Monday, February 09, 2009

Darwin and His Problem

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Thank you for the outstanding attendance at the Olympia hearings on gay rights, aka. gay marriage, last Thursday. We are carefully monitoring the bills and will alert you to the appropriate response as quickly as the Legislature begins to move. In the mean time, we are working to persuade undecided lawmakers to vote for traditional marriage and reject these, "Trojan horse" bills.

Darwin and His Problem

Your school children will hear a great deal about Darwin this week in public school. The secularists are preparing to further elevate him as they celebrate his 200th birthday this Thursday, February 12.

The Seattle PI has already carried a preparation article, extolling and pointing out the significance of his "theory" and how it made fundamentalist-type religious people furious, both then and now.

The PI story points out that Darwin's wife was deeply religious, and because of that he held back the release of his book, "The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection" until he and his wife could talk it through.

In the end she said, "Don't change any of your ideas for fear of hurting me."

He didn't.

This week there will be more than 300 celebrations in Britain alone, with month-long festivities in his home town of Shrewshury.

Public schools in America will also take advantage of the opportunity to elevate the man and his theory, which they have already elevated to the level of "science".

I'm writing this today to both alert and hopefully inform you and your school age child.

Bob Bloomfield, a director at London's Museum of Natural History, told Associated Press, "He [Darwin] knew he had to make an absolutely iron-cast case for his theory. He was one of the earliest true scientists where everything he was prepared to write about had to be based on evidence."

Therein is the heart of the big lie.

Darwin had a problem then and his problem is even more obvious and telling today.

Here's his problem. And it will be helpful for kids in public classroom to know this as well. Especially this week.

His problem is lack of Evidence. His entire premise is that he had evidence. In fact, he did not.

George Bernard Shaw was known to have said, a number of times, "No one in the biological sciences, medicine included, needs Darwinism at all. Darwinism is certainly needed, however, in order to pose as a philosopher, since it is primarily a worldview. And an awful one."

The evidence is overwhelming that Darwin never presented the evidence he claimed to support his theory.

The Darwin revolution was philosophical, not scientific.

For those intent on advancing a completely secular, often atheist worldview, Darwin was an answer to prayer---so to speak.

He remains a great opportunity to undermine biblical creation, while advancing what seems to be an elite, scientific "fact".

Atheists love it and the opportunity has not been lost on the public school system in America.

Darwin's followers, who create your child or grandchild's textbooks on the subject, claim they have "overwhelming evidence" supporting his theory, yet in the 150 years since his idea was published, no one---NO ONE, has ever observed the origin of a new species by natural selection---much less the origin of new organs and body plans.

There is a world class organization located in Seattle that has created, perhaps the largest body of evidence, exposing Darwinism for what it is. Before you go to the website of the Discovery Institute however, I would strongly recommend you read an article published last week in Forbes titled "The Problem Of Evidence." It is an excellent article that will give you and your child, depending on their age, some wonderful thoughts or talking points if needed.

The article is written by Jonathan Wells, who holds a doctorate in theology from Yale and a doctorate in biology from Berkeley. He is also an author and a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute.

There are several bullet points in the article that can be very helpful.

Darwinism is another example of philosophy driving science rather than allowing facts to lead toward the truth.

God bless you and your family.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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