Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A NASA /JPL Employee Demoted Over Intelligent Design

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NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is being sued by an employee who was demoted for sharing his beliefs about intelligent design.

ABC and other news organizations began reporting yesterday simply that David Coppedge, an information technical specialist at JPL, is suing for discrimination after he was demoted for sharing his views on the origins of the universe.

Coppedge has been working on the Cassini space mission project since 1997, which is exploring Saturn. He is a Christian who has a different view of the origin of the universe.

The secularist would say, "There must be more to the story."

Indeed there is.

In 2000, Coppedge earned recognition for excellence, receiving the important role of "Team Lead SA" (system administrator), a role he held until his demotion.

He has been a highly respected employee, actually leading tours of JPL and sharing JPL's findings with civic groups and schools.

Here's what really happened.

In conversation he asked colleagues if they'd be interested in watching a documentary that dealt with evolution and intelligent design.

The two videos he distributed for after hours viewing contain no religious arguments or references. The videos were, "Unlocking The Mystery of Life," which makes the case for intelligent design based upon information coded in DNA, and "The Privileged Planet," which presents the case from current cosmology that the universe was "fined tuned" for life to emerge and to allow exploration of the cosmos.

Ironically, the Discovery Institute's video features scientists associated with JPL.

Robert Crowther, with Discovery Institute, raises some challenging thoughts about the matter in his column, "How NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory Punished David Coppedge For His Views On Intelligent Design."

Coppedge's work for the space agency has been highly respected and honored, he was, however, demoted for his thoughts, not his work. He challenged the ruling authority of Darwinian evolution.

Analyze that.

Crowther says JPL refuses to disclose any specifics about the "other" employees who were supposedly upset over the matter. In fact he says JPL has been so evasive in dealing with the issue, "JPL's effort to cloak it's investigation in secrecy raises the possibility that investigators may have twisted the comments of those they interviewed to justify the investigation's predetermined conclusion."

I strongly recommend you read Crowther's article.

It should be concerning to all---regardless of one's belief, that we are seeking to normalize punishing someone for what they think, rather than what they do.

Be Vigilant. Be Bold. Be Prayerful.

God bless you. Thank you for standing with us.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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