Friday, January 15, 2010

AG Rob McKenna Says Supreme Court May Take R-71 Case Today

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The United States Supreme Court is scheduled to decide today if they will hear our case regarding the names of those who signed R-71.

Those seeking to release the names say it is about "open government".

We say it is about the effect of threats and harassment on free speech.

State Attorney General Rob McKenna, who along with Secretary of State Sam Reed, seeks to release the names, is quoted by the Seattle PI as saying he believes the high court could make R-71 one of the few appeals they'll consider this year.

Here's why he believes that.

McKenna says, "The reason that the Supreme Court might take it is that they have a penchant for First Amendment cases, especially when they involve novel questions, so they might take it, we'll see."

Our lawyer, James Bopp, Jr., says people have a right to participate in the political system without the government compelling them to identify themselves.

This case has been followed closely by legal scholars since it was filed. If heard, the outcome would have national implication.

Also, today, State Representative Mike Armstrong's HB 2612, that would exempt signature petitions for referenda and initiatives from public inspection and copying, will hold a hearing.

The hearing is at 1:30 PM, in room D in the O'Brien building on the Capitol campus in Olympia.

Be vigilant. Be discerning. Be active. Be prayerful.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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