Friday, June 12, 2015

The Bowing Down Of America

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The Jakarta Post begins with this: "The United States Embassy enjoyed its annual 4th of July celebration on Thursday, June the 4th..."

US Ambassador Robert O. Blake explained they rescheduled the 4th of July out "of respect" for Ramadhan and its prayers.

"The focus" of the 4th of July celebration, celebrated on the 4th of June, the Post says, was "on building and promoting a green economy and more environmentally sustainable development."

'Lighten up," some would say, but in the context of current leadership, this is troubling because it is at least a symptom if not a diagnosis.

To whom, and how low will America bow?

We all know that Jesus was not likely born on December 25th---but we show no lack of devotion when we celebrate His birth each December.

We also know that the Pilgrims and the Indians most likely did not roast a turkey on the 4th Thursday of November, but we show no lack of being thankful by celebrating Thanksgiving Day on the 4th Thursday of November.

The 4th of July. It's a bit different.

While some progressives argue the date, it is pretty well established on the record.

But there is a much greater issue.

It became public debate soon after President Obama took office. His world tour became known as "The Apology Tour" when pictures of his physically bowing down to leaders in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and elsewhere began circulating around the world, and his comments, in every case, included apologies for America's past.

A Time Magazine cover featured this: "O Bow Ma" in bold, with the sub title, "How low can you go?"

By May, 2011, the president's "bowing" to foreign powers had become so habitual that Bruce Thornton wrote in Front Page:

" In September 1938 English Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, explaining why he was flying to Germany a third time in order to make peace with Germany, recited the old nursery rhyme: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.” Cynical wags in the Foreign Office, who knew Chamberlain was in fact appeasing Hitler by surrendering Czechoslovakia to him, quickly began circulating another version of the saying: “If at first you don’t concede, fly, fly, fly again.”

Thornton said, "President Obama's new 'outreach' to the Muslim world reminds me of Chamberlain's serial efforts to appease a Germany bent on aggression and conquest."

By 2012, Keith Koffler had set up a 24/7 White House watch called White House Dossier, counting the "bows." It continues to this day.

Last month the Washington Post indicated how successful the "bowing down" approach has been, with this headline "Why Are Arab Leaders Bailing Out of Obama's Summit?" Their answer is the location Obama chose was the problem. They know better than that.

So do most Americans.

This is about more than the 4th day of July in Jakarta, Indonesia. This is about properly recognizing the sovereignty of our nation---not disrespecting others. It's about understanding why national sovereignty is so very important.

Heritage Foundation has published an excellent article on the subject of national sovereignty.

This is not about "bowing" per se, rather to whom we bow.

There is an excellent illustration of when to bow, and to whom to bow in the 3rd chapter of Daniel. A million sermons have been given on lessons from the furnace.

Our Founders refused to bow to the King of England, and told him why in our Declaration of Independence.

However, they knew full well that their future was staked to Almighty God, Creator and giver of all human rights. And His blessing.

In bowing before God and fighting the King, they created the most free and prosperous nation in the history of the world.

Their strategy was simple:

Bow before God. Stand strong before the enemy.

Be Blessed.