Monday, December 14, 2009

Hanukkah, Morality and The People's Response

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Last week Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. was asked by CNSNEWS, "Is it morally right to use tax dollars from pro-life Americans to cover insurance plans that cover abortion?"

Her answer? "Is it morally correct? Yes, I believe it is. Abortion is legal and there are certain very tragic circumstances that a woman finds herself in."

Asked the second time, Feinstein said, "Please, we pay for a lot of things we may or may not agree with..."

Translation: If it's legal it's moral.

Senator Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., agreed and said it would be "morally wrong" for members of Congress to vote against the health care bill.

So, who defines morality?

If the US Congress passes a law, does that affirm it to be moral, even if it is in indirect conflict with the basis on which our legal system was developed and our Constitution framed?

All law is based on something. If not the Judeo-Christian principles which our Founders held, what then?

All law is based on either man's ideas or God's principles.

While English law was a combination of Roman-biblical law, with a bit of Enlightenment influence, the colonies choose what they felt to be a better way. Colonial law was far more biblical than that of England and was conceived with the desire for self-rule based on humanity's moral responsibility to God. The Founders believed that God was the ultimate source of law. Walk around Washington DC and read the inscriptions on and in the buildings.

They believed man's law must have it's origin in God's revelation. They believed any law that contradicts biblical revelation is illegitimate. It was from this that they declared their independence. They believed that it is the creator that endows man with rights, which human laws must be framed to protect.

They believed there is a law, a system of absolutes, derived from biblical principles, that transcends man and his institutions.

We have wondered far from our Founder's beliefs, with some members of Congress now suggesting that if they pass a law, the effect of the law is moral---because they passed it. To oppose it is "immoral", even if it requires people to pay taxes to kill unborn children.

During these days of Hanukkah, I'm reminded that ancient Israel once faced a similar circumstance.

In about 167 BC, Antiochus IV Epiphanes decided to forbid the observances of the Jewish faith and commands in the land of Israel.

The Greco-Syrians occupied their land and had been systematically attempting to Hellenize the culture and force pagan practices and beliefs on the Jews and their children. Massive cultural assimilation was under way using fear, intimidation, reeducation and the redefinition of basic social constructs.

Laws were changed with out regard, to support the new morality.

The Jewish Temple was mocked and desecrated.

With a small army, led by a motivated Judah Maccabee, the large army of the Greco-Syrians was defeated. By 165 BC, the Maccabees were triumphant. On the 25th of the Hebrew month Kislev, the Maccabees reclaimed their holy temple and decided to "re-dedicate" it. Hanukkah means "re-dedicate".

Judaism had defeated the hedonistic Hellenists and restored the nation to one that properly accepted God's authority.

Lights were lighted and are said to have burned long past the supply of oil for the lamps. Eight days. A miracle.

Some have likened the current "tea party movement" to that of the Maccabees. Most Americans---Jew and gentile, find great inspiration in the account of Hanukkah.

In America, our cultural battle is not unlike that of the ancient Maccabees, except ours is fought through the legal and political systems of our country.

Some may ask, "Who will be our American Judah Maccabee?" Certainly our country needs leadership. Fortunately we have the opportunity to choose at the ballot box.

Perhaps it is not a Judah Maccabee that is needed so much as people from every walk of life to feel the call---sound a clear message and begin to take back the country. In America, under our systems, perhaps "re-dedication" will precede the battle. Re-dedication will lead to the restoration of those Judeo-Christian values upon which this country was founded and has thrived.

James Russell Lowell was once asked by the French historian Francois Guizot, "How long will the American republic endure?"

Lowell's response? "As long as the ideas of the men who founded it remain dominate."

The work and ministry of Faith and Freedom is to inform and inspire people to have the will and courage to stand against those forces that destroy lives and nations and to stand for those Godly principles upon which great lives and nations are built.

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God bless you.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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