The "Virginia" signs coincide with the Freedom From Religion Foundation's national convention being held in Seattle this weekend.
Obviously their signs are a play off the now famous answer to a question posed by an 8-year-old to the old New York Sun newspaper which said, "Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says 'if you see it in the Sun, it's so.' Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus?"
The Sun's editorial response became historic: "Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus."
Dan Barker, yes, that Dan Barker, founder of the Wisconsin based Freedom From Religion Foundation and the person who placed the atheist placard beside the Nativity in the Capitol in Olympia last Christmas, says fellow atheists and so-called "free thinkers" celebrate the winter solstice and see Christianity as an intruder, trying to steal the national holiday from "all of us humans."
Some thoughts on the Christian heist being perpetrated on "all us humans" and a glance at freedom of speech. Is speech more free for some than others?
When anti-God billboards started appearing in the Seattle area a year or so ago, the Seattle Times called me and asked if I had seen them, and if so what I thought about them.
I had seen them. I don't like them. I like pro-God signs.
However, America, in her greatness, protects freedom of speech or freedom of expression. Our Founders recognized that freedom and certain rights come from God, not government. Men and women have given their lives to defend those freedoms.
These freedoms, given by God, extend to those who believe in Him and those who do not. Therein is the greatness of this country.
Go to a Muslim country, paste a sign on a bus---any bus, that says, "Yes Virginia There Is No Allah," and you will not have to be troubled about any intrusion from Christians celebrating Christmas. Or stealing "solstice".
America's greatness lies in the understanding penned by our Founders in both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. "We hold these truths to be self-evident," they wrote, "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights"---among those rights, articulated in the Constitution and it's First Amendment is that, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of; or abridging the freedom of speech..."
Those who practice the tenants of atheism claim it is not a religion, however, it certainly functions like one.
Our judicial system is extra ordinarily careful not to allow "inappropriate" free expression of the Christian beliefs.
Just last year, the South Carolina state legislature approved a bill to establish a Christian-themed license plate depicting a cross in front of a stained glass window and bearing the words, "I Believe".
There was an outcry from atheist groups, it went to court and the "I Believe" plate was declared in violation of the First Amendment.
The freedom to pay extra for a plate that says "I Believe" violates the First Amendment.
The freedom to pay for a sign to be placed on a government owned bus that says there is no God, or, "I Don't Believe" is protected under the First Amendment.
For those who live in the Seattle area and see the buses bearing the message, remember: While not believing in the God who granted them the right to express themselves, they are practicing His provision, protected by a government based on Christian principles.
In their non-belief and "free thinking," they may be closer to Him than they realize. If not, why are they protesting so much?
When you see the signs, smile and pray for them.
Final suggestion: Don't steal solstice. Express yourself. God reigns. Merry Christmas.
Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom
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