Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lutheran Mega-Church Cuts Ties With ELCA

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The Christian Post is reporting that Community of Joy Church in Glendale, Arizona, voted unanimously Sunday to cut its ties with the ELCA.

The Glendale church was the 10th largest ELCA congregation in America with 6,800 baptized members.

Pastor Walter Kallestad said in his public remarks, "There is such a different direction that the ELCA has chosen, a path they're traveling on, and we really believe that it just was not consistent to where God has called us."

"And so," the pastor said, "we're parting."

The church website cites three documents to help make clear the reasons for their action.

One document is on ELCA's policy toward Israel, which the church says they cannot support. The ELCA is not supportive of Israel and the church is very supportive of Israel.

A second document has to do with Holy Scripture, which the ELCA claims in its social statement on homosexuality, "cannot be used in isolation as a norm for Christian life and the source of knowledge for the exercise of moral judgement."

The Glendale church points out that ELCA's website states that the writers of the Bible, "sometimes provide differing and even contradictory views on God's word, ways and will."

They also point out a number of argumentative comments in the Lutheran Study Bible, including misleading translations and its silence on Apostle Paul's comment on homosexuality as sin.

The third document noted addresses activities taken by ELCA promoting homosexual clergy.

The issue of homosexuality and homosexual "marriage" is a defining issue. It transcends political alliances, denominational affiliations and local church membership. A realignment has already begun in the Christian church, in politics and in the culture.

At the heart of the matter, is what one believes about the Bible and its authority.

Be prayerful. Be Wise. Be vigilant.

God bless you.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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