Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"Gay on The Hill" Homosexuals Re-Launch Efforts

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Politico reports that the "Gay and Lesbian Staff Association" that spent their early years trying to protect the names of its members who were "closeted congressional staffers," has now taken a sharp turn, encouraging its members to be more public, more vocal and more involved in moving pro-homosexual legislation forward.

Think about that for a moment. These people are not elected officials, but are employees hired to assist those whom we have elected to represent us in the US Congress. And they---staff, are re-launching their efforts to affect legislation---to influence policy.

That is very troubling.

Nancy Pelosi has promised to get the effort to repeal the military policy of "don't ask , don't tell" and the Employee Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) to the floor before the end of this session.

Scott Simpson, the "Gay and Lesbian Staff Association" president and deputy press secretary for Rep. Marcia Fudge D-Ohio said, "I want to make sure folks know we exist. Being gay on the Hill today is less about survival and more about establishment. We're working on taking it to the next level."

Indeed they are. And the next level is to impact policy.

The White House fully supports a proposal to step up the repeal of the "don't ask , don't tell" policy. Homosexual rights activists in Congress, with all gay staff members hands on deck, are demanding a "quick" vote---even before the military impact assessment is in. They want it as early as this week.

President Obama has been assuring homosexual activists he is on their side on their issues, but has angered them because he has not done enough quickly enough during his first year in office. I suspect the President has been wanting to go slow on these issues so as not to force a vote before the upcoming elections, but they want none of it.

The President, running short on friends according to polls, seems to be responding to the homosexual demands and preparing to let these issues move forward. Thus the "re-launch" of the homosexual staffers organization.

You will recall the homosexuals were irate that President Obama invited Pastor Rick Warren to participate with prayer in his inauguration. Obama's response? He had openly gay Episcopal Bishop V. Gene Robinson participate at another event.

The President is saying move slowly---the homosexual activists are demanding he move quickly.

We will never know the full impact of activist staffers on their bosses, but anyone who has ever worked in an office knows that leaders rely, often substantially, on their staff to help them in carrying out their work load.

However, we will soon know whether the White House is setting the schedule or homosexual activists.

One thing is clear and certain. Our President says he believes in traditional, natural marriage, while both he and his wife promise to move the re engineering of family and the redefinition of marriage forward at any cost.

Thank God Republicans have promised to stand united against ENDA and other homosexual attempts to remake the culture.

Be Informed. Be Prayerful. Be Discerning. Be Active. Be Blessed.

Thanks for your support.

Gary Randall
Faith and Freedom

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