" resign in light of the growing allegations against his live-in girlfriend Cylvia Hayes.

But as the allegations continued to escalate, and to include the governor, Kitzhaber announced Friday afternoon that he would indeed resign this Wednesday, the 18th at 10 AM.

This Wednesday at 10 AM, Kate Brown will be sworn in as Governor of Oregon---the first openly bi-sexual governor in the history of the US.

Both Democrats and the Republicans who opposed Kitzhaber have expressed sadness for the way this episode has gone down.

Ktizhaber had previously served 2 terms as governor, ran again in 2010, winning a third term.

This past November, he ran for an unprecedented 4th term. Many felt the Republicans had a good opportunity to win with candidate Dennis Richardson.

Richardson is a pilot, a Vietnam vet, a successful businessman and long time leader in the state House of Representatives in Oregon. He has a solid family and loves to ride his Harley around the state and knows how to get things done to benefit the state.

However, Richardson also has a problem. He is a biblical Christian, is pro-life and pro-marriage.

While the press admitted his experience and expertise, they claimed in one voice he was not "mainstream" because he is pro-life and pro-marriage.

Kitzhaber, by a relatively small margin, was handed an unprecedented 4th term in November.

While many Democrats mourn, the homosexual community rejoice.

Abigail Webb, a homosexual leader in the Northwest says, "We claim her. Kate is an out bisexual person. She's definitely been our advocate."

Kate Brown says, "Having LGBT people in office has a huge impact on state laws."

I will not be publishing the daily Blog Tuesday through Friday this week. A number of schools in East King County are out this week for winter break. Those who work with me in this ministry are taking a few days off to be with family. I will resume publication next Monday. Our daily radio program will be live each day this week.

Kithaber began facing allegations about his live-in girl friend, Cylvia Hayes, last year. They escalated as the November election approached. The press and his Democratic peers remained fully on board, advocating for his reelection.

Cylvia Hayes has been living with John Kitzhaber since he divorced his previous wife back in 2002 and the two moved in together.

After winning a third term as Governor and as Kitzhaber moved back into the state owned Governor's home, he announced girlfriend Hayes would be referred to as Oregon's First Lady. The press was compliant, always referring to her as the First Lady.

Leading up to this past election in November, more and more citizens began expressing outrage over the Governor's live-in girlfriend being called the state's First Lady. Kitzhaber then announced they were engaged---she was then his fiancee.

In the run up to the election, there were also revelations about Cyvila Hayes' past.

It was revealed that Hayes married a teenage illegal immigrant from Ethiopia named Abraham B. Abraham back in 1997. He was 18, she was 29.

She explained she entered into the sham wedding because she needed the money. She was paid $8,500 to marry him.

A few days later, another scandal came to light. This one involved property Hayes had purchased in the Colville area of Washington state with the intent to use the land for an illegal marijuana farm.

She blamed an abusive boyfriend for coming up with the pot growing plan.

Hayes escaped any legal accountability on the pot situation and moved to Oregon.

In 2002, she ran for the Oregon State House of Representatives as a Democrat, but listed herself as an Independent who was aligned with the far left, tree hugging Pacific Green Party, which demands, among other things, that all US military be brought directly under the UN peace keeping operations.

She lost her election, but met John Kitzhaber while running for office. Kitzhaber divorced his previous wife, moving in with Hayes.

With full support from the press and the left, Kitzhaber served his 3rd term with live-in Hayes by his side.

In October it was learned that Hayes was advising several state employees on energy policy while simultaneously receiving substantial payments from the Clean Economy Development Center---a direct and obvious conflict of interest.

It was also learned in October that Hayes was paid $118,000 to lobby for global warming regulations. And she had also received $40,000 from the San Francisco based Energy Foundation, which is connected to billionaire environmental extremist Tom Steyer.

Hayes has clearly been using her roll of First Lady and her access in the Governor's House to hold meetings and peddle green energy policies---for fees, which is now revealed she did not report as income.

A couple of weeks ago, the Oregonian, that had tirelessly worked to reelect Kitzhaber, began calling for his resignation.

Hours after Kitzhaber announced he will vacate the office of Governor this Wednesday, the Oregonian is now reporting, "A federal grand jury in Portland has launched a sweeping investigation of Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber and his fiancee Cylvia Hayes."

The Oregonian is reporting that the FBI is leading the investigation, calling it "massive."

At the same time, the Oregonian is reporting that Sec. of State Kate Brown, who will be sworn in as Governor on Wednesday, will be the first openly bi-sexual governor in the history of our country.

Brown, who has had relationships with lesbian lovers, now says she is married to a man, Dan Little.

She says when she came out as bi-sexual, her parents flew in from out of state to have "the talk" with her, telling her it would have been easier for them if she would have just been a lesbian.

She says her gay friends call her "half queer." She says, "Some days I feel like I have a foot in both worlds, yet never really belonging to either."

The paper says this will be a great opportunity to advance the homosexual agenda. Quoting Brown on her success in advancing the "agenda" in her political career thus far, they write, "I witnessed the difference it makes when our community not only has a seat at the table, but sits at the head of the leadership table. Because of my role as caucus leader to set the agenda, we were able to make civil rights and civil unions a priority."

Her reelection in 2012 was honored by the far left press as the top bi-sexual story of the year.

The Oregonian probably reflects their own opinion when they quote national homosexual leader Fred Sainz with Human Rights Campaign: "Few are better prepared for the assignment than Kate. While she'll make history as the nation's first sitting LGBT governor, the more important truth is that she's supremely capable of leading the state to better days ahead."

I wonder when openly homosexual Seattle Mayor Ed Murray will decide it's time for him to lead Washington State to "better days ahead?"

I'm reminded of Patrick Henry's words: "When a nation forgets God, tyrants forge their chains."

I hear the sound of the hammer on the steel. I feel the heat of the forge.

God help us.