Friday, March 13, 2009

Troubling Times

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Plan to attend the "Stand Up For Marriage Rally" next Thursday, March 19, on the Capitol steps in Olympia. A reporter from KING 5 told me yesterday afternoon that the gay activists had around 250 to 300 at their rally yesterday.

I, along with others, will be speaking and we will be announcing our next step in defending marriage.

I have heard of three churches that are bringing a bus load of people. I'm sure there will be more. Perhaps you could organize a group from your church this Sunday.

Be sure to encourage your friends and family to attend.

Troubling Times

These are troubling times. There are those who seek to re-engineer family and redefine marriage. They have undermined the sanctity of life, called tolerance the new truth, revised history to support their ideologies and are moving our country toward a socialist, secular society with relativism as the moral compass.

At a time when leadership is needed, the political party that has best represented the deeply held views and beliefs of people of faith and conservatives, can't seem to walk, much less lead.

They seem to have lost their way and are trying to move away from the biggest and most loyal block of voters in the country.

Last fall, after the election Washington State Secretary of State Sam Reed wrote a column or op- ed piece for one of the Seattle papers suggesting that perhaps the Republican Party should move away from the social issues, indicating that it may well be the reason they are losing. He used himself as an example of how to win.

Now Republican National Committee Chairman, Michael Steele, has again, stumbled awkwardly regarding one of the deepest held beliefs among people of faith.

Life. Abortion.

The Washington Post says, "Less than 24 hours after beating back rumors of a no confidence vote in his leadership, Republican National Committee Chairman, Michael Steele is on the defense again over an interview he gave with GQ's [magazine] Lisa Depaulo."
The above link will take you to a portion of the interview.

In it, Steele says of abortion, "The choice cuts both ways. You can choose life or you can choose abortion. You know my mother chose life. So, you know, I think the power of the argument of choice boils down to stating a case for one or the other."

The interviewer says, "Are you saying a woman has a right to choose?"

Steele says, "Yeah, I mean, again, I think that's an individual choice."

Interviewer. "You do?"

Steele. "Yeah, absolutely."

The interviewer is shocked and so are many in the pro-life community.

Steele has now put out an "explanation," much as he did following his unwise and unnecessary comments about Rush Limbaugh.

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, immediately responded saying, "I expressed my concerns to the chairman earlier this week about previous statements that were very similar in nature. He assured me as chairman, his views did not matter and that he would be upholding the platform of the Party, which is very clear on these issues."

Perkins said it is very difficult to reconcile the GQ interview with the chairman's pledge."

Indeed it is.

I personally have wanted Steele to succeed for a couple of reasons.

However, the idea that Sam Reed has put forward and now Steele seems to be struggling with, is very troubling to many.

Mike Huckabee said yesterday afternoon, "Since 1980, our Party has been steadfast and principled in believing in the dignity and worth of every human life."

And therein is the problem.

People of faith have overwhelmingly supported the Republican Party, because that party has reflected their values and beliefs. Their support is based on principles---not politics.

If the Republican Party abandons those principles that represent the core beliefs of people of faith in favor of the mirage of being "moderate," essentially standing for nothing so they can win---they won't win.

Noah Webster once said, "In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide."

When leaders abandon the principles, those who hold those principles deeply, will abandon the leaders.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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