Monday, January 18, 2010

MLK, CWA, and a Clinical Psychologist Responds to Gary's Blog

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Today we celebrate the birthday of Rev. Martin Luther King, JR. Volumes have been written about his life and his times. I have chosen two sources to which I would like to direct our readers today. These two information sources provide an excellent snapshot of his life and times and the lasting effect of both.

First, I have linked a video of the March on Washington and the, "I Have A Dream" speech.

Secondly, a link to a web site that was first created by the Seattle Times in 1996. It contains the story of this remarkable man.

And finally, King was a very quotable man. One of his comments that I personally quote often:

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter."

Tomorrow, Concerned Women for America of Washington are co- sponsoring a March for Life event in Olympia at 12:00 noon. Faith and Freedom fully supports this event and would encourage anyone who is able to attend to do so. I have provided a link to specific information or contact State Director, Maureen Richardson, at 425-869-1923.

As announced, from time to time, we will be sharing comments sent in from our readers. Recently a Clinical Psychologist responded to one of our blogs. His email begins, "I was struck by your title, "Don't Think, Don't Believe, Don't Comment", as well as your commentary.

TO: Gary Randall

I was struck by your title, "Don't Think, Don't Believe, Don't Comment," as well as your commentary. I am a now retired Clinical Psychologist with 38 years of clinical practice. Your title immediately brought a subject to my mind that I have spoken about with many people over the years. Your title almost exactly summarizes the "family rules" in a dysfunctional family.

"Dysfunction family" is an overused term that has almost become meaningless due to its overuse/application. However, in clinical practice one gets to see a lot of it. Dysfunctional families differ in many ways from each other but they all have the following "family rules". Family rules may be defined as codes for behavior never mentioned or talked about openly but everyone in the family knows intuitively what they are and usually follows them).

A quick summary of these rules is as follows: "Don't think, don't feel. don't be honest, never question the rules or the leadership (i.e. parents)" and finally "none of these rules may change!" It is indeed frightening to see that in our country many folks are following these dysfunctional rules. These don't work well in a family nor a nation. Dysfunctional rules must be challenged and at times purposefully broken in order for therapeutic change to occur.

Best regards and blessings,

Frank C. Hamilton, Ph.D.


Thank you for your support of this ministry.

God bless you.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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