Monday, October 24, 2016

Trump At Gettysburg: "Change Has to Come From Outside..."

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Saturday afternoon, Trump told a large audience at Gettysburg, not far from where Lincoln delivered his famous address in 1863, "When I saw the trouble our country was in, I couldn't stand by and watch any longer."

"Change has to come from outside our very broken system," he said.

In addressing the "brokenness," he defined the path forward in specific steps, including fixing "rigged" elections.

Noting the outrage from the Progressive Left, you would think no one has ever before suggested they were rigged.

Although Obama has made the same claims, this concern goes back long before there was a Barack Obama or Donald Trump.

Trump said Saturday, "President Lincoln served at a time of division like we've never seen before. It is my hope that we can look back at his example to heal the divisions we are living through right now."

A look back reveals that even Lincoln's friends were trying to change his mind on his publicly stated positions.

Lincoln, unlike Hillary Clinton, did not have a "private position and a public position."

In his heart he believed slavery must be abolished at any cost. He believed it was morally wrong.

When his friends and business partners begged him not to give his "House Divided" speech, they promised him it would end his political career---"Be more nuanced," they said, "not so plain spoken."

By the time Lincoln delivered his "Gettysburg Address," the country remained divided---some had come to embrace his position on slavery, while some wanted to kill him---but America was moving in the right direction.

America would not be---could not be, the nation it is today had Lincoln had "a personal position and a public position," as Hillary has said is necessary in politics.

Among the specific steps Trump laid out Saturday were these---6 actions he will take his first 100 days in office:

The six measures include:

  • A constitutional amendment to impose term limits on Congress
  • A hiring freeze on federal employees in various areas of government
  • A requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated
  • A five-year ban on executive government workers becoming lobbyists after leaving public service
  • A ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government
  • A complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections

Those 6 steps will give most politicians, in either political party, heart burn, and strike fear in all double minded far Left progressives operatives---elected and otherwise.

Trump told his Gettysburg audience, "The system is also rigged because Hillary Clinton should have been precluded from running for the presidency of the United States, but the FBI and the Justice Department covered up her crimes."

While that strikes fear for the ruling elite in our country, it is a spark of hope for the rest of us.

And he addressed "voter fraud."

He noted the Pew Survey that reveals from government data that 24 million voter registrations in the United States are either invalid or significantly inaccurate.

He also noted there are 1.8 million dead people registered to vote, "and some of them are voting." He said that according to Pew, "2.8 million are registered in more than one state to vote and that 14% of non-citizens are registered to vote."

Reuters News Service reported that Trump isn't the only one who thinks this election is "rigged."

They are reporting "that an astonishing seven in ten [70%] Republicans believe that a Clinton victory would be the result of a rigged process." In fact, Reuters found that only about 50% of Republicans would accept Clinton as their president.

Reuters also noted that this message is resonating with more and more Americans.

It is, because most of us know its true.

Yesterday, Reince Priebus, RNC chairman, told CBS News "Face The Nation" that the media shouldn't be so floored by the GOP nominee's refusal to pledge to accept the outcome of the November 8 election.

Priebus said, "What he's saying is he wants to reserve all options and if there's grounds for a recount, I will exercise my options." He said the media is blowing Trump's comments all out of proportion.

He's right they are. The media has cast off all pretense of being "unbiased." While the media writhes and expresses outrage over how someone could actually suggest an election could "be rigged," they are either forgetting the past or simply ignoring it.

While President Obama said last week "no serious person" would believe the presidential election could be rigged, and went on to attack Trump at a joint press conference with the Italian Prime Minister Renzi by saying, "I've never seen in my life time or in modern times any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before the votes are even taken."

Speaking at Kent State University in Ohio, candidate Obama said elections in the past had been rigged, when answering a question from a supporter.

Supporter: "I would just like to know what you can say to reassure us that this election will not be rigged or stolen."
Obama (with the crowd cheering) explained that elections have been rigged in the past, then said this: "Well, I will tell you what it helps in Ohio, that we got Democrats in charge of the machines." The crowd cheered again.

Don't believe anyone who says challenging the results of an election would be "unprecedented." They are grossly uninformed or trying to mislead you.

Four presidents ---Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes and George W. Bush have challenged the outcome of an election and emerged from odd situations.

Most of us remember that the Supreme Court finally ruled in favor of George W. Bush, even though there are those in Florida and elsewhere who still to this day declare they were robbed by a rigged system.

But other examples are far more profound.

Newspaper barons Joseph Pulitzer and Henry Watterson, both Democrats, talked about leading 100,000 armed men into Washington if their nominee Samuel Tilden didn't win the presidency. They didn't act on their threats. Rutherford B. Hayes won. And the newspaper owners spent the next four years calling Hayes a "fraud."

Just 11 years after the end of the Civil War, some feared this dispute would push the country back into a kind of new civil war.

The 1800 Electoral College tie with Thomas Jefferson and his running mate Aaron Burr, a lame duck Federalist Congress considered installing Burr as president. Jefferson's supporters threatened armed rebellion. Burr went on to be disgraced on many fronts.

The issue of 1800 was fear that French Revolution-style ideology was spreading.

And remember when a sitting vice president would gun down a former treasury secretary?

1824 didn't come close to armed conflict, but John Quincy had what some called a "still born" presidency with claims that he had made a deal with Henry Clay.

In that election, Andrew Jackson won the a plurality but not a majority of both the popular and electoral votes, but lost the presidency.

Shortly after John F. Kennedy was inaugurated president, Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen---certain that fraud in his home state of Illinois cost Richard Nixon the election---called the FBI demanding they look into voter fraud. That back and forth continued for months.

To act shocked that anyone would question an American election is an admission that you are totally uninformed.

Or worse---not telling the truth.

Trump told the people in Gettysburg Saturday, "There's nothing stronger that the American character," asking voters to "rise above the noise" or what he is calling a rigged system and rigged media.

I would put it this way: Pray. Vote.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful.