Wednesday, January 20, 2010

ABC Exposes Secret Bible Codes On US Military Weapons

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Thousands March For Life At The Capitol In Olympia. Thanks to all who joined us yesterday in this significant statement about the value and sanctity of life. More to come on this over the next few days.

Brown Wins Obama Loses

In an epic upset in Massachusetts last night, Republican Scott Brown upset the Democrat for a Senate seat formerly held by both Ted and John F. Kennedy and once, long ago, by John Quincy Adams.

The upset has left Obama's health care plan in doubt, if not in peril, and marred his first year in office.

For the moment, forget party affiliation. People are angry and this election was more about Obama and the direction he is taking the country, than any party affiliation. In 10 months, the President has made significant progress in "re-making" our country. The problem? A growing number of people apparently do not want the country "re-made".

Socialized health care is the banner for his bolt toward a European style socialized democracy. He is quickly dismantling the Republic. And people are revolting at the ballot box.

So much so that the Seattle PI, just minutes after Brown was declared the winner, was wondering, out loud, if all this should be a concern for Patty Murray, who is running for re-election this year.

It should.

The PI gave 3 reasons why she should not worry:

*Murray isn't Martha Coakley.

*The GOP is weak in Washington State.

*Ten months is a long time in politics.

The PI gave 3 reasons why she should be worried:

*An anti-incumbent tide can sweep a lot of people out of office.

*Brown's victory could spur a formidable GOP candidate to challenge Murray.

*Fourth terms are hard to come by.

There are already a number of good and qualified candidates declared for a number of seats in both the Washington State Legislature and US Congress. We will be highlighting these candidates and directly working to help some of them get elected over the coming months.

I believe historic times lie ahead.

Mimi from Massachusetts summed it up very well last night when she posted the following on our website: "God has just answered the people's prayers in Massachusetts. Do not grow weary in the struggle."


ABC Exposes Secret Bible Codes on US Military Weapons

ABC NEWS reported yesterday that there are "secret Bible codes" on US military weapons. In their report, ABC shows examples of Bible verse references stamped on the sides of rifles and say sometimes soldiers refer to the rifles as "Jesus rifles". One of their examples has Jn. 8:12 stamped on it. John 8:12 says, as you probably know, "Then Jesus spoke again to them, saying, "I am the light of the world; he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

Outrage. "It's wrong".

Here are the details and the video report.

There are those who feel this is wrong. They feel the inscriptions are pitting Christianity against Islam.

They feel the Scriptural references are offensive to soldiers of other faiths and to those of no faith.

ABC points out that President Obama promised the Islamic world, during his speech in Turkey last year, that America, "is not and will not ever be at war with Islam."

Does this suggest that?

Michael Weinstein, who runs the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, is upset and demanding the inscriptions be removed and the practice terminated. He says it is "wrong and an outrage." He said soldiers who disagree with the practice have told him it is a, "sick and scary joke."

I think you will be hearing more about this over the coming weeks.

How do you feel about this?

Keep in mind the deep Christian heritage of America. Scripture verses are itched in the concrete of every building and monument on the Capitol Campus in Washington DC.

Someone has written, "From cornerstones to capstones, from cornices to colonnades, from halls of Congress to the hallowed hillsides of Arlington Cemetery, a mighty causeway of faith courses through the landscape of the nation's capitol."

Indeed it does. America's heritage can be denied, but cannot be escaped. It was a deep faith in God and a profound sense of patriotism that caused the founder of the company who makes these weapons, to begin including these inscriptions. He passed away a few years ago and the practice has continued in his company.

Patrick Henry, one of America's most prolific patriots said, "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity and freedom of worship here."

Given our heritage and the fact that a large majority of Americans profess to be Christian, and those Christian principles have provided the freedoms bestowed by God, that we enjoy and protect today, is it wrong to have such references inscribed on military hardware?

What do you think? Please view the video report from ABC and post your thoughts in the comments linked below.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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