Thursday, March 19, 2009

Obama Supports Elevating Homosexuality

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"Stand Up For Marriage Rally" today at the Capitol in Olympia. 12 noon to 1 PM.

Candidate Obama promised the homosexual lobby that if elected, he would work to completely repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

When asked earlier this week if the President would keep that promise, Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, assured the press he would. In fact, openly gay Rep. Tammy Baldwin D-Wis., plans to introduce a bill that will expand gay benefits and will likely be helpful to Obama as he starts his assault on marriage.

Yesterday we were told that President Obama and others in the United Nations have elevated homosexuality to a new level.

Austin Ruse, president of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute said Obama actually signed a press release that had been drafted previously by the French. The French had expected him to sign because they know he supports the homosexual agenda, and he did.

Ruse says the press release encourages, "The acceptance of gender identity and sexual orientation as a category---that will stand along side race, religion and other widely accepted categories of non-discrimination."

Ruse said for a brief moment last week at the UN, the Obama administration endorsed a document titled, "The International Guidelines On HIV/AIDS" which calls for criminal penalties for those who criticize homosexuality.

We are grateful for the last minute push back by the Obama team, but is this the future?

Stand strong. Be vigilant.

God bless you.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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