Friday, April 09, 2010

Send Yellow Roses to Netanyyahu in Jerusalem

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President Obama has been more than a little hard on Israel, including stiffing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House by lecturing him on why he should not build houses on his own land for his own people, then walking out of the meeting telling him to reconsider.

Janet Porter, president and founder of Faith2Action is more than a little upset with the way Israel is being treated by the Obama Administration. Israel is one of America's most loyal and trusted allies. And there are spiritual reasons to bless Israel, clearly set forth in biblical teaching.

Here's what Janet Porter has decided to do, what it costs and what has happened so far.

"It occurred to me," Porter says, "that the symbol of friendship is a yellow rose, so I said, let's see about sending him a dozen roses."

She says she called a florist in Jerusalem and they were actually able to deliver these dozen roses for a symbolic price of $19.48---the year Israel became an independent nation again.

Since going public with her idea, more than 13,000 roses have been delivered to Jerusalem with messages of encouragement for the prime minister.

This is something you might consider. You can find assistance on the Faith 2 Action linked above.

When you bless Israel, you bless the Lord.

God bless you. Have a great weekend.

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

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