Thursday, March 11, 2010

Census 2010: Big Money, Homosexual "Marriage" & Mary and Joseph

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The 2010 Census forms will soon be arriving in homes across the country and the 2010 Census Extravaganza has something for everyone---well, almost everyone. The tax payers get hosed while the Census family of participants party.

The $15 billion budget is three times that of the last Census. And that includes the $3 million Super Bowl ad.

It also includes $200 million for a Chicago-New York based PR firm to oversee the direct marketing efforts, $15 million for the road trip with 13 buses and cargo vans with trailers, traveling to Vegas, the Super Bowl, New Orleans and other exiting events and places. The road trip is creating 223 metric tons of carbon emissions.

The Census Bureau has spent money for 115 focus groups in 37 markets and several billion dollars enlisting 56 million school kids to pester their parents about the Census and create math and social studies lessons that promote the Census.

They have spent $80 million for multi-lingual ads promoting the Census in 28 languages. And a video they produced is teaching a Latin person how to write in his country of origin on the form. Ironically, they have the writing hand misspelling the name of the country.

Mary and Joseph are used for PR purposes and a radical policy shift away from a Bush policy will be used to advance the homosexual agenda of "marriage".

Michelle Malkin has called it, "The Supersized Census Boondoggle."

She says history shows that the more the Census spends on advertising, the lower the response rate is.

Malkin wishes the federal government were as responsible with our money as Pepsi is with theirs. They have been advertising in the Super Bowl for more than two decades, but decided in the present economy it was unwise to spend the $3 million for 30 seconds this year.

She concludes, "The US Census is a decennial census mandated by our Constitution. Should Americans know about it? Sure. Should the p.r. budget become a bottomless slush fund in recessionary times? Surely not."

I recommend you read her column.

This Census Extravaganza reaches beyond the mere waste of billions of dollars. It also has a social and cultural component.

I know you're concerned about the 223 metric tons of emissions from the road trip. Not to worry. Carbonfund.org has partnered with our government and will offset all the carbon from the vehicle emissions. It didn't happen---there is no carbon. All is well.

Literature is being distributed to the Latin community urging people to participate because, "Joseph and Mary participated in the Census."

One can only imagine what else is being said in the various ethnic communities.

On the Census Bureau's own web site a video which gives directions for filling out the form, shows a hand printing the name of a person's Latin country of origin. The hand is printing--C O L U M B I A, however the country is spelled C O L O M B I A.

I know, some are thinking we also have errors on this site from time to time. Keep in mind we don't have a $15 billion budget. The error video was still up this morning, however, it has now been removed.

Some months ago The Washington Post reported a planned shift in policy for the 2010 Census regarding homosexual couples.

The Census is reversing a Bush policy that prohibited the release of gay "marriage" data because DOMA prohibits recognition of marriage as anything other than one-man and one-woman.

While the law has not changed, the beliefs in the White House certainly have.

This administration says, "No," DOMA does not prohibit Census Bureau from releasing data about homosexual "marriage".

This policy shift is considered a victory for homosexual activists.

The New Jersey press says the policy shift could radically reshape demographic profiles of the gay community, because this year the Census will let same-sex couples label themselves as husband or wife even if their relationship is not recognized by law.

The Census is leaving it to responders to characterize their own relationships, regardless of legal status.

Gary Gates, a demographer with the University of California in LA says, "The truth is that the number of kinds of legally married couples in this country is a very complicated situation."

Actually, it is not complicated at all. Under federal law, only one man and one woman are legally married. This is a federal Census.

Gates also correctly says, "Politicians use the Census as a yardstick for a community's power. That in turn affects the enactment of public policies."

Will homosexual numbers be inflated by this, "you decide what you are" policy? Probably.

This "policy shift" is another attempt to confuse the discussion about marriage by creating a problem of sorts, then providing a solution that advances the homosexual agenda of redefining marriage.

It is one of those special "incremental" moments of advancing the re-engineering of marriage that Washington State Senator Ed Murray lives for.

The upcoming 2010 election and the 2012 presidential election is a pivotal time in our country and our culture.

This is not a time for ideas soaked in theory.

It is a time for action. I understand action has risk and it costs in a number of ways. Believe me, I understand that.

However, we are in a time when there is no real alternative for those who truly believe in Judeo- Christian principles and believe that this country can continue to thrive, be free and be blessed only, as it embraces godly principles.

It is a time for action. Thank you for standing with us.

God bless you.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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