Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day of Silence: A Parent Questions School District

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Most public school districts across the nation are once again "not sponsoring" the annual "Day of Silence," while they support it with radical departures from the normal daily course of teaching, including not talking out loud, all to promote the homosexual agenda in the classroom.

This year it is planned for this Friday, April 16th.

Fortunately there is a national Christian response also planned called "Day of Truth" for Thursday, April 15th. You may go to this link for more information on "Day of Truth".

Parents should give serious thought as to how they and their child will respond to this day of indoctrination and even intimidation in some cases.

One of our readers, a concerned parent, contacted their local school district with some questions. Both the answers and the spirit of the answers from the school district is revealing.

Here is the email conversation between a concerned citizen and the public school district.

Parent's email to the school:

Re: Homosexual "Day of Silence"

Attn: Patti Banks
Principal Jensen-Drum
Mrs. Gavin-Drum
Mrs. Perkins-Drum
Principal Goodpaster-Evergreen
Mrs. Case-Evergreen

As you know, on or about April 16, many school officials across the
country will allow a social and political action in the classroom to take
place. It is known as the homosexual "Day of Silence." Sponsored by
GLSEN, thousands of ill-informed students will be permitted to remain
silent throughout the entire day-even during instructional time-to
promote GLSEN's socio-political goals and its controversial, unproven and
destructive theories on the nature and morality of homosexuality.

School administrators err when they allow the classroom to be
disrupted and politicized or allow teachers to create lesson plans to
accommodate student silence. No school should support a view of
homosexuality that is physically, emotionally and spiritually destructive
to individuals and society.

Disapproval of homosexuality is not "hatred;" nor is it "bullying;"
nor does it constitute an "incitement to violence." It is permissible and
ethical to express disapproval of harmful and dangerous homosexual
behavior. Therefore, if the UPSD is going to allow GLSEN or students to
promote the homosexual "Day of Silence," as a parent that actively
opposes the hijacking of the classroom for political purposes, I will
keep my daughters home from school this day.

Please inform me and all parents in the UPSD if school officials will be
permitting GLSEN or students to promote and participate in the
controversial homosexual "Day of Silence." In addition, if allowances are
made for the contentious homosexual "Day of Silence," what promotions and
allowances are being made for the "Day of Truth" that allows students,
school officials, teachers, parents and special guest speakers to speak
openly about the truth and consequences of homosexual behavior?


Then, the school's response:

I understand that you continue to oppose the 'Day of
Silence' observed by students in many school districts
nationally/regionally on April 16. As I have indicated in past years,
however, while the district would not initiate or sponsor this activity,
neither would we oppose student-initiated activities of this kind.
Students have the right--within certain parameters--to engage in
activities associated with freedom of speech. If our students were to
organize and/or choose to participate in this activity, we would impose
the following requirements:

1. Students who choose to participate may do so, but they may not in any
way coerce or pressure other students to participate.

2. Staff will respect any student's decision to observe and be silent
during this day; however, students will comply with any direction from a
staff member--including a direction to answer questions, etc.,--when that
direction is necessary for the safety of the student or other students.

3. Students will be expected to attend class, be on time, and otherwise
comply with normal school procedures.

4. Students who choose to participate in Day of Silence activities will
do so in a manner that does not disrupt the learning environment;
actually, it is difficult to imagine how student silence for a day would
be disruptive.

Thanks for your e-mail, and your interest in UPSD. patti.

Then, the parent's response to the school's response/non-response:

Hello Ms. Banks and thank you for your quick response.

You only answered one of the questions that I asked however.

Does your policy, "Students have the right-within certain parameters-to engage in activities associated with freedom of speech," equally apply to the nationally recognized "DAY OF TRUTH," which is observed by students in many school districts nationally/regionally, in most cases the day after the controversial "Day of Silence?"

If so, has the UPSD made it clear to school officials, teachers and students that they may also observe the nationally recognized "DAY OF TRUTH" and practice their free speech rights-speaking openly about the truth and consequences of homosexuality without fear, harassment, threat or punishment?

Actually, you may want to investigate past observances of the "Day of Silence" as they have been extremely disruptive and threatening in numerous school districts across the country.


Schools response to the non-response question?
So far, silence.

And that is the way freedom of speech works in the classroom. Particularly when it involves the homosexual agenda.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Active. Be Blessed.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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